
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  heartland-american  •  6 years ago  •  30 comments

California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
But, you wonder, won’t California get its act together before it’s too late? Of course not. It’s important to understand that there is no bottom, that no matter how impoverished, oppressive and generally miserable a land under the Birkenstock heel of socialism becomes, the cadres of the Red Guard will never shift course towards freedom. After all, freedom and prosperity are not their goal; in fact, those things are obstacles to achieving the true objective – unlimited power for the leftist...

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

 If it were not for the climate, something the liberals in charge of my state have nothing to do with as much as they think they do, it would likely be a nearly empty desert once again. But the sun shines, the beach beckons and the palm trees sway over a population of morons who keep electing proggy fascists to run the place. Which they are doing, right into the ground.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them. 

And hate them Sacramento does, targeting  Normals with petty and not so petty attacks, from bans on straws and gun grabs to the threat of lifting the Proposition 13 caps on property taxes that keep millions of retirees from being tossed out of their homes when their annual bills go up 4000%. What would that mean? Well, when that modest ranch style you bought for $100,000 in 1985 gets reassessed to its current $1,000,000 value (something Prop 13 prevents), and the 1% Prop 13 tax rate goes to 3% or 4%, your tax bill goes from $1,000 a year to $30,000-$40,000. Remember that retirement you worked for? Well, now it will all go to subsidize the deadbeat government workers and welfare cheats that the California Democrats really represent.

No, that’s crazy talk! That would never happen! ” 

Yeah? Just watch.

Already, petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

 And now pot’s effectively legal here, which is spectacular. Just what Cali needed – more people on a drug that makes them dumber and lazier.

Take a walk down the street and see the sights! Look, there’s a schizo with his cargo shorts around his ankles baying at the billboard informing you about how no human being is illegal! Oh, and there’s another homeless druggie muttering to himself about alien carrots stealing his vital essences as he pushes along his stolen shopping cart heaped with refuse. If you’re appalled or distressed by this, you’re the bad guy. Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

This does not go for the nice areas. The liberal poohbahs don’t play that in their neighborhoods. See how quick a mangy doper wandering through Bel Air gets swooped up by the 5-O. This kind of virtue is for your neighborhood; in the ruling class enclaves they only do the signaling. 

Take a drive down California’s famous freeways. Actually, not a drive – it’s really a crawl. Putting aside the potholes, there’s been a conscious decision to not improve traffic flow by making the roads wider to accommodate all the illegal foreigners that Sacramento has laid out the welcome mat for. This is intended to force us into public transportation, which the central planners love. After all, when we have cars we can decide where and when to go and they don’t get a veto. They hate that. Our independence and sovereignty gnaws at them.

They hate freedom. Well, our freedom. Not their own – all their climate change talk about sacrifice and stuff is meant for us. We do the sacrificing. They do as they please and preen in the moral spotlight for forcing us Normals to live like serfs.

When a Hollywood star or a tech titan gives up his limo or private jet, let me know. I’ll be right here, not holding my breath.

Which raises the question of why I am still right here in California, as I have been since 1972 except for my time away in the Army. At the outset, the “If you don’t like it, move,” argument is a garbage argument made by garbage people. This is my home and I see no reason why I should leave simply because I demand freedom and competent government. At least, for the foreseeable future, before the chaos comes. 

Second, I like the sun, and I like the part of California where I live. You see, I’m a trial lawyer. Leaving aside that California’s idiotic laws make this place an Eden for attorneys, I live in one of the good parts, beach adjacent, surrounded by other people with nice cars, protected by cops who actually will take action. Leave my little Shangri-La and it gets ugly and grimy, but in this little blue enclave, everything’s generally peachy – for the moment. Out there are the peasants. In here are the feudal lords. Most of those social pathologies I mentioned are for them, not us. California is divided up into a few well-off people and a huge majority who scrape by. In much of West LA, or Silicon Valley, or parts of Scat Francisco, things are pretty nice. Everywhere else, not so much.

Of course, that can’t last. The snobs and swells of Cali can’t see that any more than the nobles of Paris saw the guillotine blade dropping. I expect to be gone before the collapse, with my money, but hey – I’ll be watching the chaos on Fox. You rich libs, please try to look surprised!

