Mike Lee Roasts “Green New Deal” on Senate Floor; Ocasio-Cortez’s Retort Fails
Ocasio Cortez Response :
She then returned to her normal tactic – victimhood.
"Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right."
"First, he’s not “Senator.” He’s “a” Senator. His professional accomplishments as an attorney are well-known; Lee clerked for Justice Samuel Alito both at the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and at the Supreme Court, and was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Tenth Circuit. Lee also specialized in constitutional law and appellate litigation in private practice, and is highly respected in that community."
Her attempts to slap back remind one of a legendary scene in “Tommy Boy.”
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Funniest thing I've seen in a long time !
An Idea from an actual "Jackass" deserve a more ridicules response as was done.
Funny, how Ocasio-Cotez's ideas have been taken down. They must have been tooooo "Smart" of an idea to keep up on the page ?
I Love it!!!
She ain't gonna last long. I love the "Show and tell" that Senator Lee used
Watch his Assistant. She's doing her best not to giggle.
Pretty sure we are definitely looking at a one term wonder here!
Hilarious...the young woman was trying not to laugh.
AOC and Spartacus saving the planet.