Female couple in their 20s battered by four men after they refused to kiss 'for entertainment'

Melania Geymonat (right) and her girlfriend Chris after they were assaulted by a gang of men on a night bus in Camden. Scotland Yard are investigating what they are calling a homophobic attack - Melania Geymonat /Facebook
A female couple were battered by a gang of four men after they refused to kiss "for their entertainment" on a London night bus.
Four arrests have been made in relation to the attack, the Met Police said in a statement.
The males, aged between 15-18, were taken into custody on suspicion of robbery and aggravated GBH.
Melania Geymonat, 28, and her girlfriend Chris had been on a date in the capital last Wednesday and were heading home on the top deck of the bus when the men started abusing them.
When they refused to kiss at the demand of the gang, they were viciously attacked. They were also later robbed of a phone and a handbag.
Melania Geymonat, 28, and her girlfriend Chris had been on a date in the capital last Wednesday and were heading home on the top deck of the bus when the men started abusing them.
When they refused to kiss at the demand of the gang, they were viciously attacked. They were also later robbed of a phone and a handbag.
Prime Minister Theresa May has condemned the assault. She said: "This was a sickening attack and my thoughts are with the couple affected.
"Nobody should ever have to hide who they are or who they love and we must work together to eradicate unacceptable violence towards the LGBT community."
In a post on Facebook, Ms Geymonat - who worked recently as a Ryanair air hostess and is originally from Uruguay - said: "I’m tired of being taken as a sexual object, of finding out that these situations are usual, of gay friends who were beaten up just because.
"We have to endure verbal harassment and chauvinist, misogynistic and homophobic violence because when you stand up for yourself s--- like this happens.
" I just hope that in June, Pride Month, stuff like this can be spoken out loudly so they stop happening."
"Nobody should ever have to hide who they are or who they love and we must work together to eradicate unacceptable violence towards the LGBT community."
Very sad to see this happen to them. "Nobody should have to hide who they are...." but in the real world, universal acceptance of the LGBT community is never going to happen, for religious or societal reasons. So perhaps a bit of discretion is in ones own best interest.
Lots of Muslim immigrants into the UK and Europe, so wouldn't be surprised if the attackers were Muslim since they seem to despise women and attack them physically
In the real world, very little is universally accepted. Allowing that fact to control how you live your life would be the antithesis of a free society.
Again, in a free society, one shouldn't have to worry about whether it's safe to kiss someone in public. ANY use of gratuitous violence, should be decried by everyone.
Judging from the statistics on violence against women, Christians do more than their share of despising and attacking women.
BTFW, Muslims were not mentioned in any of the articles about this attack. 4 punks have already been arrested. I wouldn't be surprised if they're native Christians.
If they were native Christians I am sure that would be presented in bold type. I suppose you would suspect it was a Trump inspired right wing attack? Where are those statistics about Christians beating their women?
Sometimes "pride" can goeth before a fall, or even a beatdown, in a free society. Common sense behavior goes a long way towards being safe in today's world
You say this:
perhaps a bit of discretion is in ones own best interest.
Then you say this:
wouldn't be surprised if the attackers were Muslim since they seem to despise women and attack them physically
How do you recommend that a woman use discretion about being a woman?
This was a case of two young people who were out on a date and on the ride home they may have kissed. The kissing here is no different than any other two young people going home after a date and exchanging a kiss.
Your saying that they perhaps should have used a bit of discretion is no different than blaming a female on wearing a skirt as to why she got raped. Greg, I have to disagree with you here. We still have free will and can choose how we react to other people around us.
You are?
No just a run of the mill hate based attack. Happens every day, here and in England.
Since 1 in 4 women [25%] in the US experience physical violence from a partner and Muslims are only 1.1% of the population, it follows that the VAST majority are beaten up by Christians.
Better a beatdown than being cowed your whole life.
What you're suggesting is that they go into the closet and lock the door. Doubt that's going to happen.
Actually they were teenagers, thus far their names for photos have not been released...You are aware that in this area there have been attacks on Muslims by whites...But I guess that it's good to assume that they were Muslims. Assuming can make an ass out of one.
You're the only one to mention Trump, so are you assuming again that he is behind this act.
Goggle is your friend. There is a great deal of information on Christians beating their wives...
Britain seems to be having similar problems to the US.
I hate to say this but that's naïve. The LGBT community has been speaking it out loudly for 50 years and this kind of shit, or worse, STILL happens all of the time.