The 5th Generation Has Arrived.
The second member of the 5th generation of Kavika's has arrived.
Waagosheas (Little Fox) weighed in at 8 lbs 8 oz. 23 inches long and healthy.
He is the 2nd member of the 5th generation. (great great grandchild)
He joins his sister and twelve great grandkids, four grandkids and two kids...Our very own tribe.
He is a direct line to my father's farther, Thunder Water who fought at the battle of Sugar Point, Leech Lake MN 1898. And to Augustus Bushaw of Company K, 1st Michigan Sharpshooters of the Civil War who fought at the ''Battle of the Crater'' among many other engagements. Company K was an all Native company that served with distinction.
I wish that my father, A Marine at Tarawa was still alive to see the family line carried on.
As a proud great great grandfather, and a member of the Ojibwe Warrior Nation, he will be another link to our past and future.
On another note, my great nephew joined the Air Force this past week. That was a bit of a shock since our family has only served in the Army (combat arms) or the Marines. Well, I did have one cousin that was in the Navy but he gets a pass since he spent 30 months in the Pacific in WWII.
He signed up to be a Combat Air Traffic Controller. Hopefully, he'll meet and exceed all of the requirements to become part of this very special unit.
Perhaps he'll meet up with his cousin who is currently serving with the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (Special Forces).
Anyhow, I'm damn proud of all of my tribe (family)
Can you imagine that I'm only 49 years old...Amazing isn't it.
I look back and wonder where the time went.
Wow that's awesome Kavika. FFS I'm proud of your heritage.
A very big CONGRATULATIONS on the newest member of your 5th generation, and your Tribe. Kavika!
He sounds like a very healthy and sturdy young Warrior at 8 lbs 8 oz and 23" long. He has joined a very distinguished Tribe, and has a lot of honorable ancestors to live up to. I am sure that your Father is looking proudly upon the newest addition to his family line.
All this and you are only 49. How awesome is that.
While your Nephew did not follow in the footsteps of other members of the family and found his calling in the Navy, I am sure that he will do the family proud.
May the Creator hold him safely in His loving hands.
When I see things like this, all the bs on NT seems so insignificant. With you as a role model, this 5G is going to be a totally awesome individual. Congratulations.
Ha, he already has a nickname, 5G. Thanks for that Paula.
LOL!! How cool is that!
Dear Sister Raven Wing: Its very cool indeed.
Love it!
Dear Friend Paula Bartholomew: Its a great name.
Well done!
Kinda like Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very cool!
Who is that beautiful child in the picture?
A photo off the internet of a Indian child at a Pow Wow.
I know the feeling!
Christ now I'm cleaning food off me computer screen.
I know. I'm 61 and still working on my 4th generation. Great for you and your tribe Kavika.
Congratulations - family is the best blessing
I'm a little goose-bumpy, Kav. A new addition to the tribe, and another member volunteering to do their part to keep us safe. I'm sure you are not proud or anything...
And by the way, you have your father's eyes.
Congrats Great great grand dad! What a wonderful tribe you have!
Maybe one day when I am say 90, I might be a grandma, LOL!
May Little Fox carry on with our proud traditions and bring you much joy!
Congratulations Kavika, to you and your family.
It is good to her the good news.
Congratulations to you and yours, Kavika.
Awesome event, Kavika !
Way to go Kavika. I knew you had it in you to be a mini-creator. But all those generations at the age of 49? With no help from your descendants? Wow!!!
I've been called many things in my life, but never a mini-creator...LOL
Dear Brother Kavika: Bah Siman tov, U'bah Mazal Tov! (With a good sign and good luck).
Most sincere and warm congratulations to you and yours on this new family addition.
We wish the newborn and all in every generation of your tribe every good thing life has to offer.
Enoch and Mrs. Enoch.
Thanks niijii.
Congratulations friend . hoping for only all the best for the new little.
Thanks Mark.
Congrats Kavika
What can I say. What a blessing it is to see this wonderful sight. Do you feel like a 'father of nations' (yet)? Congratulations! Your life is become 'a pride and a joy,' Sir!
Thanks CB.
Dear Brother CB: As a fellow student of Scripture you are aware of a Biblical name.
That means Father of the King.
(Av - Abba Father)
(Melech - King).
As you know from your travels, all names in the Tanach (Hebrew and Aramaic Scripture) have meaning.
Thank you for the great sharing, Enoch! It is delightful to have someone to share and remind us of "the good part."
This is a bit late, 'cause I've been "on vacation".
Congratulations, Papy!
Thanks Bob.
Congratulations Kavika!
Congratulations to you and your family!
Okey Dokie - get back from celebrating Dad's 100th, open NT and, OMG, what a gloriously fabulous occurrence.
Kavika - at the rate you're going nijii, you'll be watching and helping raise that 7th generation and, man, are the ancestors gonna be proud. Hell, they're already proud of you and I'm very proud to know you and be a part of your world.
Chukma nitak chi isimo my brother from a different mother (May your life continue to be blessed).
Way to go and may your example lead many down the Red Road.
Silent Eagle.
Chi miigwetch niijii....
LOL the 7th generation. It's possible since I'm 49 and the 5th generation. Getting out the abacus and figuring, OKA I'll be around 87....
What are you doing???? Have you progressed to the 19th century??? Abacus??? I still haven't gotten past the fingers and toes count - and sometimes that gets pretty tough, eh?
I thoroughly expect you to reach the 7th and with Red with you, you dammmm well better do it, eh?
Congratulations!!! Would that I were as young and had your wisdom and knowledge to pass on to my line.
Thank you Steve.
Congratulations Kavika
Thanks Luther.
Boozhoo niijii (Greetings, my friend),
So, you are forty-nine years old now. I must have missed a couple of birthdays; I thought you were younger.
Congratulations on the addition to your family. Watching your family grow in numbers and years is a wonderful blessing.
I am happy for you.
You can also be proud of the military tradition your family holds. But you do need to send one of your younger Kavikas to a Coast Guard recruiter just to be fully represented by all the services. lol
If "mishomis" is grandfather, how do you say great, great grandfather in Ojibwe?
Baamaapii gete niijii. (Until later old friend)