Fashion Week in the Islamic State
With Fashion Week gearing up in the Islamic State, the ladies are feverishly working to get out the latest (7th century) styles in women's fashion. The photos below were taken in the Achmed Wahhabi Burka factory in the heart of the Islamic State Fashion District (adjacent to the Suicide Vest Outlet Store). They could use a little help with their marketing. It seems they follow the marketing line of Henry Ford about his automobiles:
"You can have any color you long as it's black".
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It won't be long now before they will be begin working on the hot new summer burkinis :
One of my favourite photos:
Needless to say, no white cats allowed...
I just realized that in the photo I posted there are 5 of them, and I thought men were only allowed 4 wives. Maybe one is a daughter, or a mother or mother-in-law.
Needless to say, no white cats allowed... ROFLOL
Why? Are they forced to give up their colour or be executed?
It is likely that even his wives were previously related to him. Even today in Saudi Arabia, nearly half of all marriages are between first or second cousins.
WOW!! I didn't realize that...and ..thanks for the link!
I always thought it particularly cruel that the women always wear sunlight-absorbing black coverings from head to toe in a desert environment where temperatures often reach 120 degrees or more. The men, on the other hand, always wear sunlight-reflecting white robes.
Never seemed fair to me.
Maybe the women are in mourning for the life they've given up.
Maybe for the life they are living...??