Liberty University welcomes back students despite coronavirus

Liberty University welcomed its students back to campus this week, despite explicit social distancing guidelines from both the White House and the state of Virginia amid the coronavirus outbreak.
University President Jerry Falwell Jr., a longtime supporter of President Trump, said in a statement on Monday that he had been in conversation with the Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia to determine how to allow students who wanted to return to the evangelical college's Lynchburg campus to do so while still following the guidelines that have been put forward.
"I was on a conference call with other college presidents and representatives from private colleges, and we listened to what other schools were doing," Falwell said. "Many were throwing their hands up and saying they would just close and others were going to extend their breaks. At that time, we were on Spring Break, so we had time to work on it."
He added: "Our thinking was, 'Let's get them back as soon as we can - the ones who want to come back."
Multiple universities, school districts and in some cases entire states - including Virginia - have canceled classes for the rest of the academic year in the face of the pandemic.
Falwell told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that somewhere between several hundred to more than 5,000 students were expected to be living in Liberty's dorms as classes resumed Monday.
"I think we have a responsibility to our students - who paid to be here, who want to be here, who love it here - to give them the ability to be with their friends, to continue their studies, enjoy the room and board they've already paid for and to not interrupt their college life," he said.
Despite the fact that almost all of Liberty's classes have been moved online, staff and faculty are still expected to come to work as usual.
Falwell noted that the dining halls are operating in a takeout-only capacity and that special classes that need to meet in person, such as labs, will adhere to Gov. Ralph Northam's (D) 10-person gathering limit.
Falwell has given voice to conspiracy theories about the coronavirus. Earlier in the month while on Fox News he said, "You remember the North Korean leader promised us a Christmas present for America? Back in December. Could it be they got together with China and this is that present? I don't know. But it really is something strange going on."
He told the Times-Dispatch that the university was protecting the students by having them on campus.
"I think we, in a way, are protecting the students by having them on campus together," he said. "Ninety-nine percent of them are not at the age to be at risk and they don't have conditions that put them at risk."
Virginia has more than 200 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and Northam on Monday ordered all nonessential businesses to close by the start of Wednesday, though it is unclear how this mandate will affect the college.
While the Lynchburg campus is open to students, faculty, staff, prospective students and their family members, it is closed to other visitors.
The decision to have students on campus makes Liberty an outlier among universities around the country. Most schools have lengthened their spring breaks, moved learning online and instructed their students to return home.
The Hill reached out to Liberty but was referred to the university's prior statements.
This doesn't seem like a good idea, but what do I, science and medicine know?
It's all fun and games until they get sued. And they will get sued as soon as some student dies.
You certainly won't see me betting against that
They don't want the little darlings to be away from the bible thumping for too long, doncha know? Get 'em away from the preaching and they start having all kinds of thoughts.
p.s. Liberty U has labs????
Lol they're already having those thoughts and will be humping like rabbits before the first week is out
The search for the creation molecule continues.
Ah! Thanks for that answer
Shared rooms that never get cleaned, shared bathrooms...
Yep, what could go wrong....
Just pray....
Hi Texan could you and devangelical take this conversation elsewhere. I am really tired of having comments deleted.
devangelical plse see 1.2.11
XD plse see 1.2.11
Yep, they're screwed then.
that's not the only example of bible thumping stupidity. here's another. have the national guard surround them, quarantine them in place, have thumpers self finance it, and put them at the bottom of the already strained medical priority list. buh bye
Unbelievable. Well I guess it is with some.
So they are going to bus it all over the state. If someone dies, I say charge the idiot.
Read about it earlier and am surprised they were able to find near1200 morons to attend this gong show
if they try to leave, it's an act of domestic terrorism, plain and simple.
Just curious but since these troubles started have there been any laws enacted that would allow for what you suggest?
They arrested a guy in New Jersey for coughing on a worker in a grocery store and claiming he had the virus.
maybe not, but I seem to recall a recent conspiracy theory claiming covid-19 was chinese biological warfare gone awry. please explain the difference in method of dispersal.
Good, even if he was joking now is not the time. Sorta like joking you have a bomb on a plane
Okay so after spring break, go ahead and send them home to their siblings and elderly parents to infect...................SMMFH
While I appreciate the votes, I am compelled to make a correction to my post. What I was referring to was the fact that the students could go back to school and stay and be gathered in one area. i was saying that that is better than sending them home to infect their families and others while there.
You are free to retract your thumbs ups.
Sorry for the confusion I may have caused. Carry on
I agree with you. They are definitely free to go back to school but then they need to keep their asses there instead of going home and infecting gramma
LU is owned by Falwell, so his disregard for the safety of his students is a given. Pence must be so proud of this. I say put the entire campus on forced lock down and lets see what Falwell does when he has confirmed cases. Then let him pray it away in tribute to Pence.
Any student that goes to class needs their head examined.
And any parent who allows their kid to go
Reminds me of the young people in KY that decided to have a virus party, then one ended up positive.
In other words...No refunds.
I think you nailed it right on the head.
And there we have the real reason for this decision, cancelling and refunds would affect the bottom line
Now they can say, we opened dorms and classes back up, if people did not come back it is their fault, not ours.
TG no probs it's already done
Thanks! I appreciate you!
Liberty U may do as it wishes and it is possible that many of the decisions reached by the administrators of the ( university ) are bound by theological design or financial motivation.
I must freely admit that I do not know the inners and outers of Liberty University, which is owned/controlled by the Falwell klan and others of that ilk, I would be at the very least somewhat remiss if I did not suspect that the financial aspect of Liberty University is prioritized above all other concerns.
As far as the COVID19 and Liberty University? Perhaps by being in such close alignment with the 'highest of deities' the grounds are hallowed and the believers are thusly saved.
Time will tell if they can, there may be existing or coming laws which would impact what they or anyone can or cannot do.
Did not add an s/ tag to my -screed- as my intentions were only to allow one the opportunity in these superfluous times to do a double think for a moment.
It's ok, no harm done
I read elsewhere that Va Gov Northern banned gatherings of more than 10 people, with a few exceptions none that apply to Liberty University, and Police can enforce this as a misdemeanor violation.
This could become interesting as other private organizations have to comply but Jerry Fawell, Jr does not think he has to.
I hope so cause what they're doing is a bad idea