Tiger at NYC’s Bronx Zoo tests positive for coronavirus

Is that a Tiger in your tank?
(or are you just glad . . . Oh, never mind!)
Related: New 'Tiger King' Episode Coming To Netflix, Docuseries Jeff Lowe Says'

(Credit: Bronx Zoo 2017)
NEW YORK (AP) — A tiger at the Bronx Zoo has tested positive for the new coronavirus, in what is believed to be the first known infection in an animal in the U.S. or a tiger anywhere, federal officials and the zoo said Sunday.
The 4-year-old Malayan tiger, and six other tigers and lions that have also fallen ill, are believed to have been infected by a zoo employee, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. The first animal started showing symptoms March 27, and all are expected to recover, said the zoo, which has been closed to the public since March 16.
“We tested the cat out of an abundance of caution” and aim to “contribute to the world’s continuing understanding of this novel coronavirus,” said Dr. Paul Calle, the zoo’s chief veterinarian.
The finding raises new questions about transmission of the virus in animals. The USDA says there are no known cases of the virus in U.S. pets or livestock.
“It’s important to assure pet owners and animal owners that at this time there isn’t any evidence that they can spread the virus,” said Dr. Jane Rooney, a veterinarian and a USDA official.
“It’s important to assure pet owners and animal owners that at this time there isn’t any evidence that they can spread the virus,” said Dr. Jane Rooney, a veterinarian and a USDA official.
And in other news, Donald Trump (who knows more about Tigers than even all the so called "Tiger-experts" (Grrrr....), said that this story is just yet another hoax perpetrated by "Fake News" in order to unfairly discredit him.
The 4-year-old Malayan tiger, and six other tigers and lions that have also fallen ill, are believed to have been infected by a zoo employee, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said.
The Dept of Agriculture?
WTF-- don't they know that Tigers are animals-- not plants?
Sonny Perdue is the current Secretary of the department. He comes with his own supply of fertilizer.
Fresh from his chicken houses
So people can't get tested for the COVID19 virus unless they are sick enough to be admitted to the hospital
or it's post mortem.
So far this "flu season" ( 2019-2020 ) an estimated 46,000 US residents have died from influenza A & B
and the season has several more months to go.
Life goes on.
Maybe we should issue the animals a prophylactic dose of hydroxycholoroquine........ You know, since it's proven to work.....s