
‘Sesame Street’ To Feature Cross-Dressing Gay Entertainer For Impressionable Preschoolers


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  5 years ago  •  54 comments

By:   By Denise Shick

‘Sesame Street’ To Feature Cross-Dressing Gay Entertainer For Impressionable Preschoolers
Watching a crossdressing gay man interact with their favorite TV characters is sure to affect impressionable young minds.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The popular TV program “Sesame Street” will soon feature Billy Porter, a crossdressing homosexual entertainer. According to the   Huffington Post . “Billy Porter dusted off his now-iconic velvet tuxedo dress for a forthcoming appearance on ‘Sesame Street.’”

Yes, that fun and often educational children’s TV series that taught you the letters of the alphabet decades ago is now preparing to teach your kids or grandkids that men dressing like women and having intimate relationships with other men is as normal as learning the alphabet —and how to form those alphabet letters into real words, like   gay   and   transgender .

“Children are sponges. They soak up everything they are exposed to. For instance, if a child is exposed from birth to three different languages, he will become fluent in all three in what appears to be an effortless fashion,”   says the American College of Pediatricians .

Young children learn through imitation. According to   Parents magazine , “By 15 months, most toddlers have developed the motor and cognitive skills necessary to carry out the action to be imitated. Children this age are usually mobile and have some hand-eye coordination. What drives toddler imitation? In part, it’s the instant connection that mimicry creates between parent and child.”

Children imitate more than their parents. Watching a crossdressing gay man interact with their favorite TV characters is sure to affect impressionable young minds.

No doubt the producers and writers of “Sesame Street” are well aware that, as reported by the   Center on Media and Child Health , “In young children, television can negatively impact a variety of executive functions. In older children and teens, violent media can lead to poorer results on executive functioning tests.” Television programs are influential; that is beyond question. What is open to argument is whether a program’s influence is positive or negative.

“Sesame Street” was designed to teach young children positive messages in an entertaining fashion. The “Sesame Street” crew has always known the persuasive potential of TV as a teaching tool.

As   Maureen Healy , an author who specializes in children’s emotional health,   wrote : “Children up to the age of eight are the most impressionable… Up to this point, they cannot distinguish what is seen on television or in video games from reality. They often imitate what they see, believing that monsters are real and people can have super powers. To ensure that children have positive experiences and learn the difference between a game or show and what happens in real life, parents must pay attention to what kids are viewing.”

The evidence is conclusive: television programs have enormous power to influence and even indoctrinate young children’s minds. So, if an immensely popular children’s TV series like “Sesame Street” uses its teaching platform to teach its young viewers that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal and healthy, is it telling the truth? Is it helping or harming those impressionable young minds?

Recent polls show that a significant majority of Americans ( 63 percent in a Pew Survey ) say they approve of homosexual relationships. U.S. culture is increasingly and now majority-affirming for LGBT people. Yet LGBT people still struggle with mental and physical health compared to heterosexual peers.

“[F]ew homosexual relationships last longer than two years, with many men reporting hundreds of lifetime partners,” according to   a research review by international scholars . Monogamous marriage   reduces the risk of heart attack .   Committed partners become less sensitive to pain.   People in long-term monogamous relationships also   tend to live longer .

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , “Studies have shown that, when compared with the general population, gay and bisexual men, lesbian, and transgender individuals are more likely to: Use alcohol and drugs, Have higher rates of substance abuse, Not withhold from alcohol and drug use, and Continue heavy drinking into later life.”

Meanwhile,   65 percent of Hispanics age 18 to 29   said they have experienced discrimination. Yet   substance abuse among this cohort is not higher than the national average . As long as it remains possible that homosexual and transgender behavior might in itself cause LGBT people’s higher health risks, caution should be the byword regarding messages—including from popular TV shows—to impressionable children.

Further, regardless of the potential effects of LGBT identification, sex and sexuality is simply not an appropriate topic for small children, who are nowhere near puberty. Sex is an adult topic, period.

