
Media mystified as America rallies behind President Trump during coronavirus crisis


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  heartland-american  •  5 years ago  •  17 comments

By:   Post Editorial Board

Media mystified as America rallies behind President Trump during coronavirus crisis
it’s no mystery that President Trump’s approval ratings are up. Except, that is, to anti-Trump obsessives — including much of the media. “Who Are the Voters Behind Trump’s Higher Approval Rating?” a New York Times headline asked last week. That is: Who could possibly think he’s doing a good job — when no one at the Times does? The paper notes that Trump’s positives, at 49 percent, are “as high as ever,” with independents and even some Democrats driving the numbers up.

The American people are rallying with and behind our great President as he ably leads our exceptional nation through the trying times of the pandemic brought to us by China.  President Trump is our elected leader and we respect the job he’s been doing since becoming President.  The NY Slimes truly sucks as does the mainline propaganda media that hates our President and the parts of America that elected him.  Thank you President Trump for your leadership and giving us hope and trying to be as positive as possible in the face of this pandemic.  

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

For decades, Americans have rallied behind their president in time of crisis, so it’s no mystery that President Trump’s approval ratings are up. Except, that is, to anti-Trump obsessives — including much of the media.

“Who Are the Voters Behind Trump’s Higher Approval Rating?”  a New York Times headline asked  last week. That is: Who could possibly think he’s doing a good job — when no one at the Times does?

The paper notes that Trump’s positives, at 49 percent, are “as high as ever,” with independents and even some Democrats driving the numbers up. And that comes “despite what most agree to be his slow response” (“most,” again, meaning most at the Times) as well as his ideas that “contradict” experts and his outright “falsehoods.”

Memo to the Gray Lady: Those polls show that most Americans don’t think the president’s response has been horrific. (Didn’t the Times vow to pay more attention to middle America after the 2016 election?) They know the virus caught the entire world by surprise and is hugely difficult to tame. They appreciate his efforts to deal with it.

And a good chunk of them like his way of talking, even if it drives newspeople up the wall.

Yet much of the media can’t let go of their pre-crisis agenda — including their hatred of the prez, which persists unabated (blatantly on display in press briefings) even amid this national emergency.

The Times wasn’t alone in its shock at the public response: MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell was utterly flabbergasted by polls showing his approval ratings among Democrats and independents “skyrocketing” to 60 percent for his handling of the crisis.

“No matter what he says, people seem to be seeing him as a leader,” she gasped. (Oh, the horrors!) Her guest, Obama adviser Jim Messina, simply dismissed the numbers, advising: “I would reject all of the polls” as they’re sure to drop soon.

Maybe they will: Heck, British voters opted to oust Winston Churchill as prime minister in 1945 despite an 83 percent approval rating just two months earlier for his wartime leadership.

Then again, Joe Biden isn’t inspiring anyone these days. Though he’s surely getting plenty of rest, his  comments from his basement refuge  have been as addled as ever.

Meanwhile, Americans will naturally keep hoping Trump gets the pandemic right. Who really cares if the media never give him credit for it?


jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

....President Trump is working harder than ever before to protect the country and its’ citizens but Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, two of the vilest, evil people on the planet, continue their quest to oppose all things Trump.


People are dying, people are losing their jobs left and right, people need the money and Trump is giving it to them. Finance Secretary Mnuchin said the checks will go out in two week.

Since Trump took office, he has done everything he promised and more with a constant fight from the democrats and their senile leader Nancy Pelosi who just turned 80 years old. Pelosi only wants the power, not the job because as everyone can tell she has only tried to run Trump out instead of doing what we pay her to do, work for the people not your personal agendas.

Trump’s top priority is keeping this nation safe. He understands the risks, he understands the data. He has been at the front lines fighting this war no matter the cost.


That kind of selfless leadership is something that Nancy Pelosi will never understand. Pelosi cares only about what is right for her and what will gain her more power.

While the current pandemic crisis is serious, shameless Democrats are using it to advance their political agenda....... CNN’s decision to cover President Trump in a decidedly negative light has not paid off for the cable news network, as dismal 2020 first-quarter ratings show. The development is particularly troubling for the network given Fox News, its chief rival, reported its best ratings quarter ever.

