Consciousness Of Trump's Guilt - GOP Senator Attacks Purple Heart Recipient as "Unpatriotic" because he revealed info on Trump Zelensky phone call

Marsha Blackburn is a Republican senator from Tennesee. She is a first term senator, I believe, after years as a big mouthed right winger in the tea party republican House of the Obama years.
It appears for all the world that she has been on a twitter crusade this afternoon that mainly incriminates Donald Trump, at least in terms of the legal doctrine known as "consciousness of guilt" . That term is used when a defendant or criminal behaves in a way that indicates they understand they are guilty of the crime. The term doesnt exactly apply to Blackburn because she is not the defendant in this case, but we can roughly apply "consciousness of guilt" to her "defense" of her friend Donald Trump.
Blackburn made a series of tweets questioning the patriotism of Col Vindman, the somewhat mild mannered man who testified to the House committees that he heard inappropriate behavior by President Trump in the phone call to Zelensky. You could say Vindman was a key witness leading to the impeachment charges.
Blackburn is attacking the man , not because what he said to the House was wrong or inaccurate, but because what he said WAS accurate, and tends to show Trump's guilt. She says Vindman "leaked" info about the phone call to the whistleblower, and this proves he is unpatriotic, and wants to hurt America. How is that? Because Trump is in trouble.
Nothing from Blackburn about Trump being innocent, not at all. Just invective at the person who let our country know the president was abusing his power.

When the "best" way you can defend your guy is to attack the person who turned him in, you know you've got a guilty defendant on your hands.
'Marsha' trends as nation notices Sen. Blackburn reading a book, Tweeting during impeachment arguments
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) is multi-tasking in the Senate chamber during hearings in the ongoing impeachment arguments against President Donald Trump , she said.
Many people who saw her reading a book and posting tweets about the character of those testifying during the proceedings, though, expressed worry Blackburn was neglecting her duty as a juror. Some even called the posts acts of cowardice.
"Busy mamas are the best at multi-tasking. Try it," Blackburn responded to one journalist who flagged her reading.
She said she is reading Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America by Kimberly Strassel, released in October.
"Read the chapter on obstruction. It provides good insights into today’s proceedings," Blackburn urged her Twitter followers.
It was not clear how Blackburn was sending the messages as Senators are not allowed access to phones or other electronic devices inside the chamber. They are also not supposed to have reading material unrelated to the trial, the rules of the proceeding indicate.
She's a republican so the rules don't apply to her
She can say what she wants about Alexander Vindman. His service to this country and his impeccable reputation are well-known and undisputed.
What I don't understand how this woman can be so defiant regarding the rules that are repeated with gusto every day. What is she looking for? Publicity? Future votes? A date to her 50th reunion? And PS: Someone needs to tell her that she is way, way, way too old for Trump to even remotely consider a romp in a dressing room, or a grab on an elevator, or a bend-over on the back nine.
She is 67 years old, which I agree with you Sis, is way out of Trump's age range.
To me, the most interesting thing about this story is that it is a clear indication that Blackburn, and those who think like she does, KNOW that Trump is guilty.
By attacking the person who turned Trump in, or one of them, she is inadvertently acknowledging that Trump "did it".
This is not a small admission and unless she is a big hypocrite she now must vote for conviction.
I suspect there are many "Marsha Blackburns" in that Senate chamber , but they just arent as bold as she is.