Healy writes, “To ensure that children have positive experiences and learn the difference between a game or show and what happens in real life, parents must pay attention to what kids are viewing.” Unfortunately, many parents—perhaps most—assume “Sesame Street” is a safe children’s TV program and may not feel the need to pay attention to what the program is teaching their children.

That’s why LifeSite News has begun a petition to demand that the producers of “Sesame Street” drop the “Drag Queen” episode. Please go   sign this petition —and pay attention to the programs that influence your children.


Denise Shick is author of “My Daddy’s Secret,” “When Hope Seems Lost,” and “Understanding Gender Confusion.” She serves on the academic council of the   International Children's Rights Institute   and directs   Help 4 Families Ministry .

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Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    5 years ago

“Sesame Street” was designed to teach young children positive messages in an entertaining fashion. "

I'm glad to hear Ms Shick say it out load. It was always obvious the message of certain values was the main lesson. Letters and numbers a close second. Clearly this move crosses the line IMO.

Rules of civility apply

Trump is completely off topic

Professor Silent
1.1  SteevieGee  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    5 years ago

So...  Turn off the tv and entertain your kids yourself then.

Sophomore Quiet
4  katrix    5 years ago
Yet LGBT people still struggle with mental and physical health compared to heterosexual peers.

That's because they are still persecuted and discriminated against - legally. Laws don't protect them in many states. Parents still kick their kids out of the house when they come out as gay.

If we ever manage to achieve full equality and acceptance, I'd imagine that these issues will lessen dramatically.

Sex is an adult topic, period.

I was talking to a friend the other day about the crush I had on Jimmy, the little boy in H R Pufn'stuf. He said he had a huge crush on Jimmy too. He knew he was attracted to males, not females, at that young of an age. People don't wait until they're adults to realize what their sexual orientation or gender identity is - the assumption that they do is part of what leads to mental and physical health issues.

Professor Guide
5  Veronica    5 years ago
Sex is an adult topic, period.

(Disclaimer - I am using the word sex to mean the act)

Except our children are inundated with sexual topics daily.  Sexual abuse is rampant and children need to know that it is wrong - that is "sex".  I would love it if we could depend on parents to guide their children, but as we all know that does not always happen.  I talked to my kids about sex at an early age.  I taught them about acceptance of people regardless of their differences.  I think that is the goal of Sesame Street - acceptance.  

This is my opinion and I am entitled to it.  

Sophomore Quiet
5.2  katrix  replied to  Veronica @5    5 years ago

So true. I was almost molested by a K9 cop when I was young, and if I had known at least a little about sex, I would have told my parents. As it was, I just knew I was uncomfortable and didn't know why, and avoided the guy after that when he brought his dog to our school playground and rec center. But I had no actual idea what he was doing when he kept "squeezing his thigh" while sitting next to me. In fourth grade - now we know better and teach our kids younger.

Unfortunately, sex cannot just be an adult topic.

Professor Guide
5.2.1  Veronica  replied to  katrix @5.2    5 years ago
Unfortunately, sex cannot just be an adult topic.

So true.  And putting blinders on will not help with the problem.  

If I had known more as a child I may have been more forceful with my parents about my brother molesting me. I only attempted to tell once & was brushed off by my mother - so I assumed (as a child does) that it was no big deal.  How wrong I was.  If I had known more I would have gone to someone else (maybe the school counselor).  

Professor Quiet
6  Freefaller    5 years ago

Nobody should be surprised by this as Sesame Street has always been on the cutting edge of inclusive being the first to show impressionable children strong women, then blacks, then latinos, then homosexuals (both gay and lesbian).  This is simply the next normal step.

Professor Guide
7  evilone    5 years ago
... sex and sexuality is simply not an appropriate topic for small children, who are nowhere near puberty. Sex is an adult topic, period.

Well that cuts out 98% of what's on television or in movies. Even Bugs Bunny did a little cross dressing. Sexuality is a basic part of being human - these uptight snowflakes just whine about that which makes them feel uncomfortable. 

“[F]ew homosexual relationships last longer than two years, with many men reporting hundreds of lifetime partners,” according to a research review by international scholars  .

That statement is filled with so much bullshit. It's an outright lie.

