Fauci Comes Forward, Crushes Left's Narrative on Trump's Supposedly Dangerous Easter 'Deadline'
Category: News & Politics
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 96 commentsBy: Christine Favocci

President Trump is a great American President. He’s an inspiring leader who is showing his greatness during this crisis. It was great to see Dr. Fauci take down the liberal media mob that is trying to use this crisis to bring down our President instead of trying to heal our nation.

Nowadays, defending President Donald Trump is like playing whack-a-mole — just as one inane criticism by the mainstream media is beat down with facts, another one pops up.
The most recent nitpicking has to do with the president’s comments expressing his desire to have the country reopened by Easter .
“I’d love to have it open by Easter,” Trump told Fox News host Bill Hemmer during a virtual town hall broadcast Tuesday. “I would love to have that. It’s such an important day for other reasons, but I’ll make it an important day for this too.”
Later that day, he said during the White House coronavirus media briefing , “I said earlier today that I hope we can do this by Easter. I think that would be a great thing for our country, and we’re all working very hard to make that a reality.”
As if on cue, the talking heads are popping up everywhere to take the president to task for supposedly being irresponsible.
Jimmy Kimmel, host of “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” and former co-host of “The Man Show,” which closed each episode with footage of half-naked girls jumping on trampolines, swooped in to give his expert opinion on Trump’s projected deadline.
In a segment of “Jimmy Kimmel’s Quarantine Minilogue,” Kimmel claimed the president “defied the so-called experts who say we’re in this for a while” and then replayed the footage of Trump clearly stating that he hoped to have the country opened by Easter.
“By Easter? That’s in two and a half weeks!” the ABC host said, feigning disbelief. “Even Jesus is like, ‘Jesus, calm down! Let’s think this through,'” he said, throwing in a little blasphemy for good measure.
“We’re all gonna die so the president can eat Peeps,” Kimmel said, purposely missing Trump’s point.
Predictably, The New York Times also published a hit piece that spun off into hysteria. “Public health officials were horrified by Mr. Trump’s statement, which threatened to send many Americans back into the public square just as the peak of the virus was expected,” it said.
For anyone who paid attention to what Trump actually said, however, he clearly wasn’t about to turn the entire U.S. population loose after so much effort to virtually quarantine the entire population.
Rather, he expressed a desire for a projected end date, echoing the hopes of many Americans who are concerned that drastic measures that are harming the economy might be worse than the illness .
Thankfully for Trump and for America, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, understood that the president’s comment was an aspiration, not a declaration of what is to come.
“We talk to him about that, we say we need to be flexible, he realizes that, and he accepts that,” Fauci told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Wednesday. “He doesn’t want to give up his aspirational goal, but he’s flexible enough to say, ‘OK, let’s look at it on a day-by-day basis.'”
Between Trump’s use of the word “hope” and Fauci’s confirmation that the president is earnestly heeding the advice of his advisers, his detractors in the media look foolish.
It is important to home in on Fauci’s key statement that reveals what kind of leader the country has in Trump.
Do you trust the mainstream media's reporting on the coronavirus?
“Even though it looks like he’s made this absolute decision on something, he does have an open mind about it,” Fauci said in that same interview.
Despite the image the mainstream media has put forth about Trump being a bulldozer who disregards every opinion but his own, Fauci praised Trump for his flexibility and willingness to change his mind as the situation changes.
Like all great leaders, the president remains firm in his guiding principles while navigating and adapting to an ever-evolving situation. Meanwhile, his critics are stuck in their same, tired “never Trump” loop.
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Between Trump’s use of the word “hope” and Fauci’s confirmation that the president is earnestly heeding the advice of his advisers, his detractors in the media look foolish.
It is important to home in on Fauci’s key statement that reveals what kind of leader the country has in Trump.
Do you trust the mainstream media's reporting on the coronavirus?
