Rick Wiles: Trump is Decriminalizing Homosexuality Because He’s “Owned” by Jews

Did you know that Donald Trump wants to decriminalize homosexuality because he’s apparently “owned by the Jews”? Me neither. But that’s the theory being spun by Christian TV host Rick Wiles on his “TruNews” show Tuesday night.
Wiles was responding to the news that the Trump administration was moving to decriminalize homosexuality around the world. (Trump himself was unaware of this , and the move has been widely seen as a way to hurt Iran rather than support LGBTQ rights.)
Warning Trump that “God cannot bless your administration” because it is “promoting something that God says is an abomination,” Wiles, who is deeply anti-Semitic and dedicates many of his programs to railing against Israel and the Jews, predicted that Trump’s evangelical advisers would hold their tongues on this issue because Israel is their top priority.
“The real reason they won’t say anything is because the real agenda is Israel,” he said. “They’re not going to jeopardize their standing with the White House to get things done for Israel. That’s the real reason.”
Wiles went on to declare that “the Jews” are ultimately behind this push and the Trump administration is simply doing what it is told because the Jews “control Washington” and have “control of the Trump administration.”
“Donald Trump is owned by the Jews,” he said. “That’s the truth.”
I guess Wiles has no idea that the majority of American Jews are liberal Democrats. They don’t “own” Trump; they’re repulsed by him.
It’s telling that Wiles’ God would have a bigger problem with the supposed advocacy of LGBTQ rights than, say, Russian collusion. But, hey, the Jews have long been a very convenient — if not completely unoriginal — scapegoat.
This isn’t the first time Wiles has made outrageous and baseless claims. Just in the past year, he’s said that Satan is the father of all non-Christians, an ice age that wipes out humanity would be good since abortions would end , that Democrats would “ exterminate all opposition ,” and a “ Brown invasion ” was erasing White America. He’s also said that liberals will go on a murderous rampage by burning down churches if they won the midterms (we won but that didn’t happen), Queen Elizabeth was a satanic lizard (yes, really), and that Satan is using Pokémon to murder Christians (again, hasn’t happened). Noticing a trend?
That should tell you just how seriously to take Wiles’ claims.
In case you needed a reminder of how completely fucked up and hopelessly torn the evangelical movement is.
This guy has nothing to do with Evangelicalism or Christian beliefs.
Lol. Tell him that. Your comment is just another ridiculous extension of the no real Scotsman defense. If Christianity were defined solely by the number of people who you consider “real” Christians, it would be a movement smaller than Satanism.
No it isn’t. He doesn’t represent or share the values taught by Jesus or the Apostles, not my definition. He doesn’t meet the biblical definition
Do you understand how tiny the Christian demographic would be if they were defined in your terms? I think that eludes you.
Neither does evangelicalism or christian beliefs.
No it doesn’t. Jesus declared that “few are those who enter in”
Jesus said that “there are few who enter in”
I don’t read fairy tales. Try using your own words instead of plagiarising the words of irrelevant ancient goat herders.
No True Scotsman.
Sounds like Wiles is a 100% dyed in the wool bigot! Hard to take his crap seriously.
Dear Friend Hal: I looked up the word "pathetic" in the dictionary.
Instead of a definition, they simply had a wallet sized photograph of Mr. Wiles.
I think he used to likeTrump. Maybe the check bounced.
You probably could have stopped right there.
So Wiles denigrates 'someone' for being owned by Jews? Well Mr. Wiles, its a heck of a lot better than being owned by The Deceiver.
Now THAT was an entertaining seed followed by enough purple ink to blind a person. My comment about the seed?
See below:
Amen Buzz!