Monogamous marriage reduces the risk of heart attack  . Committed partners become less sensitive to pain.  People in long-term monogamous relationships also tend to live longer  .

Someone should tell Gingrich and Trump! LMAO!!!

Yet LGBT people still struggle with mental and physical health compared to heterosexual peers.

Because people largely treat them like shit! Pretty much what this Sesame Street idea would help fix.

user image
Freshman Silent
7.1    replied to  evilone @7    5 years ago

Cross dressing for comedy is one thing, teaching it as an acceptable and normal lifestyle is different

Professor Guide
7.1.1  evilone  replied to  @7.1    5 years ago
Cross dressing for comedy is one thing, teaching it as an acceptable and normal lifestyle is different

Why isn't it acceptable? It doesn't hurt you, or society. Sexuality is fluid, it's a fact that's been know (even if not accepted) for millennia.

Professor Silent
7.2  SteevieGee  replied to  evilone @7    5 years ago
“[F]ew homosexual relationships last longer than two years, with many men reporting hundreds of lifetime partners,” according to a research review by international scholars

My brother came out shortly after I met my wife.  He had been with his partner for several years at that point.  They were married as soon as it was legal.  (the first time it was legal)  They're still married today and doing well.  They've been together for over 35 years now.  I've been divorced for 10 years. 

Now the question is...  Do you think they destroyed my marriage?

Professor Guide
7.2.1  evilone  replied to  SteevieGee @7.2    5 years ago

I happy for your bother and his partner. I've been divorced for nearly 25 years and living with my girlfriend for over 19.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8  It Is ME    5 years ago

Progress ?

ADULTS deciding to Feed " UNDER AGED CHILDREN" …… ADULT things…..is called "Progress?

I'd call it "CHILD ABUSE" (exploitation and emotional abuse )! 

" emotional abuse involves exposing a person to behavior or language that can result in the psychological trauma"

"Kiddies" ain't ready to be an ADULT, no matter how hard "Liberal" Types try and make it so.

What's next....letting a five year old vote because ADULTS think jrSmiley_88_smiley_image.gif ...."The Kiddies can handle it" ?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @8    5 years ago
to Feed " UNDER AGED CHILDREN" …… ADULT things…..is called "Progress?

Force feeding children the idea that being straight is the only "normal" is an "adult thing" but you and this conservative bigot above don't seem to be bothered at all by that. Passing on the adult themes you believe are "normal" is still teaching them about "sex", it's just leaving out teaching children tolerance and inclusion. And why would any parents not want to teach tolerance and inclusion? Because those parents so fucked in the head by some religions (primarily Islam and evangelical Christianity) demand the exclusive rights to push their religious beliefs on children that teach discrimination, division, ridicule, hate and intolerance.

The author above is obviously angered by Sesame Street daring to teach children not to hate. I feel sad for the children who have to grow up in such hateful households with bigoted parents who demand their right to pass on their bigotry, hate and discrimination.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.3.1  It Is ME  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.3    5 years ago

Everything you noted....isn't an "Issue" Kiddies" should have to "WORRY" about during the "Play years".

I let my kids just "Play". I did the worrying....as an ADULT !

What did you do with/for yours ?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.3.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @8.3.1    5 years ago
I let my kids just "Play".

As do I, which includes not getting bent out of shape if they happen to see a gay person or cross-dresser on Sesame Street.


It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.3.3  It Is ME  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.3.2    5 years ago
As do I, which includes not getting bent out of shape if they happen to see a gay person or cross-dresser on Sesame Street.

Sesame Street is supposed to be for "Playful" KID learning .....not ADULT learning !

Didn't you know that ?

"Worrying about what? That you might not get a chance to pass on your apparent deep seated hatred for lgtbq persons?"

