‘Pretend you have a cold’: Pelosi advises Biden on women

WASHINGTON (AP) — As former Vice President Joe Biden’s camp scrambles to contain any political damage over his past behavior with women, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has some words of advice: Keep your distance.
“Join the straight-arm club,” Pelosi said at a breakfast hour Washington event on Tuesday.
In other words, keep your handshakes at arms’ length and don’t be touchy-feely.
“Just pretend you have a cold and I have a cold,” Pelosi said.
President Donald Trump weighed in on the matter with a little more sarcasm. “Welcome to the world, Joe,” Trump said at a fundraising dinner for Republican House races. “You having a good time, Joe?” Trump himself has denied multiple accusations of sexual misconduct on his part.
Pelosi, D-Calif., said Biden “has to understand that in the world we are in now people’s space is important to them and what’s important is how they receive it, not necessarily how you intended it.”
Her remarks at an event sponsored by Politico came as Biden’s aides are striking a more aggressive tone as he considers seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination and faces scrutiny over his past behavior toward women.
In a statement Monday, Biden spokesman Bill Russo blasted “right wing trolls” from “the dark recesses of the internet” for conflating images of Biden embracing acquaintances, colleagues and friends in his official capacity during swearing-in ceremonies with uninvited touching.
Are you fucking kidding me Nancy ?
I suppose Good Ol' CREEPY Joe is worth keeping around ?
Does "Creepy Joe" make you feel Alive Nancy-BOT ?
I have never felt sorry for a politician before. Someone close to Biden needs to get with him and check to see if he has any reservations about being President. If so, he needs to bow out of the race now and save himself and those that he cares about from being eaten alive by the radical left, and their media enablers.
If he wants to go through with this he will have two choices.
First get all of his accusers in one public place televised so they can berate him until it is out of their system; and then promise to hire security to keep him at arms length from everyone. No touching allowed.
Or, he can make a blanket apology; and promise to only get too close to family and close friends. Then get my mother to be his VP. She isn't a Democrat; but she is old, frail, thin (excessively boney), and developing a slight hunch- and gives hugs that most need to seek a chiropractor afterwards for recovery. If she likes you (she likes almost everyone), you will get a hug you will wish you never received. Just try stopping her. She would make the perfect running mate for Joe. No one has ever criticized her for being overly affectionate. Whimpered a little (or a lot) at the most.
Now someone tell Pelosi to STFU and stop adding to the dumpster fire this is becoming.
Very suspicious that #MeToo suddenly crawled out of the woodwork as soon as they realized that moderate Democrat Joe Biden would be a threat to their socialist, radical left agenda. As photos and videos show, he's been a touchy-feely guy for YEARS, but they just noticed? HAHAHA!