
FBI accuses wealthy parents, including celebrities, in college-entrance bribery scheme


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  xdm9mm  •  5 years ago  •  10 comments

FBI accuses wealthy parents, including celebrities, in college-entrance bribery scheme
The Justice Department on Tuesday charged more than 30 people — including two television stars

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The holier than thou progressives of Hollywood have been caught with their self righteous hands in the proverbial cookie jar.   Obviously their progeny aren't as smart as the average kid that actually had to work to get into a "prestigious" college.....  they bribed and bought their way in.

Mommy and daddy must be the old do as I say not as I do line they adhere to.

Damn it feels good watching them go down.   

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It Is ME
Masters Guide
2  It Is ME    5 years ago

Hollywood types are so, ummmmm, "People" persons. jrSmiley_90_smiley_image.gif

They're as greedy as the rest of us.....But Trump should be "Punched-in-the-face" ……. Dontchyaknow !

Professor Silent
2.1  lib50  replied to  It Is ME @2    5 years ago

Uuummmmmm, its actually a perfect example of the wealthy elite using their money to buy what the rest of us can't.  Probably the way Trump got into college.  I'm surprised you think this is good for the gop. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  lib50 @2.1    5 years ago
I'm surprised you think this is good for the gop. 

Surprised ?


Hollywood HATES Trump, and goes off on their little "Meltdowns" when they get a podium to "Squeak" at the awards SHOWS !

"Trump Voters Sucks"...….. "The Little people matter" ...… Oh ….. and Again...… Trump sucks !

Remember ?

Professor Guide
3  Tacos!    5 years ago

I really hope there is a lot of outrage over this. I have never lied on an application or a résumé. I don't cheat on tests. I present myself for who and what I am, not some fantasy. Millions of other people likewise try to get ahead with honesty and integrity every day. Then these entitled pieces of shit decide it's perfectly ok for them to go around more deserving people. These cheaters fuck over all of us.

And then these same people will turn around and hypocritically complain about fairness and privilege in our systems.

Professor Silent
4  cjfrommn    5 years ago

I noted the following below on another article with the same headline)

i see this type of stuff and think, wow, when is enough, enough for these type folks. I mean we are quick to label (society wise) the street criminals but the rich, ooh no!

So i look forward to seeing some guilty pleas end up equaling jail time based on the money associated with the criminal act of document cheating. But .....not holding my breath, because we all know they have money to off-set the true effect of being found guilty of criminal intent!

It does how ever make for a nice fun addition to the national news cycle!!


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