What a FUCKED UP statement you just made ! jrSmiley_103_smiley_image.jpg

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.3.4  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @8.3.3    5 years ago
What a FUCKED UP statement you just made

You seem very angry and bitter about Sesame Street treating an lgtbq guest with respect, yet have no problem when they treat straight guests with respect. This leads me to believe you must not want them undermining your choice not to treat such persons with respect.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.3.5  It Is ME  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.3.4    5 years ago
You seem very angry and bitter about Sesame Street treating an lgtbq guest with respect

That's what YOU got from my comments ? jrSmiley_103_smiley_image.jpg

If you weren't so worried about what your next "Response" would be, you'd have figured out, my comments were about "Not Needing" ADULT situations put on a Kiddie show like Sesame Street ! jrSmiley_88_smiley_image.gif

Sophomore Quiet
8.3.6  katrix  replied to  It Is ME @8.3.1    5 years ago
I did the worrying....as an ADULT

Your kids weren't always in your sight, and if you didn't teach them enough to protect themselves (as most parents didn't back then, thinking sex was an adult topic), you're fortunate it didn't bite them and you in the ass. Luckily, we now know better than we did back then.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.3.7  It Is ME  replied to  katrix @8.3.6    5 years ago
if you didn't teach them enough to protect themselves

What IS .…… ENOUGH ?

Hell....even YOU and I can't keep up with how to protect ourselves.

Should we keep passing that on to our KIDS....incessantly too ?

user image
Freshman Silent
8.4    replied to  It Is ME @8    5 years ago

Might as well have an episode about gun safety. The earlier they learn the better

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.4.1  It Is ME  replied to  @8.4    5 years ago
Might as well have an episode about gun safety. The earlier they learn the better

Nah !

Big Bird would have a hard time getting his "Feathers" around the trigger.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.4.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  @8.4    5 years ago
Might as well have an episode about gun safety.

I have no problem with teaching kids about gun safety. I would only have an issue if the show was trying to teach them the lies constantly regurgitated by many conservatives who claim "all liberals, Democrats and progressives are trying to take all your guns away!" or claiming that any gun safety laws like universal background checks are just hidden attempts to shred the 2nd amendment.

Sophomore Quiet
8.4.3  katrix  replied to  @8.4    5 years ago
Might as well have an episode about gun safety. The earlier they learn the better

Agreed. Kids should know what to do - and especially what not to do - if they encounter a gun. Too many kids find guns that aren't locked up, with tragic consequences. There could be simple lessons about that on Sesame Street.

My "niece"'s brother has several guns. I took her to a pistol range where she went through the safety training and shot several rounds. While I doubt she has much interest in shooting again, I wanted her to know the safety rules since there's a good chance she'll run into one of her brother's guns at some point - because he's an idiot who sleeps with one under his pillow, despite being a drunk.

Professor Principal
9  Kavika     5 years ago

Wow, talk about uptight. Native people have accepted LBGT people for centuries. They are called the ''two-spirit'' people. 

''The Puritans are coming, the Puritans are coming''. Hide the children.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.2  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  Kavika @9    5 years ago
Native people have accepted LBGT people for centuries.

Ah, yes the T has been added to LBG. How many have noticed? 

The "two-spirit" people. That is interesting. 

''The Puritans are coming, the Puritans are coming''. 

You mean the community setting up norms of behavior is long gone. I agree. To be replaced by the progressives who call the shots for our children on PBS. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.2.2  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to    5 years ago
Whose community would that be, Vic?

The community! Just like the Native American community chose the accept button, the community sets the standards, not the elitists who gained power over public television.

Sophomore Quiet
9.2.3  katrix  replied to  Vic Eldred @9.2.2    5 years ago

So don't let your kids watch Sesame Street. Nobody's forcing your kids to watch anything.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.2.4  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  katrix @9.2.3    5 years ago

I would have no problem with that provided federal funding for PBS is eliminated.

CPB provides federal funding for PBS and National Public Radio stations.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.2.6  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to    5 years ago
where the 'moral' authority disseminated all information, devised all societal rules

As opposed to the radical left doing it?

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Freshman Silent
10      5 years ago


The new Sesame street.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
10.1  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  @10    5 years ago

Now there's a picture which speaks volumes!

I rest my case.

To the reader - it is your choice as a parent

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
10.1.2  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to    5 years ago

We can accept what is different. We don't confuse children about gender and you should know better!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
10.1.4  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to    5 years ago

No contradiction. You are trying to claim discrimination. You have nothing left.


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