Trump Haters Furious: How Dare He Defend Himself Against Rape Accusations?!

Author E. Jean Carroll has gone public, accusing President Trump of rape . Although the supposed rape took place years ago, New York state no longer has a statute of limitations on first-degree rape. This means that he could, in theory, be prosecuted for it. If -- and that's one gigantic if indeed -- a prosecutor concludes there is enough evidence to back up the claim.
Although none of us can be sure whether anything happened between President Trump and Carroll, we do know that high-level politicians are more often accused of such horrendous crimes, simply because their political enemies know that such an accusation in itself can destroy their careers. The president has just launched his reelection campaign. There can be little doubt about the timing of this attack on his character; it's purposefully timed to destroy his chances of winning a second term.
Furthermore, what we also know is that President Trump denies the allegations. He responded with tremendous anger to Carroll's accusation, which makes sense if he is indeed innocent. An innocent man obviously isn't happy to be accused of such a terrible crime and would fight back with all that's in him.
That is exactly what Trump is doing. "If anyone has information that the Democratic Party is working with Ms. Carroll or New York Magazine, " Trump said after the latter published the former's accusations, "please notify us as soon as possible. The world should know what’s really going on. It is a disgrace and people should pay dearly for such false accusations."
Although it makes perfect sense that an innocent man would respond with such fury, leftist hacks pretend that he's actually "terrorizing" his accuser:
It doesn't get much more ridiculous than this. He's "using the incredible power of his office to encourage a campaign of terrorism against the woman accusing him of rape"? What nonsense . He's just a man who's passionately defending himself against a horrendous accusation. You can hardly expect an innocent man to take this lying down.
What's more, if anyone doesn't have the right to object to Trump's response, it's a Democratic apparatchik like Max Burns. We have not forgotten how Bill and especially Hillary Clinton responded to women accusing the former president of rape and other sexual crimes. Hillary intimidated and bullied them into silence.
If Trump would respond with less fire to this terrible accusation I would be concerned. What I think I see here, however, is an innocent man defending himself against accusations designed to ruin him.
“He's just a man who's passionately defending himself against a horrendous accusation. You can hardly expect an innocent man to take this lying down.
What's more, if anyone doesn't have the right to object to Trump's response, it's a Democratic apparatchik like Max Burns. We have not forgotten how Bill and especially Hillary Clinton responded to women accusing the former president of rape and other sexual crimes. Hillary intimidated and bullied them into silence.”
She had a chance to come out during the first general election with this information; but she didn't. Of course Hillary in a landslide and all that other BS. It also would have lost in the din of women coming out against Trump, that have all since disappeared- cast away by the media as useless idiots that not longer serve a purpose. She couldn't sell books when she would have been one among many.
If she was really that concerned she wouldn't have stayed silent. This is an effort to sell books to people with TDDS; and try to derail Trump's reelection- since the Dems can't seem to find a single candidate that isn't playing the far left field.
Those that never would have voted for Trump to begin with will believe her and back up the media circus that is sure to follow. Those that will vote for Trump- will call her a liar for the convenient timing and BS; and still vote for Trump. Given there are no alternatives running on the right; and no moderates on the left.
The mainstream media has gone VERY easy on Donald Trump, now and over the years. Is there even one instance of an interviewer, or even one of the press at a "press conference" directly asking Trump why he lies so much?
If any of the right wingers on this site have evidence if Trump has EVER been asked by someone in the media , directly, why he lies so much, I would like to see them post such evidence.
The failure by the media to confront Trump about his lying is why we are at the place we are.
You are fucking hilarious. I am surprised you didn't die of laughter while typing this.
Oh yes, the media treats Trump with such respect. It is hard to understand why Trump hates them so much./S
You want other examples- google them. There are far more cases. They never would have treated Obama this way.
Show me where the media called out Obama directly for lying to his face? Just once. It shouldn't be hard to find. Obama, and his administration, told some massive whoppers about the PPACA that are still being used today they were so bad. It is call having a modicum of respect for the office if not the person in it, which the harder left of the national media has lost.
Wrong, the reason why we are at this place is Hillary once again ignored fly over country in favor of fund raising on the leftist coasts that she was going to win easily anyways. She was as big of a fool as the left for listening to biased/slanting polling that over sampled the coasts, and areas where she was strongly favored. She won the popular vote; but lost where it counted fly over country and the electoral college. The butt hurt media and left have never recovered.
I can see why the daily BS anti Trump machine is constantly rolling out garbage. The exploding Democratic clown car candidates are running so far left to win the primary; that they risk alienating all moderate Democrats/Republicans and independents in the general election. Their only hope is to smear Trump to the point he is not electable. With a strong economy working against him they need to turn up their slime machine some more.
Donald Trump is a clinical narcissist and pathological liar. Obama is not. You want to compare a handful of Obama political "lies" to the mountain of lies trump tells every day?
I said "If any of the right wingers on this site have evidence if Trump has EVER been asked by someone in the media , directly, why he lies so much, I would like to see them post such evidence."
You didnt because there is no such evidence because it has never happened.
If I were in the media the first thing out of my mouth to him would be "Why have you lied to the American people so much"?
Until he answers that question it is pointless to talk about anything else.
In the past two weeks both George Stephanopolopus and Chuck Todd had relatively long interviews with trump. Neither of them asked Trump why he lies to the American people every day.
The media has gone easy on Trump.
Because they know as well as we do that he doesn’t lie every day or anything close to it.