
President Trump Is the Right Leader for Uncertain Times


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  heartland-american  •  5 years ago  •  20 comments

By:   Kelli Ward

President Trump Is the Right Leader for Uncertain Times
"Great leaders always seem to embody two seemingly disparate qualities. They are both highly visionary and highly practical." – John C. Maxwell

President Trump is a great leader.  He’s doing a great job.  He is the right leader for this time and this crisis.  The American people are rallying behind his timely and effective leadership.  We are indeed lucky that we have him as our President.  

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

"Great leaders always seem to embody two seemingly disparate qualities. They are both highly visionary and highly practical."   John C. Maxwell

As we face down this present Chinese Coronavirus pandemic, I am thankful that President Trump is demonstrating both the visionary and practical qualities of leadership that Dr. Maxwell highlighted so aptly.

The visionary: President Trump has led throughout his presidency, and even before he was elected, with a vision for America. His vision for America is of an economically resilient, militarily powerful, and inherently good and moral nation. A nation that does not interfere in the workings of other nations and asks them not to interfere in ours. A nation that is as self-reliant in all manners as our founding fathers envisioned as they fought for independence.

President Trump’s understanding is that freedom, not the government, makes our nation exceptional. That is why he removed burdensome regulations and unleashed our economy. It is why he called upon our allies to bear their fair share when it comes to defending against borderless threats, such as the now decimated ISIS. It is why he negotiated and re-negotiated fair trade deals to bring jobs back home and made domestic prosperity amidst a global marketplace achievable once again.

As we face the health and economic crisis brought on by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, we should all be exceptionally grateful for his fearless visionary leadership, which has allowed us to enter these uncertain times from a position of strength and with a robust booming economy. Just as the measures taken against the spread of the virus are designed to “flatten the curve,” so our patient care infrastructure can keep up, having started from a powerful economic position has helped mitigate the blow to our economy, and will speed up the recovery when we turn the corner. 

Not only will his leadership help to speed the economic recovery from the current situation, his America First focus is drawing widespread attention to the fact that China has nearly monopolized the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and medicine as a whole. It is safe to say that China is an untrustworthy global partner at best and, more likely, a hostile opponent at worst, which makes President Trump’s vision of unshackling us from such economic entanglement even more prescient.

It is thanks to President Trump’s visionary leadership on our economy and trade that we will make a quick and strong economic recovery as this saga comes to a close.

The practical: early in the crisis the president acted swiftly to halt travel from China, the pandemic’s ground zero. He was roundly criticized by Democrats and slandered with terms like “xenophobe” and “racist.” President Trump is not a xenophobe or a racist, but rather a realist and cognizant of the data and science behind where and how the virus originated. To the president’s credit, he has gracefully refrained from the “I told you so” that he deserves. It was this action to ban China travel and later travel from the European Union that has helped to slow the spread of the virus. 

President Trump understands that it is more important than ever that he and all government leaders put America, and the American people, first. Doing so is not selfish or nationalistic, it is practical and smart.  Only a strong, focused and deliberate America can tackle this pandemic and usher in a public health and economic recovery, while simultaneously helping the rest of the world do the same. 

When we come out of this difficult time, and we will, it will be President Trump’s visionary and practical leadership that will have marshaled us through, as well as, properly prepared our nation to ensure we do not find ourselves vulnerable in this way again. I am proud that President Trump is the one leading us through this trial and know that America will emerge stronger than ever on the other side. 

Dr. Kelli Ward is a family physician, two-term Arizona state senator, and the chairwoman of the Republican Party of Arizona. Follower her on Twitter:  @KelliWardAZ

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jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

President Trump has led throughout his presidency, and even before he was elected, with a vision for America. His vision for America is of an economically resilient, militarily powerful, and inherently good and moral nation. A nation that does not interfere in the workings of other nations and asks them not to interfere in ours. A nation that is as self-reliant in all manners as our founding fathers envisioned as they fought for independence.

President Trump’s understanding is that freedom, not the government, makes our nation exceptional. That is why he removed burdensome regulations and unleashed our economy. It is why he called upon our allies to bear their fair share when it comes to defending against borderless threats, such as the now decimated ISIS. It is why he negotiated and re-negotiated fair trade deals to bring jobs back home and made domestic prosperity amidst a global marketplace achievable once again.

As we face the health and economic crisis brought on by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, we should all be exceptionally grateful for his fearless visionary leadership, which has allowed us to enter these uncertain times from a position of strength and with a robust booming economy. Just as the measures taken against the spread of the virus are designed to “flatten the curve,” so our patient care infrastructure can keep up, having started from a powerful economic position has helped mitigate the blow to our economy, and will speed up the recovery when we turn the corner. 

