
Iran Ready to "Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map"


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  buzz-of-the-orient  •  6 years ago  •  10 comments

Iran Ready to "Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map"

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Iran Ready to "Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map"

by  Majid Rafizadeh , Gatestone Institute, September 9, 2019


Recently, the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, again vowed to obliterate Israel. He boasted that Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy to such an extent that Hezbollah "alone" can wipe out Israel. Pictured: Salami receives his promotion to the rank of Major General, from Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a ceremony held on April 22, 2019. (Image source: khamenei.ir)

Malign behavior in the world today seems largely to be the result of people who have the power to correct what is wrong willfully looking the other way: hypocrisy. Currently, one of the biggest beneficiaries -- along with China, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, Turkey and Cuba -- is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Among other   lawlessness , Iran, since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, has continued non-stop to   threaten   the existence of Israel in contravention of   Chapter 1   the United Nations Charter -- without any reproof or rebuke from the international community.

Amazingly, Israel has been   bullied   and criticized by the same international community for merely taking precautionary measures to defend its citizens and territorial integrity, as any country would.

If, for any reason, the Israeli government ever issued a declaration about destroying Iran "in half an hour," as Iran   recently said   about Israel, we would probably never hear the end of the criticism from all parts of the world. The European Union would likely take even more   measures to counter Israel . There would doubtless be an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to hurl slanders against Israel, followed by countries pledging solidarity and support for Iran.

It was Mojtaba Zolnour, chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, who issued this latest   threat .

For some reason, the Islamic Republic is getting a free pass for continually threatening to wipe out Israel off the map. This lopsided justice is either a case of selective amnesia or outrageous double standards by the international community.

In a recent   ceremony   in the northern city of Urumiyeh, the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, again vowed to obliterate Israel.

He   boasted   that Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy to such an extent that Hezbollah "alone" can wipe out Israel.

According   to Salami, "The Lebanese Hezbollah has now developed such an extent of power through the experience of confrontation against proxy wars that it is now, by itself, able to wipe the Zionist regime off the map in any possible war." He added that "They [the US and its allies] intended to undermine Iran's regional influence, but everyone witnessed how this policy backfired to increase Iran's influence and a united front was formed against the Zionist regime."

Salami also   pointed   out that Iran has assisted Hezbollah to sharpen its military capabilities fighting in Syria to become strong enough single-handedly to "wipe the Zionist regime off the map".

Revealingly, when the Iranian general was appointed as the IRGC commander by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in April, it appears that one of the main reasons behind his   appointment   was his deep antagonism towards the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

Before becoming the IRGC commander, Salami was in charge of   building   up Iran's ballistic missile system capable of "annihilating" Israel.

The IRGC commander has consistently   maintained   his desire and ambition to destroy Israel. Salami was previously quoted as   saying   that "Today, more than ever, there is fertile ground — with the grace of God — for the annihilation, the wiping out and the collapse of the Zionist regime."

He also famously   boasted   that "In Lebanon alone, over 100,000 missiles are ready to be launched," adding:

"If there is a will, if it serves [our] interests, and if the Zionist regime repeats its past mistakes due to its miscalculations, these missiles will pierce through space, and will strike at the heart of the Zionist regime. They will prepare the ground for its great collapse in the new era."

He also has   said , "Iran's policies towards the terrorist groups and the Zionist regime will not change, and this regime will be vanished from the global political scene."

As one of the most effective ways to attract public support in the Iranian government is to slander Israel, Iranian politicians across the political spectrum have shown support for the IRGC commander.

Iran, however, does not have monopoly on violence; it needs to be told -- in no uncertain terms -- by the international community that it cannot continue to bully Israel.

The international community, for its part, needs to stop its double standards by taking measures against Iran's vows to annihilate Israel.

Fortunately, since U.S. President Donald J. Trump took office, America's Iran policy has been heading in the right direction. Steadily escalating economic sanctions have inflicted serious damage on Iran's economy. Maximum pressure is the right policy to adopt to bridle this predatory regime.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has   authored   several books on Islam and US foreign policy.


jrDiscussion - desc
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago


  Well, the  neighborhood  bully, he's just one man
His  enemies  say he's on  their  land
They got him  outnumbered  about a  million  to one
He got no  place  to  escape  to, no  place  to run
He's the  neighborhood  bully.

The  neighborhood  bully he just  lives  to survive
He's  criticized  and  condemned  for  being  alive
He's not  supposed  to  fight  back, he's  supposed  to have  thick  skin
He's  supposed  to lay down and die when his door is  kicked  in
He's the  neighborhood  bully.

The  neighborhood  bully been  driven  out of  every  land
He's  wandered  the  earth  an  exiled  man
Seen his  family  scattered, his  people  hounded and torn
He's  always  on  trial  for just  being  born
He's the  neighborhood  bully.