“Even though it looks like he’s made this absolute decision on something, he does have an open mind about it,” Fauci said in that same interview.
Despite the image the mainstream media has put forth about Trump being a bulldozer who disregards every opinion but his own, Fauci praised Trump for his flexibility and willingness to change his mind as the situation changes.
Like all great leaders, the president remains firm in his guiding principles while navigating and adapting to an ever-evolving situation.
Do I trust mainstream leftist liberal controlled media? Yeah sure, on a cold day in Hell!
Indeed. Check out this video (Trump may actually sue the producers of this ad!):
Here's today's briefing in a nut shell: Crooked donnie is a great orator s/
He is the WORST president this country has ever had
Here’s your recap:
“Tom Brady is a great guy.”
“I talk about the Chinese virus. Yeah. I do. So what?”
“It was a great meeting. 1 person was a little tiny bit of a, big wise guy.”
“It was a terrific meeting.”
(...fake news rant)
Something about, “someone’s got it, but he’ll be fine because he’s a good friend of mine.”
Nobody has had a package like this. Nobody.
[Well no shit dumbass, Covid-19 DID. NOT. EXIST)]
“Pence will take questions...He’ll introduce some of the people”
“It’s nobody’s fault about the unemployment numbers because we didn’t let anyone in from China. I mean if we did, the numbers would be far greater. It’s not my fault.”
(Reporter asks a question about our troops)
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything about that. We have illegal trades. I don’t like steel.”
“China tells you numbers but like, we don’t know, what are the numbers.”
“Those restaurants will all come back in one way or another and it’ll be great.”
“The airlines you know..it’s labor and very strong powerful, uh stuff.”
(Reporter asks what he’s doing about Asian-American hatred during this time)
“I don’t know about that.”
I truly don’t think this guy has ever read a book. It’s sad. With all of the money he claims he has, he could have purchased a hell of a lot of books during his lifetime.
I posted the truth, you know the one thing Crooked donnie lacks.
Awww righty then .....
I posted the shit crooked donnie spewed forth in today's briefing
removed for context
I saw it too and don’t remember hearing it that way either.
Truth is highly subjective, according to ones political beliefs. Your version of the truth just does not happen jive with others.
Yeah, I wouldn't particularly trust China to tell us the truth, even if they did have accurate numbers - which probably nobody does.
Let's hope so. Around her, we try to get take-out from the different restaurants to help them out.
He also wanted to bail out the cruise ship industry. What a toad.
Why do you see that as a problem?
How would it affect our economy if a cruise line company went under?
Actually, considering they are all registered under foreign flags to avoid paying US taxes everyone should be apalled...
All the Americans working on the ships or in the American ports the ships dock at as well as the suppliers of the things needed to make a cruise work.
So, if they go under financially all the American employees are just out of luck?
Why not bail out the workers, instead of the corporations? The workers DO pay taxes here.
It's not a problem since they won't be getting a bailout. The bill that was just passed did not provide any funds for bailing out the cruise lines.
The problem Doc is that they are all registered in a foreign country to avoid paying US taxes and to get around many of our safety regulations. They are not US corporations.
If they want bailout money or loan guarantees then re-register in the US and become US companies again.
Other than that, they can piss off.
I’d rather bail out the workers by assuring that they have their jobs back when this is over.
They are listed on the American stock exchanges and their American employees pay taxes here. Refusing to bail them out means telling a lot of Americans who are their employees tough luck.
And I'd rather give taxpayer money to bail out taxpayers, who will then have money to spend in American stores, keeping other tax-paying Americans in jobs.
Keep America great, amirite?
It seems that corporations of any nationality come before American citizens when it comes to benefitting from American citizens' tax dollars, in your book.
The majority of employees are NOT Americans.
South Florida is the hub for the Cruise Line industry and our senators were adamant that the industry does not receive a bailout.
Yep, spot on.
They are part of the 2 trillion aid package. If they filed taxes this year or last, they will receive their aid check, depending on how much they made.