Not only will his leadership help to speed the economic recovery from the current situation, his America First focus is drawing widespread attention to the fact that China has nearly monopolized the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and medicine as a whole. It is safe to say that China is an untrustworthy global partner at best and, more likely, a hostile opponent at worst, which makes President Trump’s vision of unshackling us from such economic entanglement even more prescient.

It is thanks to President Trump’s visionary leadership on our economy and trade that we will make a quick and strong economic recovery as this saga comes to a close.

The practical: early in the crisis the president acted swiftly to halt travel from China, the pandemic’s ground zero. He was roundly criticized by Democrats and slandered with terms like “xenophobe” and “racist.” President Trump is not a xenophobe or a racist, but rather a realist and cognizant of the data and science behind where and how the virus originated. To the president’s credit, he has gracefully refrained from the “I told you so” that he deserves. It was this action to ban China travel and later travel from the European Union that has helped to slow the spread of the virus. 

President Trump understands that it is more important than ever that he and all government leaders put America, and the American people, first. Doing so is not selfish or nationalistic, it is practical and smart. 

Professor Quiet
2  bbl-1    5 years ago

"Trump the right leader for uncertain times?"  Yeah.  Sure.  He proudly pouted that by being president he was 'missing out' on making billion$ more. 

Let us see your financials, Mr. Trump, so we may discern as to whether there really were all of those billion$ in the first place.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @2    5 years ago

We are going to get the nation through this crisis intact and restore our economy.  We are not going to engage those afflicted with TDS or those promoting Chinese propaganda points against our elected leaders

Professor Quiet
2.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.1    5 years ago

Chinese propaganda?  No.  Not at all.  Trump is a money launderer being kept afloat by Russian oligarchs and Saudi Theocrats.  He also has frauded the Insurance Industry, cheated on his taxes and stolen millions from hard working Americans. 

He won't show his financials and has taken his case all the way to the Supreme Court.  Trump is a braggart and if he was 1/100 of a successful businessman he'd be shouting it from the rooftops.  Except he doesn't.  He should have stayed in NY cheating everyone he ever made contact with, cheating on his wives, lying, stealing and hurting as many people as he could. 

Our nation will get through this just fine and not one iota of credit does the Trump deserve.  If he weren't in the WH 95% of this would have been prevented.  Trump is a detriment to everything honest, decent and the resilience of the American spirit.  He is a liar, cheat and a fraud.

Senior Guide
2.1.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @2.1.1    5 years ago

Trump is doing a great job and the public supports him in this.  Soon people will have an American position or be parroting China’s position.  There will be no middle ground

Professor Silent
2.1.3  lib50  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.1.2    5 years ago

Trump has not done a good job, from day one to today.  I'm just going to post this one for now.  Read it.  He sure fires the wrong people at the wrong time in history.

The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency, left her post in July, according to four sources with knowledge of the issue. The first cases of the new coronavirus may have emerged as early as November, and as cases exploded, the Trump administration in February chastised China for censoring information about the outbreak and keeping U.S. experts from entering the country to help.

“It was heartbreaking to watch,” said Bao-Ping Zhu, a Chinese American who served in that role, which was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2007 and 2011. “If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster.”

Zhu and the other sources said the American expert, Dr. Linda Quick, was a trainer of Chinese field epidemiologists who were deployed to the epicenter of outbreaks to help track, investigate and contain diseases.

As an American CDC employee, they said, Quick was in an ideal position to be the eyes and ears on the ground for the United States and other countries on the coronavirus outbreak, and might have alerted them to the growing threat weeks earlier. 

No other foreign disease experts were embedded to lead the program after Quick left in July, according to the sources. Zhu said an embedded expert can often get word of outbreaks early, after forming close relationships with Chinese counterparts.

Zhu and the other sources said Quick could have provided real-time information to U.S. and other officials around the world during the first weeks of the outbreak, when they said the Chinese government tamped down on the release of information and provided erroneous assessments. 
Professor Quiet
2.2  Ozzwald  replied to  bbl-1 @2    5 years ago
"Trump the right leader for uncertain times?"

It all depends on how you look at it.

  1. Trump is President.
  2. Trump is right wing.
  3. Trump causes uncertainty.

So if you WANT uncertain times and chaos, Trump is the right leader.

Senior Guide
3  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

President Trump  outlined on Sunday broad measures the federal government is taking to help combat the  coronavirus pandemic  in three states hardest by the contagion.