Fox News has eight of the ten most-watched shows on cable television and 14 in the top 20. MSNBC, which proudly flaunts its bias, claimed the remaining spots.CNN’s best-performing program, “The Lead With Jake Tapper,” came in at number 22.

It would appear that “journalism” disappeared about forty years ago and was steadily and solidly replaced by “propaganda-ism” in the MSM…

mediabias6b.jpg  ...Democrats and their allies in the fake news media are always on the lookout for a new scheme to destroy Fox News. They have seized on this false narrative that Fox downplayed the coronavirus because they wanted to protect President Trump.

Fox Business shelved Trish  Regan’s show and put her on hiatus after liberal activists and Fox critics in the fake news media seized on a monologue Regan delivered where she compared Democrats and so-called “reporters” criticizing Donald Trump’s response and blaming him for the virus to impeachment.


“We reached a tipping point,” Regan declared. “The chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a crescendo as the Democrats blame him and only him for a virus that originated halfway around the world. This is yet another attempt to impeach the president, and sadly it seems they care very little for the destruction they are leaving in their wake — losses in the stock market, all this, unfortunately, part of the political casualties for them. You know, this is the time to be united, not to be pointing fingers, not to be encouraging hate. And yet, what do we see?  We see the absolute opposite from the left tonight … The hate is boiling over. Many in the liberal media using coronavirus in an attempt to demonize and destroy the  President.”

“This is impeachment all over again,” Regan continued. “And like with the Mueller investigation, like with Ukraine-gate, they don’t care who they hurt — whether it be their need to create mass hysteria to encourage a market sell-off unlike anything we’ve seen recently, or whether it be to create mass hysteria to stop our economy dead in its tracks. Don’t kid yourself. They told us how much they crave a recession as a way to get rid of Donald Trump,” Regan concluded.

She’s right.....

Senior Guide
2  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

The American people are rallying with and behind the great President Trump as he ably leads our great nation through the hard times of the pandemic brought to us by red China.  President Trump is our elected leader and we respect the job he’s been doing since becoming President on all the key issues of the day. The NY Slimes truly sucks as does the mainline propaganda media that hates our President and the parts of America that elected him.  Some of the media and in the opposition party leadership and progressive wing of both would rather believe and speak in support of China and its propaganda rather than Americas own President.  Thank you President Trump for your leadership and giving us hope and trying to be as positive as possible in the face of this pandemic and the domestic opposition.

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    5 years ago

People "support" Trump because there is always a subset of people who will always support the national leader during a time of crisis. I doubt if his hour and a half press conferences every day are winning him any actual votes. If they are this country is fucked. 

Junior Silent
3.1  squiggy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    5 years ago


Senior Guide
3.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @3    5 years ago

Most Americans support Trump.  Some prefer to listen to Zi instead. 

lady in black
Professor Silent
4  lady in black    5 years ago

LOLOLOLOLOL, most of America is NOT rallying behind Crooked donnie....

Junior Silent
4.1  squiggy  replied to  lady in black @4    5 years ago


Senior Guide
4.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  lady in black @4    5 years ago

Actually we are doing just that! 

Junior Silent
5  squiggy    5 years ago


Senior Guide
5.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  squiggy @5    5 years ago

That is right on! 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
6  The Magic 8 Ball    5 years ago
President Trump is working harder than ever before to protect the country and its’ citizens but Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, two of the vilest, evil people on the planet, continue their quest to oppose all things Trump

meanwhile, people who normally don't follow politics are stuck at home and watching every minute of it.

I hear pelosi and crew are doubling down and starting more so-called "investigations. 

seriously, those people are beyond stupid.     thank god for that :)

Senior Guide
6.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @6    5 years ago

I thank God daily for the sheer and utter stupidity of so many democrat politicians. 

Senior Guide
7  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox.  Sign up here .      

