
7 brutal cartoons about Trump's ongoing Syria disaster


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  6 years ago  •  72 comments

7 brutal cartoons about Trump's ongoing Syria disaster
Kurds: "We should've investigated Biden!"

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Re: Trump's ongoing Syria disaster: sometimes a picture can be worth a thousand words!


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Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

Trump's barbaric betrayal of our Kurdish allies is making some of our other allies very nervous...



Professor Quiet
1.1  Ronin2  replied to  Krishna @1    6 years ago


Maybe they will finally start to take their own damn protection seriously and stop requiring the US to do all of the heavy lifting.

Of course they don't want to pay the costs, resources, and lives it will take- so of course they are upset and worried.

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago


Junior Quiet
2.1  cobaltblue  replied to  Krishna @2    6 years ago


Professor Expert
2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2    6 years ago


Professor Expert
4  Nerm_L    6 years ago

The United States doesn't need to occupy territory with boots on the ground to fight its enemies.  The United States knows where the prisons are located in Syria.  

The Kurds, like the Afghans and Iraqis, will receive a special delivery sympathy card.


Junior Quiet
4.1  dave-2693993  replied to  Nerm_L @4    6 years ago
The United States doesn't need to occupy territory with boots on the ground to fight its enemies.

Exactly. That is what the Kurds once did FOR US.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night

Professor Expert
4.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  dave-2693993 @4.1    6 years ago
The United States doesn't need to occupy territory with boots on the ground to fight its enemies.

Exactly. That is what the Kurds once did FOR US.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night

Trump's betrayal of various allies has become the norm. :-)

Junior Quiet
4.1.2  cobaltblue  replied to  dave-2693993 @4.1    6 years ago
That is what the Kurds once did FOR US.

No shit. They lost tons of lives in the process. Why did he send troops to Saudi Arabia? 

Professor Participates
4.1.3  1stwarrior  replied to  cobaltblue @4.1.2    6 years ago

Wait a minute - you mean the country where Osama was born and kept his war chest?  The country that helped train 21 terrorists, funded them, sent them to the U.S for more training on how to fly so they could crash three planes into heavily populated areas to kill thousands of U.S. citizens?  

"By turning the American military into the Saudi royals’ bodyguard, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama spurred terrorism and attacks on Americans. The first Gulf War was directed more to safeguard Saudi Arabia than liberate Kuwait; the U.S. garrison left in Saudi Arabia stoked Osama bin-Laden’s anger and was later targeted by terrorists in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing. (Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz cited the withdrawal of these troops as an important benefit of the Iraq invasion.) Subsequent sanctions and bombing supported the meme of a U.S. war on Islam. Finally, attacking Iraq created the murderous al-Qaeda in Iraq, which became a prolific employer of suicide bombers and morphed into the Islamic State.

Instead of being treated as an ally, Saudi Arabia “should be a pariah,” argued Freedom House President Mark Lagon. At the very least, U.S. officials should drop the faux intimacy and treat Riyadh as Washington once treated Moscow. An important power to be engaged, not supported, endorsed, praised, subsidized, and reassured. Ultimately regime change in Riyadh is as necessary, indeed, perhaps even more so, than regime change in Tehran."

That Saudi Arabia????

Professor Expert
4.1.5  seeder  Krishna  replied to  cobaltblue @4.1.2    6 years ago
They lost tons of lives in the process. Why did he send troops to Saudi Arabia? 

1. Oil

2. They buy Yuge amounts of advanced American weapons,

Junior Quiet
4.1.6  cobaltblue  replied to  1stwarrior @4.1.3    6 years ago
That Saudi Arabia????

That very one. The ones that slammed into the World Trade Towers. The same Saudi Arabia that has our troops sent over as mercenaries, according to Trump. Getting paid for being there, he says. 

“Then the president said, ‘Well, the reason I’m taking the troops out of Syria is because I promised them at campaign to bring the troops home.’ My question to him was, ‘Is Saudi Arabia home? Is Saudi Arabia home? Why are our troops going to Saudi Arabia if you promised to bring them home?’ He said, ‘Well, the Saudi Arabians are paying for it.’ Really, we’re putting our troops in harm’s way for Saudi Arabia because they’re paying — it just didn’t add up.”

