
Easy Multiple Choice Answer Movie Quiz for Movie Lovers Posted on the Everyone Loves Movies - Classic to Current Group


Category:  Entertainment

By:  buzz-of-the-orient  •  6 years ago  •  1 comments

Easy Multiple Choice Answer Movie Quiz for Movie Lovers Posted on the Everyone Loves Movies - Classic to Current Group

This is only a promotion for the Quiz and therefore is locked.  To see the quiz, to try it, or to just comment, if you are not a member click this link to take you to the Everyone Loves Movies - Classic to Current group and then click "JOIN GROUP":


and you may then be accepted as a member, in which case you will have access to all the articles, the most recent being the quiz, a wonderful conversation with Gregory Peck and an article about millennials' feelings about classic movies.  If you're interested you can even check out what movies Buzz has been watching almost every day, sometimes more than one.

An example of a multiple choice answer question would be:

In the movie Titanic, why did the ship sink? (a) it was overloaded    (b) it was hit by a torpedo from a German U-Boat     (c) It struck an iceberg     (d) None of those

Members have said that the quizzes are fun, so try one.  Because it's multiple choice answer, if you've seen the movie you'll probably be able to answer correctly, and even if you haven't, you still have one chance in four to be correct.  One member has tried it already, and got a score of 14 out of 20.

Answers must not be posted on the quiz until Saturday or it will ruin the quiz for everyone, but you can send your answers immediately on a private note to me (Buzz of the Orient) and I will reply right away with your score and the correct answers.  On Sunday I will post the answers as a comment to the article.

Don't forget that I'm on the other side of the world and may be sleeping when you reply, so please be patient.

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Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1  author  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

As the waitress in the deli said: "Try it, you'll like it."


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