But, you wonder, won’t California get its act together before it’s too late? Of course not. It’s important to understand that there is no bottom , that no matter how impoverished, oppressive and generally miserable a land under the Birkenstock heel of socialism becomes, the cadres of the Red Guard will never shift course towards 

freedom. After all, freedom and prosperity are not their goal; in fact, those things are obstacles to achieving the true objective – unlimited power for the leftist nomenklatura. 

California will continue to circle the drain, and barring revolution – a real one, with all the attendant bad stuff for the ruling class – there’s no coming out of it. They’re dining on zebras in the Caracas zoo and yet the socialist revolution marches on. California is no different; it’s just a decade behind the Venezuelan vanguard. 

It’s doomed. And what’s important to understand is that the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country.

Are you going to let that happen? 

I write about what happens when the left reaches rock bottom and proceeds to keep digging in my action-packed yet super-snarky novels about the United States’ split into red and blue countries. People's Republic , the first of the series, takes place in California. Indian Country and Wildfire carry on the story. Not surprisingly, liberals and the sissy castaways from the Weekly Standard hate my novels, calling them “Appalling.” With a blurb like that, you can’t pass them up!

Books By Kurt Schlichter

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jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    6 years ago

“Take a walk down the street and see the sights! Look, there’s a schizo with his cargo shorts around his ankles baying at the billboard informing you about how no human being is illegal! Oh, and there’s another homeless druggie muttering to himself about alien carrots stealing his vital essences as he pushes along his stolen shopping cart heaped with refuse. If you’re appalled or distressed by this, you’re the bad guy. Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

This does not go for the nice areas. The liberal poohbahs don’t play that in their neighborhoods. See how quick a mangy doper wandering through Bel Air gets swooped up by the 5-O. This kind of virtue is for your neighborhood; in the ruling class enclaves they only do the signaling. 

Take a drive down California’s famous freeways. Actually, not a drive – it’s really a crawl. Putting aside the potholes, there’s been a conscious decision to not improve traffic flow by making the roads wider to accommodate all the illegal foreigners that Sacramento has laid out the welcome mat for. This is intended to force us into public transportation, which the central planners love. After all, when we have cars we can decide where and when to go and they don’t get a veto. They hate that. Our independence and sovereignty gnaws at them.

They hate freedom. Well, our freedom. Not their own – all their climate change talk about sacrifice and stuff is meant for us. We do the sacrificing. They do as they please and preen in the moral spotlight for forcing us Normals to live like serfs.”

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    6 years ago
They do as they please and preen in the moral spotlight for forcing us Normals to live like serfs.”

maybe in california but here we just kick their asses.

that liberal  progressive socialist bs does not fly round here.

cheers :)

Senior Guide
1.1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1.1    6 years ago

Well here in California we are a severely oppressed minority and in every endeavor of life they really do try to press their Birkenstock’s sole down hard upon our exposed neck as if it were a jack boot.  To us the liberal coastal overt tower elites are indeed thugs against our personal and economic rights.  

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.2  pat wilson  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    6 years ago

Your article could easily be describing Redding, Ca.

Can't you do something to help your community ?

Senior Guide
1.2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  pat wilson @1.2    6 years ago

Actually it doesn’t.  We closed and fenced off a city park  they frequented, and picked up 8,000 pounds of trash in another near it and patrol it frequently and put up fencing down town along the railroad tracks so that when they get off a train before the station the direction toward the mission is what is available to them. We push up to the limit of what the state and the courts allow to make the homeless who don’t use the mission want to move on.  We including my church and most others here do provide assistance to homeless people.  I have learned not to carry any cash on me and use plastic for all transactions so I can honestly tell panhandlers that I have no cash to give them.  If I believe them and their need I offer to buy them what they say they want the money for or get cash back from debit purchase if it’s for something the store like Circle K doesn’t have or charges too much for compared to the dollar store across the street.  One elderly homeless woman was clearly what she said she was and we saw her spot near the post office and we went to a grocery outlet and bought her $20.00 worth of non perishable groceries and delivered them to her. 

Senior Guide
1.2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  pat wilson @1.2    6 years ago

Professor Quiet
2  bbl-1    6 years ago

"We do the sacrificing."  A sentence from the last paragraph.

Sacrificing what?  Conservatism's only sacrifice is prosperity and freedom it steals from others.