— House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), recounting to reporters a conversation at the White House with Trump, Oct. 17

President Trump has a soft spot for Saudi Arabia. It’s where he took his   first overseas trip   as president. He also worked hard to rehabilitate on the world stage its de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, after the CIA   concluded he had ordered the 2018 assassination   of Washington Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

From the Snowflake-In-Chief:

“You read where we’re sending some troops to Saudi Arabia. That’s true. Because we want to help Saudi Arabia. They have been a very good ally. They’ve agreed to pay for the cost of those troops. They’ve agreed to pay fully for the cost of everything we’re doing over there.   . . . Saudi Arabia is paying for 100 percent of the cost, including the cost of our soldiers. And that negotiation took a very short time — like, maybe, about 35 seconds.”
— President Trump,   remarks at the White House , Oct. 16

That Saudi Arabia. 

Junior Quiet
4.1.7  cobaltblue  replied to    6 years ago

I'm sorry I didn't see your comment, Wally. I always smile at your attempts at snarkasm. You keep working at it, though. It's like how you get into Carnegie Hall ... practice, practice, practice. 

Professor Expert
4.1.9  seeder  Krishna  replied to  cobaltblue @4.1.6    6 years ago
That very one. The ones that slammed into the World Trade Towers. The same Saudi Arabia that has our troops sent over as mercenaries, according to Trump. Getting paid for being there, he says.

And Bone-Spur -Challenged Trump keeps sending more troops to defend the Saudis... 

Professor Expert
4.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @4    6 years ago

The Kurds, like the Afghans and Iraqis, will receive a special delivery sympathy card.

How's that been working out so far?

Professor Expert
4.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @4    6 years ago


Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    6 years ago


Nice drawing. Is that an ISIS prisoner being depicted as an animal? a monster? I thought that was supposed to be offensive. Remember when Trump called MS-13 "animals?" Nancy Pelosi was very upset because we're all God's children after all. She said we must "respect the dignity and worth of every person." No one is an animal. I thought everyone would have gotten that memo by now. /s

Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @5    6 years ago

Nice drawing. Is that an ISIS prisoner being depicted as an animal? a monster? I thought that was supposed to be offensive.

Looks like that one really got to you Tacos...?

Professor Guide
5.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Krishna @5.1    6 years ago

Not at all. You're missing the point. I'm just having fun pointing out a little hypocrisy in the political world. I don't have a problem with characterizing bad people as animals or monsters. I actually approve. But I'll bet that some of the people who like the cartoon were outraged right along with Pelosi when Trump did the same thing. 

Professor Expert
5.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.1    6 years ago
I don't have a problem with characterizing bad people as animals or monsters. I actually approve.

So then you must easily see the resemblance between that bizarre creature and Trump?

Professor Quiet
5.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Tacos! @5    6 years ago
Nice drawing. Is that an ISIS prisoner being depicted as an animal? a monster? I thought that was supposed to be offensive.

Way to go Tacos!, those ISIS terrorists needed someone to stand up for them.  Looks like you are volunteering for the job.

Professor Guide
5.2.1  Tacos!  replied to  Ozzwald @5.2    6 years ago

Read above Ozz. Once again, your zeal and political bias have clouded your reading comprehension.

Professor Quiet
5.2.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.1    6 years ago
Read above Ozz. Once again, your zeal and political bias have clouded your reading comprehension.

Your entire comment...

Nice drawing. Is that an ISIS prisoner being depicted as an animal? a monster? I thought that was supposed to be offensive. Remember when Trump called MS-13 "animals?" Nancy Pelosi was very upset because we're all God's children after all. She said we must "respect the dignity and worth of every person." No one is an animal. I thought everyone would have gotten that memo by now. /s

I see you tried to cover your ass in comment 5.1.1....

Professor Quiet
5.2.3  Ronin2  replied to  Ozzwald @5.2.2    6 years ago

Notice that /s at the end. That means sarcasm. 

