‘Final straw’: Republican John Kasich says he supports impeachment

WASHINGTON — Former Ohio governor John Kasich, who ran against President Trump in the 2016 Republican primary, said Friday that he supports impeaching the president — but isn’t ready to call for his removal from office.
Kasich said he decided to back impeachment after hearing acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledge Thursday that Trump’s decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to his demand that Ukraine investigate the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 US presidential campaign. Mulvaney later claimed his remarks were misconstrued.
‘‘This is an extremely serious matter,’’ Kasich said in an interview. ‘‘I wrestled with it for a very long time.’’
Kasich said he decided to back impeachment after hearing acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledge Thursday that Trump’s decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to his demand that Ukraine investigate the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 US presidential campaign. Mulvaney later claimed his remarks were misconstrued.
‘This is an extremely serious matter,’’ Kasich said in an interview. ‘‘I wrestled with it for a very long time.’’
The numbers of republicans siding with impeaching the Orange Menace is on the rise. If there is an impeachment trial, the house and the senate will be given the facts, not spin, not hyperbole, not lies. If the repubs after viewing the facts, (and the facts support impeachment), decide to put party over country, many of them will be looking for another job in 2020. Even McTurtle is starting to see the writing on the wall.
Even McTurtle is starting to see the writing on the wall.
Heck-- there's even a petition to expose him as such!
Petition: Expose Mitch McConnell As A Turtle
McTurtle is almost as corrupt as donny.
So Kasich saw the light or what ever. He's testing a run in 2020.
He was governor of our great state for eight years which seemed like eight hundred and his greatest accomplishments were tax cuts, raising the cost of license fees of all kinds and perpetual assaults on Planned Parenthood.
From what I've heard he does have some support within Ohio-- but practically zero outside the state.
However what I think is signigicant is that he has dared to say something that isn't worshipping Trump.
So if he thinks he can get away with that, Trump's support is obviously slipping.
Also the fact that he's from Ohio, one of the most important swing states...
Through redistricting, Ohio is a red state.
Not a fan of Kasich, but I give him 'mega dittos' for seeing through Trump even before the Trump slid down that escalator with wife number three and extramarital affair number 2,186.
Through redistricting, Ohio is a red state
Sure, Ohio was magically redistricted in 2016 to chose Trump by 9 points.
He said he supported impeachment. He didn't say he supported removing the president from office. We need to actually have a trial and see the evidence for and against conviction first. Unfortunately, Democrats are hiding all of their evidence behind closed doors and releasing only the narrative they want people to hear.
So far, there is no sign they are actually serious and deliberative in their duties. So far, it just looks like an abuse of the system for political gain.
sequestering witnesses during an investigation is SOP for seeking the truth. it keeps defendants from aligning their testimony and traps those that would likely commit perjury later.
Yet you just said that they are doing everything behind closed doors.
How could the proceedings be for "political gain"-- if they are letting the public know what's going on?
What makes you think they are? Suppose they have evidence Trump might have done something wrong. If they also have evidence of mitigating context, or a witness might not be telling the truth, or the president actually has a right to do a certain thing do you think you will hear about it? Why would you? How would you ever know?
If impeachment is ordered the trial takes place in the senate where witnesses will be publicly heard and the proceedings will be guided by the Chief Justice of The Supreme Court. In essence, the congress is investigating in the same manner as a grand jury. In both cases testimony is given under oath.
And if the Democrats in the House choose to conceal evidence that might tend to exonerate the president, how would anyone ever know?
That is why as Senator Johnson said to Mark Levin on Fox, that without proper due process to the President and minority, they might just have a motion to dismiss as soon as it hits the senate without even so much as looking at it.
Since the Minority is participating in ALL of the depositions so far, one would think that they would take note of exculpatory evidence.
So the answer to you question is that the GOP Congressman in the 3 Committees of jurisdiction would know.
Ah, like using the power of the office to extort a foreign country to win an election... Got it.
(assuming that's true) So it's ok when a Democratic House does it, but not when a Republican president does it? . . . Got it.
FFS, half the people in trumps admin have admitted to it. Mulvaney flat out said it was true.
Can the House run for president? No.
Please provide a link to evidence that the Democratic House extorted a foreign country to win an election.
Just another one of your proclamations that you can't support.
Seems that everyone understands that Democrats are not going to impeach Trump. So, now impeaching Trump depends upon Republicans who are locked out of doing anything in the Democratic controlled House.
Any Republican calling for impeachment will receive more attention from the corrupt press than the entire Democratic Party. The media has been treating Democrats the same way Trump has treated the Kurds.
If by "everyone" you mean, "you", you're right.