Earth Is Vibrating Substantially Less Because There's So Little Activity Right Now

According to seismologists, that drastic reduction in human hustle and bustle is causing the Earth to move substantially less. The planet is 'standing still'.
Thomas Lecocq, a geologist and seismologist at the Royal Observatory in Belgium, noticed that the country's capital Brussels is experiencing a 30 to 50 percent reduction in ambient seismic noise since the lockdowns began, as CNN reports .
That means data collected by seismologists is becoming more accurate, capable of detecting even the smallest tremors - despite the fact that many of the scientific instruments in use today are near city centers.
"You'll get a signal with less noise on top, allowing you to squeeze a little more information out of those events," Andy Frassetto, a seismologist at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology in Washington DC told Nature .
Researchers in Los Angeles and in West London , UK noticed a similar trend.
But seismologists collecting data from remote stations far away from human civilization might not see a change at all, according to Nature.
Regardless, a significant drop in seismic noise also shows that we're at least doing one thing right during the current pandemic: staying in the safety of our own homes as we wait for the virus to run its course.
I've noticed the vernal increase of goose migration - quacks everywhere.
Wonder what would happen if everyone, everywhere started singing at the same time?
Good one Larry....
Like this:
I knew something felt different. Now I know it's less vibration in my butt.
My butt vibrates just from walking around.
I don't think she'll be wanting it back anymore.
The "Sound....of Silence" a bit refreshing !
Interesting. It is clear to me that the planet knows or has found a route to peace and quiet. Humanity has been told to sit its butt down and be still. Although, I heard a rumor that Washington has not used this time wisely to reflect on its activities. Washington (and other nations?) have not decided to forego any of its earlier pace. Indeed, our leader has sworn to outdo its past treatment of the planet—if other nations decide to match our leader's new pace. . . .another more deliberate planet-wide virus "message" may be necessary.
Planet EARTH to its Human OCCUPANTS: "Do I have your undivided attention yet?"
Humans inhabit a living, breathing, self-regulating biosphere. Viruses, many types of proteins, and others, have been sharing, gathering and using information before our species even existed. Without this sharing of information, no living thing we know would exist.
Perhaps by recognizing that we and viruses have co-evolved, there is a chance to discover their purpose in our time.
May be this is an opening for a planet reset of humanity's relationship with it. For example, humans stop trying to consume EVERYTHING that moves in the bush. Stop 'junk' product production. Finally, fix our eating habits with reasonably priced high quality (nutritional) foods which can be made and served up fast, thus building up the internal fortitude of the human mind and its bodily systems.