Well, there is 'the bone spur thing' I suppose.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @2    6 years ago

Conservatives are the source of prosperity.  Low taxes, fewer regulations, better budgets, better energy policies. California is by far the worst state in the union with the biggest income inequality of any state and a regulatory environment that creates a very rich and a dependent class with the working and middle class exiled inland where we are then regulated out of jobs and industry or out of state completely.  

Senior Guide
2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @2    6 years ago

It is progressive leftism that sacrifices the prosperity of the middle class and now the working class upon the alter of the illegal immigrants, the non working poor, the super rich, and the big government state.  

Junior Participates
2.2.1  epistte  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2    6 years ago
It is progressive leftism that sacrifices the prosperity of the middle class and now the working class upon the alter of the illegal immigrants, the non working poor, the super rich, and the big government state.  

What party is opposed to unions, public schools, paid leave and other bedrocks of the middle class? if you supported the middle class you would oppose the Trump tax cut and instead support subsidized college educations that are necessary for a middle class job.  People cannot buy a house when they have 20+ years of student loans.

The GOP are a one trick pony with corporate deregulation and cutting taxes on the wealthy.  It only burdens the middle class.

Senior Guide
2.2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  epistte @2.2.1    6 years ago

That must be why most of the middle class and a plurality of the working class are Republican.  The super rich, the limousine liberal, the non working poor,  the illegal alien, and incarcerated prisoner are the base of the democrat party. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.2.3  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  epistte @2.2.1    6 years ago
subsidized college educations that are necessary for a middle class job. 

bs. college is not "required for middle class jobs.

I attended no college and retired early - blue collar all the way.

if I can do it? anyone can. I'm not all that special.

but your right in that starting life with that kind of debt for things like a liberal arts degree's is a burden on people who make that stupid choice. but putting that burden on taxpayers for those peoples stupid decisions? is not very bright either.   they fuked up when they went to college for crap degrees and now they pay for their fuk ups on their own like everyone else does.   it is called "learning" and is an education that never stops paying dividends. maybe they think twice before borrowing money again?  could be. and that is what we call a personal problem, not a taxpayer problem.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.2.4  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  epistte @2.2.1    6 years ago
subsidized college educations

how about interest free school loans? 

the taxpayer should not pay for other peoples choices to borrow money

but the taxpayer/govt should not profit either.

that's my two cents worth :)

Professor Guide
2.2.5  MrFrost  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.2    6 years ago
The super rich, the limousine liberal, the non working poor,  the illegal alien, and incarcerated prisoner are the base of the democrat party. 

So you are saying the right wing media lied when they said liberals are all takers, welfare queens and living off of all that, "free stuff"? 

Seems odd that liberals suddenly become rich elites as soon as the political agenda calls for it. 

Rich elite liberals? Ain't capitalism great? :)

Senior Guide
2.2.6  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  epistte @2.2.1    6 years ago

Actually we cut taxes for businesses of all sizes and for the middle class.  We raised taxes on rich individuals by streamlining two deductions making them uniform across the country, capping mortgage interest deductions at 750k and state and local tax deductions at 10k.  Only about 7% of the population is affected by this change.  The well off.  And yet when democrats took the house this year one of their very first committee acts was to introduce legislation to eliminate the caps on SALT’s for rich people.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2.7  Vic Eldred  replied to  epistte @2.2.1    6 years ago
instead support subsidized college educations that are necessary for a middle class job. 

Are they?  We told a generation that they had to get certain degrees to attain certain salaries. Now many graduates are having trouble finding the right type of jobs. Maybe universal higher education wasn't the answer. Maybe letting all those manufacturing jobs go to third world countries wasn't a good idea. Maybe having the government get into the student loan business, which is when universities boldly increased tuitions, wasn't a good idea. Come to think of it, "some" liberal ideas have had a bad effect on the middle class.

Senior Guide
2.2.9  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.7    6 years ago

jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_36_smiley_image.gif

Senior Guide
2.2.10  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.8    6 years ago

Because they want to charge sky high state and local taxes and use subsidies from the federal taxes everyone pays to mask the real cost of their state and local taxes.  If a rich person could deduct $50,000 in state and local taxes on their federal return that would free up $40,000 that they wouldn’t have to pay federal taxes on.  It was a scam California and New York and maybe up to 5 other states were running on the rest of the country.  I’m glad to see all the rich liberals in the Bay Area and the LA metro area paying their fair share of taxes now. 

