Two children, ages 12 and 13, shot by driver after throwing snowballs at cars
Two children, ages 12 and 13, were shot after throwing snowballs at passing cars in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, police said.
The pair was hurling snowballs at passing cars with a group of children on Saturday evening, Milwaukee police said in a series of tweets .
One of the snowballs struck a white Toyota, and the driver of the car shot at the children, police said.
Police found the 12-year-old girl and the 13-year-old boy minutes apart. Both of their injuries were non-life-threatening.
Both children are being treated at a local hospital, police said.
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Well that seems to be an appropriate and reasonable response to your car being hit by snowballs.
Hope they catch the driver as he/she doesn't seem to be playing with a full deck
The damn lunatics are running the asylum.
one of my delinquent guilty pleasures as an adolescent youth.
Been beaten, snow rubbed in face, smacked around etc by a few disgruntled motorists, till my buddy's came back and we showed them the same.
ah, the stupid ship you do as a kid...
now in this case, from what ive read so far, WAY over the top response !
kids will be kids
as an adult, i've chased a few, but it was all in fun, as that is what we wanted, the chase
we'd even hit the local cops, but they were usually too lazy to give any chase, maybe, we should have thrown donuts...
Let's just say it was 2nd & Olney. And we used a mannequin in the intersection to lure the unwary into range, lol
including Philly's finest...
After a few times over a couple of years. They brought four squad cars. Nothing happened at first, then they confiscated the mannequin.
Good times.
The best one was doing it in the summer.
So one year someone who worked at the country club put all of the left over chipped ice in a cooler instead of
letting it melt away after a wedding.
Man were people surprised to see snow balls in June!
Ice balls are deadly weapons.
Snow balls are soft.
I remember one guy stopped his car, got out and started throwing snowballs back, more people joined in and it turned into the biggest snowball fight I've ever been in. That was a really good day.
Common ground and a normal pursuit in my youth as well.
My best shot ever was hitting a cop car, cop actually gave chase and i knocked the flashlight out of his hand with the next snowball.
In retrospect not a very smart thing to do but hey .... we were kids
That's pretty insane.
Bet they won't throw snowballs at people's private property anymore. Apparently their parents haven't taught them that, or likely even have a clue where they are or what they are doing.
Actually there's no indication either of them threw the snowball that hit the car
So you're actually defending that insanity
That figures.
I'm not saying it's the approach I would take, but some kids do need to learn the hard way. Ultimately nothing happened to them and like I said, they will probably never do that again.
'So you're actually defending that insanity
That figures'
Of course he is.
He always does.
Did you bother to even read the fucking headline?
This was the conclusion of the seed:
A 12 yr. old girl and a 13 yr. boy were SHOT!
Once again you are trying to defend the indefensible.
When did i defend him? I never said what he did was right in fact i said i woukd never do it. The kids are not innocent however. They asked for trouble and they got it. Dont poke the bee hive if you dont want to be stung. And yes i read the article. Their injuries were non life threatening. In other words it was no big deal and they probably learned a valuable life lesson. They will probably thank the guy down the road and laugh about it
Yeah, “it was no big deal" to you.
Would you say that if someone shot your kids?
I think you've been blinded by the right.
it''s now commonplace to thank people that shoot you as a young adolescent, haven't you heard...?
I attended a wedding in DC. There was a blizzard.
We were staying at a motel in College Park, Md.
The next morning we decided to get some antifreeze (liquor).
We were behind a pickup truck. We notice two guys hiding in the truck bed.
As we approach the main intersection in college park, we notice a car up ahead getting pelted with snowballs by college students on both sides of the street. Then pickup pulled into the middle of the intersection and stopped as it was being pelted.
That's when the guys in the back of the truck stood up and returned fire (They had a shitload of snowballs in the back of the truck). They had the high ground and they may have been college ball players because they were throwing fastballs. When they ran out of "ammo" the truck sped off.
We went through the intersection and not a single snowball hit my car because the kids at the intersection were also out of snowballs.
After I bought the booze I went back through the intersection to give the kids another try. My car got hit by at least fifty snowballs butt it was completely undamaged.
Why the fuck would anyone shoot at kids (in this case a 12 yr. old girl and a 13 yr. old boy) for throwing a snowball at your pickup?
Reminds me of the episode of the Office where Dwight ambushes Jim by exploding out of a snowman and pelting him mercilessly when he can't run away. Funniest episode I have seen so far.
That's awesome