Well, he  knocked  out a  lynch  mob, he was criticized
Old  women  condemned him, said he  should  apologize
Then he  destroyed  a bomb factory,  nobody  was glad
The  bombs  were  meant  for him. He was  supposed  to feel bad
He's the  neighborhood  bully.

Well, the  chances  are  against  it, and the odds are slim
That he'll live by the  rules  that the  world  makes for him
'Cause there's a  noose  at his neck and a gun at his back
And a  license  to kill him is  given  out to  every  maniac
He's the  neighborhood  bully.

Well, he got no  allies  to  really  speak of
What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love
He buys  obsolete  weapons and he won't be denied
But no one  sends  flesh and  blood  to  fight  by his side
He's the  neighborhood  bully.

Well, he's  surrounded  by  pacifists  who all want peace
They pray for it  nightly  that the  bloodshed  must cease
Now, they wouldn't hurt a fly. To hurt one they  would  weep
They lay and they wait for this  bully  to fall asleep
He's the  neighborhood  bully.
Every empire that's enslaved him is gone Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon He's made a garden of paradise in the desert sand In bed with nobody, under no one's command He's the neighborhood bully. Now his holiest books have been trampled upon No contract that he signed was worth that what it was written on He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health He's the neighborhood bully. What's anybody indebted to him for? Nothing, they say. He just likes to cause war Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed They wait for this bully like a dog waits for feed He's the neighborhood bully. What has he done to wear so many scars? Does he change the course of rivers? Does he pollute the moon and stars? Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill Running out the clock, time standing still Neighborhood bully.
Professor Quiet
2  Ronin2    6 years ago
  Well, he got no   allies   to   really   speak of
What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love
He buys   obsolete   weapons and he won't be denied
But no one   sends   flesh and   blood   to   fight   by his side
He's the   neighborhood   bully. 
Please, stop.
Maybe the US should take offense at this part?
So the US is not an ally?
Israel doesn't receive more aid from the US than any other country?
Obsolete weapons? Most advanced military in the ME.

Funny, I don't see the US treating Iran with kid gloves.
What, is Israel upset the US isn't charging headlong into war with Iran?
If Israel wants Iran gone, then they have the military to do it.
I am sure the rest of the ME will not cry about it.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ronin2 @2    6 years ago

One should take into consideration that the song was first released on a Dylan album in 1983, so although the references would have been applicable to up to that time frame, many of the references are still relevant, if not all of them. Of course you knew that, but it didn't fit your agenda.

Professor Expert
2.2  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @2    6 years ago
Israel doesn't receive more aid from the US than any other country?


As I'm sure you are aware,  Arab countries that are sworn enemies of Israel receive more than Israel does. (The total aid to the Arab world alone is many, many times more than we give israel).

But in terms of single countries, Afghanistan receive much more aid than Israel-- in factI believe is well over 1 1/2X as much as we give israel. (Yet, strangely, with all the whining I see online about what we send to israel, I have never heard people complain about all we send to Afghanistan.


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.2.1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @2.2    6 years ago

Why?  You and I know very well the answer to that question, and why nobody is willing to answer it.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

It's almost 10 pm here and I'm heading for bed.  I think discretion is the better part of valour so I'll lock this seed for the night.  I'll unlock it about 9 or 10 hours from now.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

This seed is now unlocked.

Professor Quiet
5  Ronin2    6 years ago

Why should the US have all of the fun? Iran continuously calls for our destruction; but I don't see the rest of the world rebuking them for that. Hell, not even all US citizens are against Iran calling for our destruction.  We did Iran wrong in the past; and somehow we deserve their wrath forever more.

Good thing about Iran is they are kind of stupid. Hezbollah and Hamas will never be capable  of destroying Israel; no matter what Iran says. Iran gets nuclear weapons that could change. As the article states Trump has put the sanctions and embargo in place, to try and get a real deal with meaningful international inspections to confirm it holds.

As for the rest of the "International Community", good luck with that. The EU, Russia, and China want Iranian oil and money. They have already proven there will be no snap back sanctions against Iran. In fact they are assuring Iran that the current deal will be enforced no matter what the US does. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ronin2 @5    6 years ago

Yep. I agree.

Professor Expert
5.2  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @5    6 years ago
Hell, not even all US citizens are against Iran calling for our destruction.

That does strike me as a somewhat bizarre comment-- after all, not even all U.S. citizens agree on...anything! (If they did, we wouldn't need to have elections....

(Think about this-- not even all US citizens agree on whether Trump is a good president..or not. Ditto Obama...was he a good president? What do all Americans agree on in that regard?)


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