Clyburn calls for shutting Dem primary down, canceling debates after Biden surge
Category: News & Politics
Via: sparty-on • 5 years ago • 65 commentsBy: Ronn Blitzer (no relation to Wolf believe it or not)

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., appeared ready to call off the Democratic primary race Tuesday night and declare former Vice President Joe Biden the victor.
In a conversation with as the results were coming in, Clyburn – who already has endorsed Biden – said that if Biden were to sweep the six contests, it would be best for the party to put an end to the primary race, debates and all.
"I think when the night is over, Joe Biden will be the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic nomination, and quite frankly, if the night ends the way it has begun, I think it is time for us to shut this primary down, it is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates," Clyburn said, "because you don’t do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you."
Clyburn wasn't the only party elder ready to put an end to the primary brawl.
"This is all about November, these voters want to shut this thing down," famed Democratic strategist James Carville said Tuesday night on MSNBC. "Our mission as a party is to defeat Donald Trump."
But while Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has not tipped his hand as to his next move, he and his army of supporters have historically bristled at attempts by the party establishment to nudge him to the side. The upcoming debate this Sunday, presuming it goes forward, would mark perhaps his last chance to halt Biden's march to the nomination. With Biden continuing to stumble at times on the campaign trail – with gaffes and repeated clashes with voters, including a profanity-laced argument on primary day in Michiga n – Sanders could hope to trip him up on Sunday.
And the DNC fix continues ......
We may have seen Biden speak for the last time until the convention. He will be hidden away. The President can say anything he wants on policy or any subject. The position of the democratic party is simple - Biden is running to replace Trump - he has no positions nor does he wish to speak or debate the President.
That's the election.
Which would be very telling in and of itself.
He is committed, of course, to the Sunday night debate with Sanders, which should be a total disaster for Biden. It's worth a few laughs.
No doubt it will be must see TV.
I might just have to watch my first Dem debate of 2020.
Now that the clown car is nearly empty.
Be sure to look into Biden's eyes. You may see that very same look Custer's scouts had when they saw all the thousands of hoof prints leading to the Little Big Horn. It will be a long day for Joe Biden!
Lol, I expect dilated pupils.
They'll likely have to hop him up on on Xanax or some other depressant to keep him calm.
Look for it ............ signs of Xanax use:
More than a couple check marks there for shotgun Joe ......
If Trump did that, it would be charming to his admirers.
Nope, if the situation were the same, it would be the same thing.
The DNC is clearly gaming the system to push Biden as the nominee.
Just like 2016
Care to explain how? You have the "opinion" of 1 person, about this, and you are associating it with the DNC. Russian propaganda at its best.
Lol .... is that the best you got? Its Russian propaganda whenever you don't agree with something here?
To any thinking person, who is not hopelessly biased and/or doesn't have permanent blinders on, the fix is clearly there for everyone to see and hear. Clyburns comments here is just more empirical proof. Then there's the slow and steady mass endorsements of former POTUS candidates and others. Just the former POTUS candidates in reverse order:
I think that pretty much covers it.
Yes, i'm sure this is all just a Russian disinformation campaign .........
Come on, you know that Bernie has never been a viable candidate for the Dems,
Any decent GoP candidate would just beat the Communist/Socialist drum until the landslide GoP victory was over.
Sanders may be mad as hell, blah, blah, blah but he's never been a contender.
No rule changes were made "during" the nomination run. You have a problem with the RNC changing the rules so Trump is unopposed?
How so??
I think Bernie and more than a few folks here on NT would disagree with you.
Surprisingly, they are distinctly absent from this discussion so far.
An interesting development to say the least.
True .. yet those would most likely be supportive of said 'movement' not said candidate? Sanders does not represent the party of (D) .. said ideology needs to start a 'Movement' party
I have to agree with Split Personality .. the party rallied after South Carolina. Buttigieg and Klobuchar [in order] stepped aside, giving their support to Biden - within days so did everyone else of significance
Question will remain even if Sanders steps aside - will his supporters at the convention or even come November support Biden enough to make their mark on the ballot for him (?)
Then why did they let him run on the D ticket?
I'd like to hear your opinion on that.
