Trump's hurdles to re-election: A scary virus, shaky economy and Joe Biden
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 19 commentsBy: BY BERNARD GOLDBERG, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR

Photo credit: Getty Images
In times of crisis it’s not a bad idea to state the obvious, so here goes: Donald Trump can still win re-election but don’t bet the rent money on it. Everything that could go wrong — at least at the moment — is going wrong.
First, he was counting on a strong economy to take him to the finish line. He was planning to take credit for low
unemployment and high consumer confidence. He didn’t figure on running for reelection with a recession hanging over his presidency.
Instead of a booming economy, America is shutting down . Restaurants, movie theaters, airlines, hotels, March Madness, professional sports and a bunch of other businesses, big and small, have been hit hard.
And when people feel uneasy about their financial well-being , when their 401(k) suddenly looks like a 201(k), they won’t blame Joe Biden .
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oNo, he’s not responsible for the virus that came to life in China. But that doesn’t mean voters won’t hold him responsible for the damage it des.
If he’s not seen as a truthful, competent leader, his chances of serving a second term will be greatly imperiled.
Well, the good news is that everyone knows that Dear leader is honest-- probably hasn't ever told a lie in his life!
And competent? Well, he's definitely the best president evah!
Whoops-- my apologies.
I "inadvertently" forgot the /sarcasm tags.
Both of 'em.
Here’s how Peter Wehner, a self-described lifelong Republican who has served in the last three GOP administrations (and who says he’ll never vote for this president) put it in a March 13 piece for Atlantic magazine:
“The president’s misinformation and mendacity about the coronavirus are head-snapping.
He claimed it was contained in America when it was actually spreading.
He claimed we had ‘shut it down’ when we had not.
He claimed testing was available when it wasn’t.
He claimed coronavirus will one day disappear ‘like a miracle’; it won’t.”
I hate to burst your little bubble of hopefulness, but Trump won't be going anywhere.
You're dwelling too much on the past. Granted, there were some mistakes made at the beginning, but the Trump led team of experts....medical people and business professionals are starting to get a good handle on the situation and take the proper steps toward getting the recovery going. Once there is some good news that the virus infections are leveling off and starting to go down, the markets will start to rebound and people will stop the panic buying. The "worst case scenario" morons will begin to be ignored as the people begin to see positive change. .
It'd doubtful any Democrat could have done a better job, since their main interests in the past few years has been to impeach Trump and let as many illegals as possible into this country. I really doubt the voters would be stupid enough to elect addle headed Joe to come in on training wheels and try to "fix" things.
At least that statement is arguable.
Training wheels? Really? How about 40 years of service including 8 as VP versus the current Trainee who cannot decide if the virus snuck up on us, will all disappear on the first hot day, or he was the first to call it a pandemic. Now he thinks he is a War President on par with Lincoln or FDR.
Good grief.
At the very least.
it, and stick it
further than it's already been stuck in the mud.
D Waters, flowing like a
Knight in gale force winding
back the front of the clock reversing a song
bird blown buy the wind for sail, fishing four twice
the reduced amount
knot tied two the too
This 'man' IS NOT Presidential material girl gone wild in docile enclosures open to those who don't mind it.
Has anyone told you lately how clever you are?
Vix Vapor rubbed on Texas, asz, it is ME, and only me, who can't see turtles movin via boats anchored to the banks
of the river closed
for no interest
Trump's re-election defenses consist of "Not my fault" or "I inherited an obsolete system" and "I've got the biggest brain."
Apparently Trump is going to stick with "the Stormy who mode" and ride it through the gate.
biden is not a hurdle... LOL
he is barely a speed bump.
"America is shutting down."
Well.…. No !
"America" wants to stay open. "Government is "Shutting us Down".
"A scary virus, shaky economy and Joe Biden"
Again...."Government" (Includes Democrats) has forced the economy onto "Shaky Grounds".
Take Joe out of the equation. He's already "Forgot" he's running for "President".....with this "Forced Delay". Gotta keep "Wandering Minds" busy dontchya know.