I'm aware.
I just think that non-American corporations, who take great pains to avoid paying American taxes, should not be standing there with their hands out when American tax dollars are on offer to help the American economy stay afloat (see what I did there?). Let the companies where they register their ships bail them out.
And politicians and their supporters who frequently fall back on "America first!" need to put their money where their mouths are. American workers before non-American corporations.
Thanks! Good idea.
Your inability and FW to actually come up with some facts are noted and expected.
The good doctor didn’t “crush” anything. He did what he has been doing all along, walking a razor thin wire, moderating (“aspirational goals”) rumps lies. Thank God for Fauci, he is saving us from rump’s idiocy and apathy.
The good Doctor has made the mistake of not being a boot licking lackey for the TDS ridden.
Instead he has chosen to do what he feels is best for all American people. Even the TDS ridden although they’ll likely never be mentally balanced enough to realize it.
Have you actually got anything of substance, or is it going to be this “tds dumpty dum, tds, too lee do...”? Do you realize that you aren’t saying shit? That all it sounds like is your getting stuck for answers, and just desperately reach for some stupid mantra?
Says he who called the President of the USA "rump" in comment 3 .
Youve been never Trump dating back to when I was one too. Neither of us voted for him in 2016. You crossed over to Hillary while I voted for a minor candidate. The difference is that I believed Hillary was even worse and I feared Trump would triangulate with congressional democrats on key issues. Trump won me over with his policies in office along with regulations and taxes, the national defense, the wall, and religious liberty matters, the court appointments won me over. The democrat and never Trump opposition never presented themselves as reasonable alternatives to Trump. Now we are going to re elect him.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. The TDS ridden are the horse in this case .....
I’ve seen that Juvenile reference to our great President Trump on other seeds.
Yeah it is a favorite of the TDS sufferers I have seen on FB. A quick peruse of their profile you see they are the same triggered snowflakes that cried when Hillaryious Hillary lost.
Well said and right on. Way to call out the TDS for what it is.
Snow ❄️ flakes is right!
The US now has more confirmed cases (82,000) than any other nation, this is ALL on crooked donnie
Instead of doing something about it back in January, he went to rallies and denied the seriousness of the virus.
WORST president in the history of the US
So true, because we most definitely believe the numbers coming out of China, /S
The World Health Organization confirms that number.
Because the WHO believes the numbers out of China and is in bed with that regime
So what?
True, they blew it at the beginning of this outbreak and are now circling the wagons.
Too bad that anti-science Donny eliminated epidemiologist embed positions with the Chinese CDC last July or we would have had advance warning of the coronavirus.
Too bad that anti-science Donny eliminated the White House NSC Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense or the response would not have been so confused and delayed.
Trump's anti-science pogrom since entering office has made this world a much more dangerous place.
Got anything credible to support that accusation? BTW, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine also agrees with the WHO's report.
So the number is probably accurate and comes from a source (an is supported by other scientific based sources) that actually deals with diseases throughout the world.
Lol .... probably accurate? Hilarious.
The Chinese haven’t been honest and forthcoming since the beginning of this outbreak. Why would they start now?
And Johns Hopkins knows what the Chinese want them to know. They and the WHO have no good way to confirm the actual numbers because China has resisted almost every outside attempt to gain a critically informed access to such things there.
China has blood on their hands with how they handled this virus situation. They know it and will try anything in attempt to mitigate their responsibility to the world. Including cooking their numbers. Including trying to blame the US Army for the outbreak. Ridiculous!
China clearly can not to be trusted.
That is probably very true. Next, we will see WHO blame the US for the spread and demand we pay reparations to the rest of the world.
They are scared to hold China responsible for their actions.
I wouldn’t believe the numbers coming out of Iran either. And God only knows what is going on in North Korea.