Of course the left think jokes made at a roast are reality; so maybe things continually need to be spelled out for them.

Professor Guide
5.2.5  Tacos!  replied to  Ronin2 @5.2.3    6 years ago
Notice that /s at the end. That means sarcasm.

It's funny: I almost didn't use the sarc tag. I didn't think I'd need to because it was so obvious. 

Professor Quiet
5.2.6  Ozzwald  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.5    6 years ago
It's funny: I almost didn't use the sarc tag. I didn't think I'd need to because it was so obvious. 

I don't think the sarc tag means what you think it means.  I think you are just so use to jumping on certain people in this forum, you jumped before you looked.  But whatever, I'll give you this pass.

Junior Quiet
5.2.7  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.4    6 years ago
they remain convinced that Palin said she could see Russia from her front porch, too!

Oh puh-leeze. She's said some stupid stuff, but that wasn't one of them. That was an SNL skit formed because of this statement: "The basis for the line was Governor Palin’s  2008 appearance on ABC News, her first major interview after being tapped as the vice-presidential nominee. During that appearance, interviewer Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, and she responded: “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska”. So you're wrong, Texan. Hardly anyone thought the front porch statement was a quote from her. It was an SNL skit based upon her comment made on September 11, 2008.

"Polls are for strippers and cross-country skiers" –Sarah Palin, speaking at a Tea Party rally in Iowa, Sept. 3, 2011. [Uh ... polls are different than poles, Sarah.]

"[Paul Revere] did warn the British. And in a shout-out, gotcha-type of question that was asked of me, I answered candidly. And I know my American history." --Sarah Palin, defending her botched Paul Revere history lesson by taking issue with the reporter, who simply asked her "What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?" (Fox News Sunday interview, June 5, 2011) [Uh ... Paul Revere did NOT warn the British. You got that backwards, Sarah.]

"But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010. [Uh ... North Korea, Sarah? Well, of course Trumplethinskin thinks they're our allies. He's "fallen in love" with Kim, after all.]

"Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate." --a Tweet by Sarah Palin, which she quickly removed after being ridiculed for inventing the word "refudiate," July 18, 2010. [Uh ... 'refudiate', Sarah? Are you sure?]

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009. [Department of Law, Sarah?]

Yeah, Sarah is pretty stupid. Lots of domestic violence in her family as well. 

Professor Principal
5.2.8  Ender  replied to  cobaltblue @5.2.7    6 years ago

It seems like Todd finally had enough. Took him three decades, so he is a little slow on the uptake.

He might miss the drunken bbq brawls though.

Professor Principal
5.2.11  devangelical  replied to    6 years ago
She became governor of Alaska..

as the family values candidate. ain't that a hoot.

Professor Expert
5.2.12  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @5.2.3    6 years ago
Of course the left think jokes

Generalize much?

Professor Expert
5.2.13  seeder  Krishna  replied to    6 years ago
What did your ever do?

Well, by the same token-- what did your ever do?

Junior Quiet
5.2.14  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.9    6 years ago
can you convince some of the fools on the left who still believe she said it that they are wrong?

How about you convince some of your idiots on the right that they're idiots:

A 29-year-old North Carolina man who   fired a military-style assault rifle   inside a popular Washington pizzeria in December, wrongly believing he was saving children trapped in a sex-slave ring, was sentenced on Thursday to four years in prison.

The man, Edgar Maddison Welch, drove on Dec. 4 from his hometown, Salisbury, N.C., to the Comet Ping Pong restaurant with three guns. He was investigating unfounded but widespread online reports of children held there in a child abuse scheme led by Hillary Clinton, a theory known as “Pizzagate.” But Mr. Welch, who pleaded guilty to federal weapons charges in March, rescued no children. Rather, he frightened employees and patrons, who panicked and ran.

Mr. Welch surrendered after the episode and almost immediately apologized, saying he had made an “incredibly ill-advised decision” to try to save endangered children who were never there. “The intel on this wasn’t 100 percent,” Mr. Welch, who goes by his middle name, Maddison, said in   an interview with The New York Times   after his arrest.


