CRC Special Report Unveils Vast “Dark Money” Network on the Left

The political Left often criticizes—and the mainstream media frequently report on—the network of center-right nonprofits funded by billionaire entrepreneurs Charles and David Koch. But few politicos know of a left-wing leviathan in Washington, D.C., with a reach rivaling that of the Koch network.
This study by the Capital Research Center documents a shadowy web into which nearly $600 million flowed in 2017, the most recent year for which tax returns are available. Operating under the aegis of “philanthropy,” this network is housed in and staffed by a for-profit, privately held consultancy called Arabella Advisors , LLC .* Arabella manages four nonprofit entities—the New Venture Fund , Sixteen Thirty Fund , Windward Fund , and Hopewell Fund —each of which shares an address and interlocking officers with Arabella.
According to the nonprofit organizations’ tax returns, between 2013 and 2017, the Arabella network received a staggering $1.6 billion in contributions, which it has used to advance its donors’ agendas through dozens of “front” groups and “astroturf” initiatives. The Arabella network of funds is also growing rapidly: from 2013 to 2017, the network’s revenues grew by an incredible 392 percent .
Yeah, the dark money in politics has ruined it for We the People. We no longer have any power beyond our one vote. Our elected representatives no longer listen to or fear us. At best they pay us lip service while they do what they need to do to continue to rake in more money and power. I no longer know of any way to fix this problem short of a revolution. To fix it within the system would require that the people elected in government willingly give up their power and positions, and that's just too huge of an ask I believe.
As we see from this site alone, we can't even have an honest conversation about the issues because the two sides are so entrenched and unwilling to allow for any possibility beyond their side. I guess all we can really do is ride the rollercoaster and do the best we can to protect ourselves for the immediate and long-term and try to minimize the impact from the world outside of our control.
I agree. Its bad for both sides.
And the sheeple just follow the drone of their preferred tune .....
I'll sign on immediately to anything left, right, center that takes money out of politics.
Citizens Untied screwed every one of the lower 99% in the US. With all the money in politics, it is no longer a government from, by, or for the people.
We have here a model of "conspiracy creation". The seed tells of money; the seed says "left". The seed does not actually give any actual data about how money is spent, or even any examples. It is all innuendo.
It is exactly what one would expect to find in the QAnon community.
But it is forbidden to speak ill of the right, on NT... even more forbidden to speak ill of the extreme-right...
Lol ..... you need to know how it was spent to grasp the veracity of the problem? Now that's rich considering the way you regularly attack the right in here with much, much less. Hilarious actually.
It's just the epitome of obtuse to believe this type of funding doesn't happen on both sides. Unbelievable really.
Someday .... maybe some day ..... certain folks can learn to view the world through unbiased eyes. Don't have a lot of hope for most of those folks though because that is usually the last thing they are interested in.
The truth that is ....
I don't pretend to be a "Research Center". (Have you looked at the pedigrees of their "experts"? It's both sad and funny...)
I don't publish articles with QAnon-style titles to be re-published by inattentive... people... on an Internet Forum.
These people are hucksters, and you have bought their patented, guaranteed elixir of life!
Your contribution, BH⊕†Ω, is appreciated at the level of your finest previous posts.
Your keen intelligence and your pure heart will always be welcome.