But American progressives and lamestream media types openly prefer believing Communist China 🇨🇳 to believing 🇺🇸 America’s President
Right, so the Chinese just tossed out a random number of 80,000+ cases? Ok, whatever you want to believe.
Considering their history, why would you believe numbers that were not independently verified?
For a person who is so adamant in requiring proof and evidence in other matters, it seems strange that you would so readily accept this with only China’s word
No, not strange at all. It is just another way to project blame to Trump and make it as if he is responsible for the 100 thousand or so positive people in this country.
Of course, half of that number is coming from NYC. You know, the city whose mayor said on March 2 to go ot and enjoy the city.
I could be wrong, but I don't think any other mayor has said that.
That's why I cited 2 credible sources.
Credible? I’ve already pointed out the problem with that “evidence.”
Such a low standard for evidence on this one. Very strange for you.
So you don't think the WHO or Johns Hopkins is credible? Interesting.
I’ve already explained why I don’t. Do you disagree with that? And if yes, do you have proof of why?
Because the WHO & JH are credible sources. You offer nothing to suggest the numbers presented are fraudulent other than your own suspicions. Certainly no other credible source to contradict the numbers. Just mere allegations.
Lol .... hilarious!
I see you're not interested in facts or any meaningful discussion. So we're done here!
Lol .... facts? Hilarious!
You’re fooling no one Gordy.
Now we are done here.
You never provided anything to contradict my posts or sources, much less support your own suspicions/opinions. Instead, you continue to dodge and play games. So yeah, we are done!
Sure I did. You just didn’t accept them because they don’t fit your preferred narrative SOSDD
Refer to 4.1.23.
Apply, lather, rinse and repeat as necessary.
You mean like when DeBlasio told New York on March 2 to go out and go on with your lives?
As they try and pit Dr Fauci against the President, the media continues to look exactly like what it is:
CNN was blasted on Thursday over a "terrible headline" that suggests only President Obama is calling for everyone to continue social distancing -- not President Trump .
CNN anchor Jake Tapper was criticized on Sunday for not correcting a claim made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , D-N.Y., about President Trump 's handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro had a testy exchange with CNN anchor Brianna Keilar on Thursday as they discussed the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic.
At one point, Navarro told Keilar that CNN should report on the virus in "a sober way without frightening America and just having reasonable conversations when somebody from the White House comes on, instead of just shouting in our ear."
Sounds like Navarro was triggered. Did his panties get wadded up ‘ cause he’s too thin skinned? Poor fella.
Navarro did just fine and handled the idiot newsreader exactly as he should have. It’s the people who hate Trump even as he’s leading us through the pandemic and can’t stand that people respect his handling of the situation that are easily triggered including people in the lamestream media and progressive political circles
So You don't care about Trump's blatant drug profiteering?
There is no such thing
Denial is the first stage of the grieving process.
Trump just can't help himself; he's a born thief.
I’m not the one blindly throwing out baseless allegations against our President without the slightest bit of proof, evidence, or links
I suggest you Google Trump/Gilead Sciences/profiteering
Pretty sure that no amount of proof, evidence or links will sway your slavish devotion to the liar and thief.
But you seem to throw out allegations against China without offering any proof.
An administrative agency gave them a designated status that they decided to undo asking for. That has nothing to do with Trump personally as you knew when you brought this up
Im not an apologist for the Chinese Communist Party unlike many progressive media and political organizations
A strawman argument. It doesn't address what I said. You also previously made an allegation about China, which you have not provided anything to support said allegation.
There is too much in the media of trying to paint different members of the administration as supposedly being at odds with the president. The stories almost always turn on some severely pedantic over-analysis of a mere word or two. It doesn't serve anyone, but it makes for sensational headlines.
Pretty sure that Trump firing one after the other of them makes for sensational headlines.
It's not the media's fault that Trump can't play well with others. They just record his insanity.
Ok well if they have been fired, they're no longer part of the administration, so that's not what I was talking about..