Junior Participates
2.2.11  epistte  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.7    6 years ago
Are they?  We told a generation that they had to get certain degrees to attain certain salaries. Now many graduates are having trouble finding the right type of jobs. Maybe universal higher education wasn't the answer.

Where is the law of universal higher education that mandates college? What was your college major?

Maybe letting all those manufacturing jobs go to third world countries wasn't a good idea. Maybe having the government get into the student loan business, which is when universities boldly increased tuitions, wasn't a good idea. Come to think of it, "some" liberal ideas have had a bad effect on the middle class.

Since when is manufacturers offshoring jobs for lower wages and fewer regulations in 3rd would countries a liberal idea? 

When is charging interest for student loans a liberal idea? Did Betsy Debvos become a liberal when I wasn't watching? 

According to reporting by the Wall Street Journal , the Trump administration is evaluating options regarding the federal government's $1.4 trillion student loan portfolio. This could include, but is not limited to, potentially selling all or some federal student loans to private investors. The Education Department has hired consulting firm McKinsey & Co. to evaluate potential losses regarding the federal student loan portfolio.
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2.12  Vic Eldred  replied to  epistte @2.2.11    6 years ago
Where is the law of universal higher education that mandates college?

Do we need law to mandate narratives & programs? What law mandated political correctness?

 What was your college major?

Destroying liberals

Since when is manufacturers offshoring jobs for lower wages and fewer regulations in 3rd would countries a liberal idea? 

Who was it that signed Executive Order 12850?

When is charging interest for student loans a liberal idea?

Taking over student loans WAS a liberal idea - implemented by Barak Obama in 2010

Junior Participates
2.2.13  epistte  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.12    6 years ago
Do we need law to mandate narratives & programs? What law mandated political correctness?

Your deflection didn't answer my question.

Destroying liberals

Should we assume that you didn't go to college because of your partisan personal attack? 

Who was it that signed Executive Order 12850?

Geo.H.W. Bush signed negotiated and signed NAFTA.

Taking over student loans WAS a liberal idea - implemented by Barak Obama in 2010

Ronald Reagan slashed funding for student loans and grants in 1986. I felt these cuts because I was getting a Pell grant.

President Ronald Reagan's fiscal 1986 budget proposal, presented Monday to Congress, calls for a $2.3 billion reduction in federal financial aid to college students.

Most of the reductions will come through the elimination of subsidized guaranteed student loans (GSLs) to students from families whose gross incomes exceed $32,500 per year.

Reagan also proposed limiting all federally subsidized aid, including direct grants, loans, and subsidized jobs, to $4000 annually per student. The president's proposal also includes a $25,000 income eligibility cap on Pell Grants, jobs, and direct loans.
Professor Quiet
2.3  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  bbl-1 @2    6 years ago

I am a conservative who served my country honorably in uniform for 20 years that included service in two wars on two continents. I love my country dearly and I have shed my blood for it on more than one occasion. I am disabled on account of my military service. Sacrifice? I probably know more about that word than you do. 

Professor Guide
2.3.1  MrFrost  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @2.3    6 years ago

That reads like my cruise book from the middle east. As always, thanks for your service Ed...Even if ya were a squid.. (Just joking!!!). 

Professor Quiet
2.3.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  MrFrost @2.3.1    6 years ago

Likewise. Semper Fi!

Professor Guide
2.3.3  MrFrost  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @2.3.2    6 years ago

Semper Fi Brother. 

Professor Principal
3  JBB    6 years ago


Senior Guide
4  seeder  XXJefferson51    6 years ago

There is a reason why it costs 3-4 times as much to rent a one way u-haul truck from San Francisco or LA to Houston or Dallas than the reverse Dallas or Houston to SF or LA.  

Junior Participates
4.1  epistte  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4    6 years ago
There is a reason why it costs 3-4 times as much to rent a one way u-haul truck from San Francisco or LA to Houston or Dallas than the reverse Dallas or Houston to SF or LA.  

People want to live in SF but wages haven't kept up with the cost of inflation and housing. There are a lack of affordable homes/apartments in the Bay area and Silicon Valley.  A friend of mine in the tech industry moved from Oakland to Portland because of the cost of living.

Professor Quiet
4.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4    6 years ago

Greedy landlords perhaps?


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