And another one of your idiots:

A jury in Wisconsin has awarded $450,000 to the father of a boy killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting after he filed a defamation lawsuit against conspiracy theorist writers who claimed the massacre never happened.

A Dane County jury on Tuesday decided the amount James Fetzer must pay Leonard Pozner, whose 6-year-old son Noah was among the 26 victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 14, 2012.

Fetzer, a retired University of Minnesota Duluth professor now living in Wisconsin, and Mike Palacek co-wrote a book, "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook," in which they claimed the Sandy Hook shooting never took place but was instead an event staged by the federal government as part of an Obama administration effort to enact tighter gun restrictions.   A judge earlier   ruled Pozner was defamed by statements in the book that claimed he fabricated copies of his son's death certificate.


Your idiots are dangerous idiots. They're go-to-fucking-jail idiots. They're lose-lawsuits idiots. 

Junior Quiet
5.2.16  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.15    6 years ago
While your idiots remain free and loose, inflicting yet more damage

Saying it doesn't make it so, Texan. What damage, Texan?? Hmmmm? I gave examples. How about you give some cited examples. Your 25th Amendment deserving president is such a megalomaniac, they've written a song especially for him. It's a version of a Mary Poppins song. Stupidcallousfragileracistextrabraggadocious. 

Wrong again, Texan. 

Junior Quiet
5.2.17  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.15    6 years ago
While your idiots I’ve got the perfect slogan for President Trump’s reelection campaign: “Promises Made, Promises Not Kept, But I’m Betting My Voters Are Too Stupid to Notice.”

* * * *

Trump promised to spend   up to $1.5 trillion   on refurbishing the nation’s infrastructure, building new airports, bridges, tunnels, roads and other gleaming monuments to American greatness. He said he was uniquely able to oversee such a program because of his successful career as a real estate magnate.

Result: “Infrastructure Week” has become a running joke. Every once in a while, the administration announces it is launching the infrastructure campaign — then does nothing meaningful to follow through.

Trump promised to “drain the swamp” of corruption in Washington.

Result: Perhaps the most corrupt administration in U.S. history, riddled with nepotism and teeming with swamp creatures.

I could go on. Trump did fulfill some promises he made to far-right ideologues (appointing archconservative judges) and the ultra-rich friends he sups with at Mar-a-Lago (cutting taxes for the wealthy). Overall, though, his administration has been a great big failure.
Professor Expert
5.2.18  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ozzwald @5.2    6 years ago
Way to go Tacos!, those ISIS terrorists needed someone to stand up for them.  Looks like you are volunteering for the job.

Tacos is just another of NT's [deleted] neocons.. he should be ignored!

Junior Quiet
5.2.21  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.20    6 years ago
hell, if is just promises you are worried about,


Junior Quiet
5.2.22  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.19    6 years ago
but I can't bring myself to jump aboard the Hysteria Train

There is no hysteria train, Texan. That's made up by people like you that need an excuse to continue to defend a racist traitor who wants to schtup his daughter. He's alienated allies, he's insulted people far and wide and he's a poor excuse for a human being. The only good thing is that when he leaves office, he'll be jailed like the rest of his cronies. 

Lock him up, Texan. Maybe you can write him some fan mail c/o Rikers. 

Junior Quiet
5.2.24  cobaltblue  replied to    6 years ago
What did your ever do?


Just saw this; sorry, Wally. But what? I usually just scroll past you. 

Junior Quiet
5.2.25  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.23    6 years ago
Denial is futile.

Wrong again, Texan. Expecting the Traitor-In-Chief to show some accountability is not hysteria, Texan, and you saying it doesn't make it so. You want to know what hysteria is? President Obama wearing a tan suit. President Obama putting his feet on the desk. First Lady Obama wearing a sleeveless dress. There were actual articles about it! All hysteria driven.

