Growing number of pregnant women using marijuana
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: perrie-halpern • 6 years ago • 37 commentsA study of 277,000 pregnant women in Northern California, where weed is legal, found their use of marijuana has nearly doubled. The increase was especially dramatic among women who used daily to deal with morning sickness, migraines, and depression.
So what do you think? Is marijuana safe to smoke during pregnancy?
Hell No
A fetus in the womb is a formative entity being molded to hopefully be a healthy newborn child.
introduction of such a mind altering substance to a forming mind, that isn't anybody's, but that babies , to waste.
Tough it the hell out for 9months!
F U Can't, U shouldn't be having a child ,
just a thought
In the absence of studies, there's no way to say. I'd rather see mothers err on the side of caution. There are medications that can be taken for pain and nausea that are safe in pregnancy. And for those mothers taking cannabis by way of smoking marijuana, just the act of inhaling smoke, any type of smoke, can be harmful. It reduces oxygenation. I can't imagine that's good for the fetus.
Dear Friend Sandy: I concur.
Let the scientific investigators and clinical study co-ordinators do their jobs.
The answer to this one is for the future.
For now, "Go with the one what brung ya". (Bear Bryant. Former Coach of the Crimson Tide at Alabama).
It's probably not the best idea.
my weed intake dramatically increased every time my wife was pregnant
You were smoking for two.
Totally understandable.
Men really should butt out... but hey!
Pregnancy is a biochemically fraught time, with two independent immune systems coexisting. Very tricky!
So... less unknown stuff is better. Somebody is surely already doing the cost/benefit studies, so it's probably a good idea to wait a bit.
theyve been done
dont corrupt an innocent mind
I would assume that the effect would not be far off what the effect of smoking tobacco would be. My ex-wife, the mother of my two kids, was VERY careful about anything that could possibly be toxic during her pregnancies and both our kids are healthy and bright.
This is nothing but propaganda to turn people against legalization.
I suppose as I am and have been a habitual ingester of weed for longer than I care to remember, this will be a bit hypocritical.
While I do believe that ones own body is a personal amusement park there for the taking, when one is pregnant there is a second party to consider. As the early years are the formative ones, I would give the kid a fighting chance and abstain for the gestation period, if nothing else that first doobie after nine months will be worth the wait.
I am sure there will be or is a long term study of the effects, but I would think it not a good thing. drugs during pregnancy...period.
Women used to drink and smoke cigs during pregnancy until low birth weights became associated with smoking cigs. Drinking a glass of wine occasionally was common too.
My best friend was born to a woman (41 at the time) who smoked cigs and drank cocktails nightly. Definitely not good for a healthy person or baby, although she was fine. I always got so sick in the beginning of my pregnancies it was easy not to do them. Healthy habits and eating are important.
Great! Idiot humans have found another way to destroy the next generation.