Hollywood Madam: Want to stop human trafficking? Legalize consensual sex for money.

Mustang Ranch Brothel (Photo credit: Luxurylaunches.com)
They do it because it’s sex. They do it because it’s convenient. They do it because it’s fast. They do it because it’s hassle-free. At least, until you’re caught.
Ever since New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was charged last week with two counts of solicitation of prostitution after the police obtained video evidence of him allegedly engaging in sex acts at a strip-mall massage parlor in Florida, people have been scratching their heads and wondering: Why would a man with wealth, power and prestige, who likely has women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis, go to a massage parlor? If he wanted sex, shouldn’t he have a madam — like me — or a number of beautiful women at his disposal?
People are overthinking it. Kraft, 77, allegedly went to a massage parlor because it was uncomplicated. The only problems are:
►It happens to be illegal.
►The women there were reportedly victims of sex trafficking.
►The two points above are closely linked.
For much of human history, men went not to illicit massage parlors for sexual pleasure but to temples. Prostitution was condoned by many religions. But as soon as religion became anti-sexuality and pro-chastity, prostitution became a sin rather than a service.
The point is, there is a cultural disagreement on whether prostitution is sacred or sinful. The more we repress something as a culture, the more it comes out sideways in individuals.
One more edifice in the landscape? One more 'let out' in the fabric of the state? One more "kink" kicked out of the rug of government? Diversity does mean a great many splendored things being tried and tested in the raw.
At least, we will learn whether or not it was right to make this policy cast-offs before? You wrote something interesting @2:
I saw a lot more men and women hurt from dysfunctional relationships than from transactional sex.
So, 'outside' sex is not the cause of many relationships folding? Curious. What's your take?
That coincides with when religion became a tool for protecting the financial interests of married women.
As far as I'm concerned, the issue is Constitutional. Does the government have the right to enforce religious morality? Where does that stop?
Does the government have the right to prohibit free trade and commerce?
they'll just
tax that ass
Clearly it does, although I'm not sure how this particular prohibition is justified.
Good joke.
But that's another facet of the issue and is even more pronounced with marijuana. We spend shitloads on enforcement and incarceration when we could more easily be collecting shitloads in taxes.
I was the Match.com, Tinder and Grinder of my day. I made the transaction easy by cutting directly to everyone’s goals, without any of them having to endure the long and often dishonest song and dance that people do when dating. Among the people who were in my personal world at that time, I saw a lot more men and women hurt from dysfunctional relationships than from transactional sex
Cool, as long as that is not a selfie...
c'mon you bunch of uptights,
i'm not that superficial, i just prefer women looking.. well...
like women.
if you musthold it against me, i'll apologize, for being heterosexual, so now get it away from me, i stated i don't swing that way, but whatever floats anybodies boat, is fine with me
i'm not even sure who that guy is...
he looks like someone of high intelligence though
Legalize and unionize
They don't call it the world's oldest profession for nothing....
Politics is the world second oldest profession, closely related to the world oldest profession.
fckn people for money....
Fckn people,
for money....'s ake ?
No, Kavika, lawyers have been known to be the second oldest profession for centuries. Politicians have to catch up.
What's the difference between a lawyer and a prostitute? A prostitute won't screw you when you're dead.
Well....legalize anyway.
the Union is for the workers protection and to ensure quality for the consumer
maybe Jack doesnt care about quality...
We have millions of other people providing personal services quite happily and healthily without a union.
Maybe Jack realizes unions rarely improve quality.
I'M Guessin,
u know Jack?
The crazy thing is Kraft could have paid a woman to have sex with him on camera and called it porn and it would have been legal.
Sounds like he liked the "disentanglement." A regular "quickie."
You're right! Because, now he is cast in the role of 'old fool who should have known better'! His reputation is shot!
Not so sure about that, he is in the sports industry and that industry has forgiven a lot worse than this.
Yeah, if they can forgive Michael Vick.
Legalize it.