Hear That Sound? Those Are the War Drums.
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 22 commentsBy: Charles Johnson

The impeached president is now sending thousands of additional troops to the Middle East, men and women who will pay with their lives for Trump’s folly.

Photo: Cronica de Xalapa
The impeached president is now sending thousands of additional troops to the Middle East , men and women who will pay with their lives for Trump’s folly.
The president’s cronies are claiming that Trump’s illegal assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani was necessary to stop “an imminent attack,” but nobody should believe anything this gang of proven liars says.
They’re covering for a president who was impeached for abuse of power —and who is abusing his power again by ordering this insanely provocative attack without getting Congressional approval.
Wow - can we not show our BIAS in this thread???
So Iran organizing, training, and funding their Iranian militias operating in Iraq to attack US assets isn't an "insanely provocative attack" that needed to be responded too?
As for congressional approval where were you when Obama failed to inform Congress, our allies, or even Pakistan when he sent Navy SEALs in to take out Bin Laden? You do realize that sending US forces into another country w/o their express permission to conduct military operations is an act of war? Or how about with Syria when Obama sent in US troops to train moderate Sunni, and Kurdish, rebels and conducted countless air strikes in Syria w/o their government's permission? That is also an act of war. Or his extra judicial drone killing sin Pakistan and all across the ME. Also an act of war.
But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!
Is the left really upset about an Iranian terrorist being taken out? Are they really backing Iran who will continue to fund, support, and train terrorists no matter what the US does?
The president’s cronies are claiming that Trump’s illegal assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani was necessary to stop “an imminent attack,” but nobody should believe anything this gang of proven liars says.
And our Neocon-in-Chief's main lackymcomments:
Mike Pompeo: The president's call "to remove Qassem Soleimani from the battlefield saved American lives. There's no doubt about that".
Trump has not threatened war with Iran. Trump hasn't called for removing a rogue government or liberating the Iranian people. Trump has threatened to respond in kind; tit for tat retaliation. Trump has threatened to play the game by Iran's rules.
And they are scared to death.
Remeber, Iran is not a democracy. its a Theocracy.
What does that mean?
Well, for starters, their leaders are rteligious fanatics. And while most of us don't like religious fanatics...the fsact of the matter is-- they are fanatical!
And while people who are that fanatical may have numerous faults-- being "scared to death"by the the beliefs and threats of "non-believers" is not one of them!
(That's why they're called...fanatics!!!)
How do terrorists defend against terrorism? Trump hasn't threatened a geopolitical struggle for control of the region. Trump has threatened to unleash truck bombs on Iran. Trump has threatened to do to Iran what Iran has done to others. That levels the playing field. What the United States will do is as unpredictable as what Iran will do.
It really doesn't matter what Trump "has threatened'.
Well, first of all, he's a habitual liar. So what matters is what he actually does...not what he says!
Second of all-- he constantly flip-flops! More than any president I can remember!
So what he's threatened (i.e. what he said) means little-- because anyone who's informed (and that includes the Iranian leadership BTW) knows that whatever he threatens-- or doesn't threaten-- can change at any time.
Not surprisingly. Dems criticize what he says and call what he says after he flip-flops a lie-- not surprisingly Republicans praise whatever he says and call it a "negotiating strategy".
But whatever you want to call it...what he says actually means little in reality.
Why? Because the true fact of the matter is-- whether you think its a nasty lie or a wonderful "negotiating strategy"-- whatever Trump threatens matters little ...BECAUSE IT KEEPS CHANGING!
Political Washington has been outraged because Trump acts without making a persuasive argument and building a coalition of support. Trump doesn't conform to political conventional wisdom. Trump is a loose canon; Trump is unpredictable.
Trump has already done something. That's what the uproar is about. Trump directly attacked the Iranian Revolutionary regime and then drew a red line. Now political Washington is trying to respond by relying on a conventional wisdom that Trump ignores.
Perhaps. But Trump is still the 45th President of the United States. What does that tell us about the Democrat's conventional wisdom of defending the status quo?
Trump has fought the status quo and is still in office.
Trying for alternate facts? Donald Trump will always be the 45th President of the United States no matter what happens.
The only rules he plays by is his.
The only rules he plays by is his.
Apparently some of the people posting here feel that he should-- or would-- play by their rules!
(But either he doesn't know what people here wish he would do-- or he's not wise enuf to listen to what people are posting on NT!)
Funny, the same thing can be said about the Iranians; but the left sure as hell seems to be defending them.
They are not the victims here.
Only the left is hoping for a war with Iran so they can have yet another thing to blame the president on. Trump sent troops as a deterrent, not to start a war.
Where was the seeder's seed on war drums when Obama sent thousands of troops to Iraq.
chirp chirp chirp...says the crickets.
I am reminded of this scene from GWTW...
"men and women who will pay with their lives for Trump’s folly."
Not much to worry about it seems. Iran's "Payback" Rocket Fizzles lately, harmed whom again ?