Latest Antics from the Israel-Bashing Industry

Latest Antics from the Israel-Bashing Industry
by Andrew Ash, Gatestone Institute, August 20, 2019
US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (left) had asked to go to "Palestine," which so far does not exist, on a trip arranged and co-sponsored by a Palestinian not-for-profit organization, Miftah, a group described in the Washington Examiner as "an exceptionally anti-Semitic group that praises Palestinian terrorists and claims Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover." (Photo by Adam Bettcher/Getty Images)
US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D- Michigan) decided to pull the plug on the trip to Israel she was due to make, originally with her fellow "Squad" member, Ilhan Omar, after they both were invited on an official congressional trip but declined.
Although both Tlaib, and the equally outspoken Ms Omar, had initially been refused entry because of their radical views promoting the obliteration of Israel by boycotting it, being boycotted back was not part of the plan, it would appear. Tlaib was finally granted permission on "humanitarian grounds", after an emotive plea to Israel's Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, in which she set out her reasons for wanting to visit her Palestinian grandmother in the West Bank.
The newly minted congresswoman then back-tracked and has now decided to cancel the trip altogether.
Her grandmother, Tlaib tweete d , would not want her to come under the conditions she had already agreed to, that is -- to refrain from using the opportunity as an attention-seeking political platform. "Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what she wants for me," Tlaib thoughtfully wrote.
Ms Tlaib's grandmother is 90 years old, so this might be the last opportunity they get to see each other again. For Tlaib, however, it appears, this lost opportunity is merely collateral damage when it comes to the advancement of an anti-Israel political agenda. Having to show some restraint for a day or two is, it appears, an affront to her conscience.
Considering that both Tlaib and Omar had been invited to -- and turned down -- a scheduled trip to Israel, along with other freshmen members of Congress, just two weeks earlier, the whole episode looks more like a smokescreen to hide her primary motivation: to agitate.
Tlaib had initially asked to go to "Palestine," which so far does not exist, on a trip arranged and co-sponsored by a Palestinian not-for-profit organization, Miftah , headed by a longtime Palestinian spokesperson, Hanan Ashrawi. Miftah is described by Becket Adams in the Washington Examiner as "an exceptionally anti-Semitic group that praises Palestinian terrorists and claims Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover. The organization also publishes Neo-Nazis and calls for the destruction of Israel."
Miftah has also called female suicide bombers heroes. It must take quite a bit of effort to be " exceptionally anti-Semitic."
So, for Israel, it seems clear, any decision was, from the start, jerry-rigged to be lose-lose. Where is Tlaib's criticism of China for occupying Tibet , or Turkey for occupying northern Cyprus , or Pakistan for occupying Kashmir , or for criticizing England for refusing entry to the esteemed scholar Robert Spencer while hate preachers are welcome?
Tlaib's revealing behaviour quite possibly exposes the real motivation behind her proposed visit, which now looks far less like a desire to visit her grandmother, and a whole lot more to do with an apparent penchant for bashing Israel and limelight-chasing. What seemed an attractive proposition to travel to Israel and stir things up in front of the cameras evidently became less appealing after having to pledge to behave. It seems that if she cannot combine the trip with some controversial coverage, there is, for her, no point in it.
Tlaib has a well-documented history, in her bid to highlight her political concerns, of making a spectacle of herself. In 2016, at rally in Detroit for then presidential candidate Donald Trump, Tlaib's "protest" soon deteriorated into mayhem. As she was filmed grappling with Secret Service agents, and Trump's own security detail, she is heard screaming -- "You are all crazy!" -- before being forcibly escorted from the auditorium.
In 2018, whilst still a congressional candidate, she arrived , mob-handed, at a supposedly "peaceful" demonstration outside a McDonald's restaurant in Detroit. Once again, Tlaib was escorted out -- and this time arrested -- while protesting for a $15/hour minimum wage.
When she is not busy being physically removed from a venue, she seems to find it patriotic to rail against the Capitol Police for doing the job assigned to them by Congress: arresting protestors who display a similar disregard for law and order.
"I have never felt more Palestinian, than I have felt in Congress", she defiantly declared to the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights in April 2019. That does seem a bit rich, coming from the same woman who has taken succour in tweeting that Senators who supported a pro-Israel bill "forget what country they represent."
The double-standards contained in her soundbites unfortunately diminish any credibility she might have had in being a Palestinian woman fighting for the rights of her grandmother's homeland. Her behaviour only serves to dilute the seriousness of the issues she claims to represent. She simply seems uninterested in any type of protest that does not involve either noisy eviction or arrest, or in which she cannot get attention or be regarded as a victim. It is hard not to wonder what she is doing for her constituents. Is the wish to bash Israel actually what keeps the good voters of Michigan awake at night? And is anti-Semitism now the accepted new face of the Democrat Party? It is not surprising that her proposed visit might have been of some concern to Israel.