Trump announced that he already had signed major disaster declarations for New York and Washington, and was planning on putting his signature on one he received earlier in the day from California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“I spoke with all three governors,” Trump said in the White House briefing room. “They’re very happy with what we’re doing.”


The president rattled off a list of supplies that crew already have sent to the states – including medical masks – and promised that more would be on the way soon. Trump also revealed for the first time the number of respirators and other personal protective equipment sent to the hard-hit states by the federal government. 

He also said that the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] would be setting up medical stations in the three states to ease the burden caused by the coronavirus on local hospitals. In New York, FEMA will set up four large medical stations with 1,000 beds each, in California there will be eight large medical stations with 2,000 beds, and Washington state will receive three large stations with 750 beds and four small medical stations with 250 beds each, officials said.

Trump also announced that the Navy’s medical ships – the USNS Mercy and Comfort – will be deployed to ports in states most affected by the pandemic. The Mercy will dock near Los Angeles, while Trump said the Comfort – once it’s finished with its maintenance – will most likely be sent to New York Harbor. 

“The decision was made that USNS Mercy would have the greatest impact in California,” Trump said, adding that the ship should arrive in Southern California within a week. “The projected need for beds in California is five times that of Washington.”


As of Sunday evening, New York was the hardest-hit state in the nation by the coronavirus with more than 15,000 confirmed cases and 117 deaths. Washington state, the first to have to deal with the outbreak on a widespread basis, had over 1,700 confirmed cases, while Caifornia’s fast-growing outbreak saw more than 1,600, according to  the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University .

Trump’s promise of help to the three states reeling most from the coronavirus came as critics said he initially responded too slowly to the outbreak and failed to use his power under the Defense Production Act to ramp up the output by companies producing medical equipment and supplies. Many states and municipalities have been pleading with the White House to invoke the act’s provisions before the virus spread more and overwhelmed some hospitals. 

Officials in New York City, where the virus has spread rapidly in its tightly clustered neighborhoods, have warned that hospitals could run out of crucial supplies such as face masks by April.

Trump, however, argued that he would use the act if needed, but so far has received an outpouring of support from private businesses looking to help. He added that invoking the act would amount to “nationalizing our businesses” and would “send tremors through our business community and our country.”


“We are using it now, the fact that I signed it means it’s in effect,” Trump said. “We’re not big on nationalizing our businesses.”

He added: “We have the threat of doing it if we need it…but it’s really working out very well.”

Trump added that it’s up to states to try to get the materials first. 

“We’re sort of a backup for states,” he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.  

lady in black
Professor Silent
5  lady in black    5 years ago

He's a moron....on Romney self quarantining....gee that's too bad....he is a disgrace.

Senior Guide
5.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  lady in black @5    5 years ago

President Trump is truly a great leader.  He’s doing a great job as our President. He is the right leader for this time and this crisis.  We the American people are rallying behind his timely and effective leadership.  We are indeed very lucky that we have him as our President.  Now if we can just get democrats to stop holding our economy hostage to their special interests. 

lady in black
Professor Silent
5.1.1  lady in black  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.1    5 years ago

His "update" lasted 90 minutes long, and all went fairly as expected.

Until he spoke about how popular he was at the VA, made a snarky remark - when he heard that Romney was in self-quarantine, and THEN.

Made a total disconnect from America, by telling us how Wealthy he was and of the Billions that he lost, by becoming President... Millions of Americans trying to stay above water, and Trump talking about his vast wealth

What is the purpose of bringing that up, at a time when we are in a Health and Economic crisis, When many Americans have lost much of their Retirement Savings ?

That's a real "leader" for you.

Always has to throw in that look at ME.

PhD Quiet
5.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  lady in black @5.1.1    5 years ago

what a classless scumbag

lady in black
Professor Silent
5.1.3  lady in black  replied to  igknorantzrulz @5.1.2    5 years ago

He is a horrible human being and the worst president this country has ever had

PhD Quiet
5.1.4  igknorantzrulz  replied to  lady in black @5.1.3    5 years ago

by frckn far

Professor Participates
5.1.5  bugsy  replied to  igknorantzrulz @5.1.4    5 years ago

Maybe you're stuck in 2012?

Senior Guide
5.1.6  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  lady in black @5.1.3    5 years ago

Trump is a great man and and good President.  He’s the one we chose to to lead us in perilous times like this.  

Senior Guide
5.1.7  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bugsy @5.1.5    5 years ago

Or were crying on TV on November 9 2016 and haven’t gotten over it yet!  

lady in black
Professor Silent
5.1.8  lady in black  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.1.6    5 years ago

He is NOT a great man and the worst president, and you didn't vote for him.  


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