If Obama would have done one-tenth of what Trump has done and is doing, the right would be apoplectic with rage. And I would agree with them. If Obama had done one-tenth of what Trump has done, I would think he needed to be removed from office. You know why, Texan? Because I'm a patriot. Because I believe in America and Americans. Because our country needs a leader, not some overblown egotistical zealot that is running this country into the ground. Not some clown that the rest of the world is laughing at. He's so concerned about himself, he's quit running the country. What happened to infrastructure? What happened to the new healthcare system? What happened to his failure wall? He's not even concerned with helping Americans and helping America. He's consumed with himself. Why does he need intervention from other countries in order to win an election? What's he afraid of? 

Expecting him to be accountable is all that needs to be done. And there are ways of going about making him accountable. Your hysteria is trying to keep from admitting his guilt. You've got Trump syndrome. You think you can call responsibility to the government bullshit and because you say it, it makes it so. Get over your bad self. He should release all of the documents, he should encourage people to respond to subpoenas for one reason if he's innocent. If he has nothing to hide, he should hide nothing. Because you say it's hysteria, then it is? Ha! That's a loser argument. Trump counts on stupidity from his supporters. His political career depends upon it. 

Wrong again, Texan. Wrong again. 

Sophomore Quiet
5.2.26  katrix  replied to  cobaltblue @5.2.25    6 years ago
Trump counts on stupidity from his supporters. His political career depends upon it. 

And he gets it, in spades.

Junior Quiet
5.2.27  cobaltblue  replied to  katrix @5.2.26    6 years ago

Oh, how good to see you, katrix! You'll appreciate hearing about the conversation that took place moments after the end of State of Union address made by Trump as they left the chamber of the House of Representatives.

Conversation on February 5, 2019:

Trump:  “Pence, you are going to be so amazed at my huge brain! I greatly and strategically stood next to two democratic senators and got the greatest scoop in this country’s history and it’s about Pelosi! If not for my absolute brilliance, we would have never found this out.”

Pence: “What? This has got to be good, and you’re right, of course. Without you, we’d know nothing about everything. Tell me what you got on Pelosi!!”

Trump: “Nervous Nancy is not anatomically correct. She’s different from everyone else. I can’t wait to tell the world …”

Pence: “How is she not anatomically correct?”

Trump:  “She’s got two anuses! Now her nickname will be “Double Butt Pelosi!” And the democrats know about it! They’ve kept it secret all this time!”

Pence: “You’re a genius, you know that?! You’re a god among men! What exactly did they say? I gotta know!”

Trump:  “Remember when we walked in with her before the State of the Union began? Well, as we were hesitating before taking the first step, I overheard them say ‘Here comes Nancy with the two assholes’…”

Junior Quiet
5.2.28  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.20    6 years ago
Best ask little old Nancy about infrastructure.

Why? He had two years to get it done. Maybe your Failure-In-Chief shouldn't have handed democrats congress. We liked the bow he tied around it though. It was a nice touch. And you're wrong anyway , Texan:

"The Democrats, who know Steel Slats (Wall) are necessary for Border Security, are putting politics over Country," he  tweeted  Dec. 20. " What they are just beginning to realize is that I will not sign any of their legislation, including infrastructure, unless it has perfect Border Security. U.S.A. WINS!"

Yeahhhhh ... maybe you should study what your Traitor-And-Loser-In-Chief is saying before commenting. 


It Is ME
Masters Guide
6  It Is ME    6 years ago

Brutal ? jrSmiley_18_smiley_image.gif

Don't "Jail" ISIS....just …… Send 'EM to their "Maker". There's "Party favors" promised over there :jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif


Professor Expert
6.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @6    6 years ago
Don't "Jail" ISIS....just …… Send 'EM to their "Maker". There's "Party favors" promised over there :

Now that our Bone-Spur-Challenged Noo-Con president pulled out our troops to put them in harms way in Iraaq--mthat ain't gonna happen:

Kurds, who suffered 10,000 killed in fighting against ISIS terrorists . (The United States, which supported the Kurds with arms and a relatively small contingent of special operations forces, lost eight lives in the five-year battle , Graham noted.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @6.1    6 years ago
Kurds, who suffered 10,000 killed in fighting against ISIS terrorists .

Was that under Trump ?


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