I think in 2016 it was a matter of 'what harm could he cause' to H.'s candidacy -- 2020 has simply been about bringing his supporters into the fold
IMO, its an age old political tactic. If you have a relatively favored candidate but he/she is not a prohibitive favorite and you want to assure a win, you stack the primary with as many candidates as possible to dilute the vote. Helps a candidate like Biden.
Just like in 2016 they were going to make sure Bernie DID NOT get the nomination. It was more about making sure Biden did get it. Just like Hillary in 2016.
That said i agree with your second point as they know an independent Bernie run would torpedo any chance Biden has to win. Bernie got played again and deserves to be pissed. As do his followers.
Which all just reaffirms that the fix was in from the start
Good point … yet if Biden had run in 2016 do you think that H. or Bernie would have been relative - or even if Warren had made a bid… individuals screamed for those two [Warren and Biden] to toss their hat in the ring ....
Most defintiely - unfortunately that is politics today .. Bloomberg also thought he could buy his way past the 'fix' ....
I will be supporting Biden - but at the same time hoping he chooses wisely when it comes to VPs .....................… I am hoping by choice, Biden is a one term president .. [long story .. but I have my reasoning]
Fair enough.
Its going to be another interesting election that's for sure.
I have not cast a ballot for president [always vote locally] since I voted for Bush in 2000 .. I cannot in all good conscience vote the 'lesser' of 2 evils. I have very strong convictions [not religious] that for the most part I keep to myself..
The election of Trump [not bashing .. hear me out] has proven how broken the 2 party system truly is. It is not the electoral college nor the money in politics (albeit it does not help).. it is the ideology that produces partisanship that makes individuals believe 'compromise' is something that they once saw in a movie
Whew! I caught myself before I ranted : )
So in your mind, increasing the number of people competing for the nomination is to help Biden????
She has 2 delegates total and came in 4th, 5th and 6th places in various races yesterday where people no longer campaigning beat her. She's not even a footnote anymore.
Seriously?? Tulsi Gabbard? Debates, at this point, should be between Biden and Bernie only. While I would love to still see Warren debating, her path to the nomination is almost non-existent. Anyone else would only serve as a distraction.
Hey, there is this new thing out there called..........wait for it........... EARLY VOTING which in some cases takes place weeks prior to the actual polling day. You need to check it out. Perhaps their votes were gotten from those folks. .... ya think? Wouldn't make sense to vote for someone not even running anymore..................
Doesn't change anything in my post.
Apparently the Democratic primary voters have already said no. She has no public events, no advertisements, can't win so putting her in the debates is pointless.
I think it's more like the party has said no. They have changed the rules at every opportunity to sabotage her campaign.
No, any VIABLE candidate should be able to debate. That number is currently at 2.
You seem very intent to try to make this something it isn't.
Did what? Shut down republican primaries?
Doesn't that go against the TDS sufferers talking point that President trump needs his rally's to inflate his ego?
But yes please tell us who President Trump needs to worry about losing the RNC primaries to.
[ deleted ]
Your guide to the Republicans challenging Trump in the 2020 presidential race
I want this Dem Primary to keep on going. It's a riot to watch !
Two old coots going at each other, with one forgetting where he's at or what he's running for, and the other getting the carnival goers to spend there hard earned money at the shooting gallery, using a bent barrel BB gun and promising that they'll win.
Lol yeah, those BB guns were always rigged .....
Bernie the "Carnie guy" !
There's truth in this statement. Given his propensity for gaffes and lack of stamina, Biden would lose the debate. Clyburn knows that Biden even fumbles during a 15 minute speech, so he'd perform miserably during a lengthy debate with Bernie.
Not surprising. The Democratic establishment thinks that declaring the primaries over will magically remove divisions within the party. The establishment can't seem to understand that Joe Biden has only inflamed those divisions.
Democrats aren't going to accomplish anything by kicking the can and avoiding the inevitable fight within the party. Supply-side Reagan Democrats are losing and they know it. Bill Clinton is no longer relevant in the Democratic Party. But that donor money is so tempting.
This is a thing about the party that is so distasteful. This rush to shut down any speech that is outside the lines of advancing party power. "Be silent. Be silent. Free speech is hate speech," whether it comes from the right or the left. They do it to their own just like they do it to Republicans.
Shutting them down is no big deal for those voters who have decided who they will support. But the people who are on the fence need these debates to make a final decision.