As M. Zuhdi Jasser, author and founder of the American-Islamic Forum for Democracy, said about the incident:
"I have to tell you, we have to understand first, what is the BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] movement? It's an anti-Semitic, basically genocidal movement that wants to see the end of Israel. So make no mistake, these are not moderates coming to visit Israel. Israel per its 2017 law has a right to prohibit activists, especially those who want to see it wiped off the map, from coming in."
The latest ideas to surface from the Israel-Bashing Industry is a discussion by "around a dozen Democrats" in the US House of Representatives about censuring Israel's ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, and the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, over a "deep lack of confidence and trust." McClatchy quoted a congressional source saying, "We are reviewing all of our options."
Tlaib in a tweet , then proposed boycotting a television program by Bill Maher, who had the misfortune correctly to observe about the movement to destroy Israel through "BDS" strangulation, "It's a bulls--- purity test by people who want to appear woke but actually slept through history class." He went on :
"It's predicated on this notion—I think it's very shallow thinking—that the Jews in Israel are mostly white and the Palestinians are browner, so they must be innocent and correct, and the Jews must be wrong.
"As if the occupation came right out of the blue, that this completely peaceful people found themselves occupied...Forget about the intifadas and the suicide bombings and the rockets and how many wars.
"Let me read Omar Barghouti, one of the co-founders of the movement... His quote: 'No rational Palestinian ... would ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine.' So that's where that comes from, this movement, someone who doesn't even want a Jewish state at all. Somehow this side never gets presented in the American media. It's very odd."
US Rep. Ted Lieu (D- California), evidently not wishing to be left out, joined in , accusing US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman of "allegiance to [a] foreign power" -- but not accusing Rep. Tlaib of allegiance to "Palestine."
In a weepy press conference, all inconvenient facts were distorted or omitted, such as what had actually been their planned itinerary , and why Israel had felt compelled to build a security barrier in the first place? Could it have had anything to do with countless Palestinian terrorist attacks in which "more than 900 people were killed" and "thousands injured'? Did the security barrier in Israel work to stop them? According to then Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker , Israel saw "over a 90 percent reduction in terrorist acts in that country that they attribute to having an effective fence... If Israel can do it effectively, there's no reason why America can't."
Other fairy tales at the press conference included, among other calumnies, efforts to compare Israel to apartheid South Africa, when in fact Arabs are by and large treated equally to Jews; are Supreme court judges and members of parliament, have political parties, and are admitted to any profession. Rep. Omar also called checkpoints dehumanizing, when the only reason for their existence is to stop Palestinian terrorist attacks. Of course, no mention was made at the press conference that the Palestinian Authority, under its leader Mahmoud Abbas, now approaching the 14 th year of his four-year term in office, has "banned a Palestinian LGBT rights group from organizing any activities in the West Bank and threatened to arrest them, saying such activities are contrary to the 'values of Palestinian society.'" By contrast, Israel, every year, holds one of the world's largest "Pride" events.
Results such as these to an invitation that Tlaib herself had asked for -- "This could be my last opportunity to see her [the grandmother]. I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit" -- indicate that Israel's concern was right.
Andrew Ash is based in the United Kingdom.

What bothers me even more than the antics that Tlaib and Omar have been pulling off, is that there are Democrats who are censuring Ron Dermer, Israel's Ambassador to the US, and David Freedman, US Ambassador to Israel FOR NO GOOD REASON. The Democrats should be censuring Tlaib and Omar in order to retain credibility and integrity in the eyes of the Jewish voters. I just can't wait for November 2020 to see what I hope will happen.
Dear Brother Buzz: You raise a good point here.
One need not have a Masters Degree from Whatzamatta U. to figure out what these two are doing and why.
All voters in their districts should take into account what they are doing, and what they are not getting accomplished because their efforts are what what they are doing.
That isn't a matter of the political party, religion or ethnicity of voters.
It is most precisely a question of voters wanting representation of traditional American values and interests by their elected officials.
Muslim Americans need representation the same as any other group of us here.
I hope they get it.
It will be easier for their real interests as Americans to be taken seriously if they are represented by people who choose right over hate promulgation.
The Islamic community of greater Pittsburgh, PA after the massacre at a Jewish House of Worship did themselves and their full rich heritage proud by being there for others who beliefs are unlike theirs in a time of need.
We should all do that.
We should all be represented by people who do that.
Good work Buzz.
P&AB to Al People of Good Will (Actual and Potential).
The way I see it, the problem is that so much of the Democratic party is so invested in defeating Trump and the Republican party that they have lost sight of governing. It seems that they are convinced anything they do to "hurt" Trump politically is a good thing.
And that works from the Republican side as well, Buzz. Neither party really gives a fig about America or its people, all they care about is trying to best the other party.
