Swing State Voters Pick Trump Over Biden To Handle Coronavirus
Category: News & Politics
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 9 commentsBy: Marty Walsh

President Trump is a great American President. He is proving to be an exceptionally good leader. All of his business acumen has proved to be good experience to help him lead us through this pandemic. He gave us an awesome economy before the crisis. Trump towers over Biden in being able to deal with the tough challenges of being our President. Biden is losing the swing state voters as well.

President Donald Trump is better equipped to handle the coronavirus than Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, according to a new poll.
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A newly-released national Zogby Poll shows 51 percent of all likely voters think Trump is more "mentally and physically" equipped than Biden (49 percent) to handle the coronavirus pandemic, key groups of swing voters solidly prefer Trump.
In a national survey, Zogby asked: “Who is better equipped mentally and physically to handle the coronavirus pandemic?”
Several groups of “important swing voters… all thought Trump was in better shape and had more acumen to head-off the coronavirus pandemic,” Zogby reports. Notably, both union members and urban men prefer Trump over Biden by more than ten percentage points.
Important swing voters:
- Union members (Trump 58%/Biden 42%),
- Urban men (Trump 55%/Biden 45%),
- Weekly Walmart shoppers (Trump 57%/Biden 43%),
- Weekly Amazon shoppers (Trump 60%/Biden 40%),
- NASCAR fans (Trump 70%/Biden 30%),
- Suburban men (Trump 56%/Biden 44%), and
- Rural voters (Trump 64%/Biden 36%)
“Some of the most vulnerable voters, such as those who lost a job recently, also favored Trump (Trump 65%/Biden 35%),” Zogby reports.
A majority of voters in three key generational groups preferred Trump over Biden to handle the pandemic:
- Millennials (Trump 52%/Biden 48%),
- Generation Xers (Trump 53%/Biden 47%) and
- Baby Boomers (Trump 53%/Biden 47%)
In terms of the presidential candidates’ current response to the coronavirus pandemic, voters give Trump the edge over both Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Zogby reports.
The poll came out just before Sanders announced on Wednesday that he was ending his presidential campaign.
Sanders had a strong finish in early primaries, winning in New Hampshire and Nevada, but faltered after the Super Tuesday primaries.
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Biden becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee comes days after a former staffer accused him of sexual assault.
Last month, journalist Katie Harper released an audio clip of an interview with Tara Reade, a former staff assistant to Joe Biden, in which Reade claims that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 .
Important swing voters:
“Some of the most vulnerable voters, such as those who lost a job recently, also favored Trump (Trump 65%/Biden 35%),” Zogby reports.
A majority of voters in three key generational groups preferred Trump over Biden to handle the pandemic:
In terms of the presidential candidates’ current response to the coronavirus pandemic, voters give Trump the edge over both Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Zogby reports.
The poll came out just before Sanders announced on Wednesday that he was ending his presidential campaign.
NASCAR fans and weekly Walmart shoppers are "swing voters?" I don't think I believe that.
It depends on if they live in a swing state or not.
I did kinda chew the whole bagel wondering what a Weekly Amazon Shopper was. Who waits days to order?
In reality Biden beats Trump badly in swing states.
A majority of Americans actually disapprove of Trump's handling of the Corona Virus pandemic...
President Trump is an awesome American President. He is proving to be an exceptionally good leader when the chips are down and we are in trouble. All of his business acumen has proved to be very good experience to help him lead us through this terrible pandemic. He gave us an awesome economy before the crisis that Dems hope doesn’t come back. Trump towers over Biden in being able to deal with the tough challenges of being our President. Biden can’t even stay focused on anything. Biden is a loser.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has been making headlines lately for all of the wrong reasons.
In the past year, several women have accused Biden of previously making inappropriate comments or touching them without their consent.
Now, another woman has come forward with horrifying allegations against the Democratic presidential frontrunner.