  Because President Trump tied his reelection hopes to the booming pre-pandemic economy, his critics are wedded to the notion that the economic hurt we’re experiencing because of the pandemic will doom his chances of reelection. That’s bunk. The American people aren’t stupid. They don’t expect  Trump  to manufacture economic prosperity during a pandemic.

As in any crisis, what people expect is leadership, and that’s what they’re getting. As the polls  demonstrate , they know it.

So, to paraphrase Mark Twain, rumors of the president's political demise have been greatly exaggerated. This is nothing new. Dating back to when he was a candidate, Trump’s detractors have been inaccurately  claiming  he was “finished” only to be proven wrong again and again.


First, it was firing disgraced FBI Director James Comey that would supposedly doom the Trump presidency. Then it was Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “investigation” of baseless Democratic conspiracy theories. Then it was the pathetic attempt to remove the president from office over an innocent phone call with a foreign head of state.

Now, the same clueless pundits are writing the president's epitaph again, deeming the coronavirus pandemic his political kryptonite, ghoulishly focusing on politics while people are dying.

Amidst the economic disruption necessary to defeat COVID-19, some Democrats seem to think that even former Vice President Joe Biden might have a chance of winning the White House if millions of Americans are still experiencing pandemic-related economic hardship.

As with every other supposed “Trump is done” moment dating back to 2015, the president’s critics are sorely mistaken. The American people are intelligent enough to understand the president will be unable to manufacture a booming economy in the midst of this pandemic. Rather than achieving impossible results, history clearly shows us that, in times such as these, its leadership that matters most.

In the 1930s and 40s, Americans suffered through more than a decade of economic depression and four years of world war. President Franklin Roosevelt didn’t win four consecutive terms because he promised to magically bring back the prosperity of the Roaring ‘20s, but rather because the American people trusted him to lead them through the storm.

Similarly, the British Parliament did not select Winston Churchill to lead them in May 1940 — nearly a year into the Second World War — because they thought he could return peace and prosperity by November. They chose him because their nation needed leadership to carry it through the difficult times that lay ahead.

These are similarly difficult times and Americans are finding the leadership they seek in this president. His job approval rating on the RealClear Politics average of the polls stands at the highest level of his presidency, up sharply since the crisis began. According to a recent Gallup poll, 60 percent of Americans approve of the president's response to the coronavirus.

Conversely, only 44 percent approve of the news media’s behavior during the crisis, while 55 percent disapprove.

Americans know that until the Trump boom was blunted by an unforeseen pandemic, his policies delivered three uninterrupted years of rising incomes, full employment, economic growth and industrial revitalization. It wasn't any policy failure that put millions out of work. Rather, it’s because of the Trump administration’s forward-looking policy that $2.2 trillion is being spent to relieve the economic suffering of those who have been hurt by this national emergency.

The people trust that this president can quickly restore the country to economic health once it’s safe to resume normal activities. A new Washington Post-ABC poll finds not only that Trump is enjoying the highest overall approval rating of his entire presidency, but that those surveyed trust Trump to handle the economy more than Biden by 10 full points.

The polls also show that voters are more likely to trust Trump than Biden when it comes to handling the coronavirus outbreak itself. If you’ve seen any of Biden’s recent media appearances, those results will come as no surprise.

The president is out in front, leading, just as the American people expect. His daily press briefings are widely watched and are proving invaluable to Americans as we weather this storm together.

In fact, they’re so effective, far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow wants the president off the air, arguing that the networks should simply “stop broadcasting” the popular briefing. New York Times columnist David Brooks agrees. Appearing on the "PBS NewsHour," he was even more direct, expressing his desire to “get Mike Pence and especially Donald Trump off the air.”


Talk about endorsements! Apparently, even anti-Trump journalists predicting that the Trump presidency will be the most high-profile casualty of the coronavirus pandemic are looking at the polls and coming to realize that they are deluding themselves — and their viewers and readers.

The American people know genuine leadership when we see it, and the leadership President Trump is demonstrating right now instills confidence that he has what it takes to guide us through this storm and revive our economy when it ends – and it will end.


Senior Guide
7.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7    5 years ago

Another information filled briefing and some hope mixed in with the somber info.


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