FAIR on fairness: ICE following judge's order to deport

An immigration watchdog is applauding the Trump administration for vowing to deport illegal aliens who remain here despite court orders to send them home.
Once again using Twitter to announce his plans, President Donald Trump announced that “millions of illegal aliens” would be deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement beginning next week.
An unnamed administration official told The Associated Press that ICE plans to deport more than 1 million people who have been issued final deportation orders by a judge but remain at large.
Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform , tells OneNewsNow that ICE easily has the legal authority to enforce a judge’s order that targets people who remain here.
“This is how we enforce laws,” he says. “You have your day in court, the court rules, and then you are subject to the ruling of the court."
The announcement came just one day before Trump, who ran on cracking down on illegal immigration, launched his 2020 bid at a Florida rally.

Democrats, meanwhile, predictably voiced their disapproval at the tweet.
Rep. Ilham Omar criticized Trump's use of "alien" stating on Twitter that, "No one is an 'alien.'"
Webster's Dictionary defines "alien" as "relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government."
Others jumped in via Twitter to point out to the congresswoman the term is used in federal law.
In a CNN op-ed, an attorney claimed Trump is cruelly targeting "asylum seekers at the border" with the tweet. The commentary also claims Trump is misleading his supporters because asylum seekers are awaiting a court hearing and cannot be immediately deported.
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“President Donald Trump announced that “millions of illegal aliens” would be deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement beginning next week.
An unnamed administration official told The Associated Press that ICE plans to deport more than 1 million people who have been issued final deportation orders by a judge but remain at large.”
FAIR is right on this issue. They are great Americans. ICE is doing a great job enforcing our American laws. People who remain here in defiance of their final court judgements should be rounded up and deported.
ICE and The Border Patrol are great American law enforcement agencies doing great work to protect the American people and legal resident aliens.