The Republicans did the same thing when Obama was President. The viciousness of the actions of the Republicans toward Obama and the then First Lady was no different than what the Democrats are doing to Trump and Melania.
In their efforts to destroy the other party, both sides have ignored doing what is best for America and its people.
At this rate, the projection that America will be destroyed from our enemies from within, not from our enemies from other countries, is closer to becoming true. It is just that both sides are too ignorant and blind to see just how they are playing into that projection.
As I've said before, the political divide is widening to the extent that it is making the Grand Canyon appear to be a anthill. What good for the American people can be accomplished by that?
Nothing. But, until the American people decide to demand more from our local, state and government elected officials we will see no change in the mess that our lust for partisan oneupmanship and gamesmanship continues.
The Republican and Democrat parties of today are so engrossed in hatred and blind party loyalty that they may as well be parties of a 3rd world country. Neither party is fit to call themselves members of American politics.
IMHO, it seems that these two women's main goal in getting elected was to benefit their personal grudges against Israel, and not for the benefit of America, or that of ALL of those who put them in our Congress.
Using their Congressional positions to personally attack another country not going to win them, or America, many good will praises.
If being able to use their Congressional clout to openly attack Israel is their only goal for being elected, then they need to be schooled in what their jobs are as members of America's government.
Dear Sister Raven Wing: As always, you are right on target.
Now its up to the voters who put them in to replace them with those who will act in the best interests of their districts and America.
Great points.
Well worth consdering.
Dear Brother Enoch,
They are entitled to their personal opinion of Israel, but, they are not entitled to drag America into their personal fight with Israel, or any other country. There are many new members to the House and Senate who seem to understand this important point and are using their newly acquired government position to carry out their own personal agenda.
They are both either ignorant of what they have been elected to do, or are deliberately ignoring it in order to promote their own agendas. I feel sure that, what they re doing at this point is not why they were elected by all those who voted for them.
The latest news is that they intend to try to stop or reduce the Military aid that the US provides to Israel.
I read that as well, Buzz. It is a shame that they are trying to be the face of the Democrat party. However, as the old saying goes, give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. They are not winning many to their side, and alienating many of their own party who will not be willing to support them in their endeavors.
They may not even be able to serve more than their one term if they continue on this path of self destruction. They are Grandstanding and tooting their own horns as well as playing far off key to everyone else. They will not win many accolades at the end of the day.
I think they've made that clear from Day One.
True. Yet, it appears they have chosen to ignore the lessons and endeavor to do as they please. Their decision will not play well for them in the long run.
Evidently, Tlaib feels that having permission to visit her family without being able to engage in activism equates to “oppressive conditions.”
It utterly disgusts me to think that I spent 20 years of my adult life in uniform in the honorable service of my country Just so people like the bigoted four horsewomen can try to do all in their power to try to tear down the things I served and fought in two wars for to uphold and defend! May God, Allah, Budddah or whatever deity one believes in or not have mercy on their souls!
I admire and respect your service for your country, but in this case I don't agree with your forgiveness.
Thank you for your extended service to our country. These two women, especially, are an embarrassment to our country, our government, and our people.
As an American taxpaying citizen who has served this country honorably....and is also a Muslim, i say this wholeheartly.....To hell with ISRAEL! To hell with their oppressive apartheid like regime and hypocritical policies!
Ah, well, we do differ don't we. As a taxpaying Canadian who was never the right age to serve my country, but who has served my community by being a volunteer officer and president of a charity that caters to the needs of physically and socially deprived children, and a supporter of Israel, I DO NOT SAY to hell with Muslims, but I will say to hell with Islamists as do Muslims like Dr. Jasser and many others. You have spouted the usual false accusations one might not expect from an intelligent and learned Muslim.
Jew bashing society? Really?
Christian prophesy. The Rapture. The return of Jesus. The Jew shall either convert to ( christianity ) or perish.
So, who is being fooled here?
It is in the bible, right?
Don't expect to be taken seriously when you "make up" what you THINK you have read. I just read through this whole seed and comments looking for the words "Jew bashing society" and they are NOT there, not even "Jew bashing". The words that are used are "Israel bashing", and Israel is made up of 20% Muslim Arabs, many Christians, and other religions, with not just Jews serving as judges on the Courts of Justice, in the Knesset as active members, officials such as mayors, and even in the IDF.
Its in the bible. Ever read it? Stop deflecting.
I'M deflecting??? What bible contains the words "Jew bashing society"?
Forget it, Buzz. You're never going to get him to see reason. He needs the Bible to say that or he wouldn't be able to say anything.
I have decided to leave thenewstalkers at this time, and am not certain if or when I will decide to return. I am not deleting my account in order to retain access to the photos and articles I have posted. However, I believe it is necessary to lock the comments on this seed as I will not be available to moderate.