
Former CIA operative: China uses Dems as 'useful idiots' to spread propaganda, Biden 'in the tank' for Beijing


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jasper2529  •  5 years ago  •  46 comments

By:   Julia Musto

Former CIA operative: China uses Dems as 'useful idiots' to spread propaganda, Biden 'in the tank' for Beijing
Wright said China will "push back" and have already started to push their own narrative using "useful idiots in the Democratic Party" to blame Trump.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright  reacted Thursday to a new report that   China  helped to spread  misinformation about coronavirus , calling out Democrats - including former   Vice President Joe Biden   - for placing too much trust in Beijing's narratives.

During the early stages of the outbreak in the United States, Chinese agents reportedly sent text messages to Americans warning the government would soon impose a nationwide lockdown with little notice to prepare,  The New York Times  reported, citing six U.S. intelligence officials from six separate agencies.

In an interview on   "Fox & Friends,"  Wright - a Democrat who supports   President Trump  - said the president should initially give President Xi Jinping the chance to "do the right thing" -- acknowledge a degree of culpability, and offer up a solution to all who have been devastated by the   virus .

"And, if they don't -- which, by the way, I doubt that they will, having worked with these folks in the past -- we now have to then rally the troops. And not, of course, not just the American people here. I'm talking about a global alliance to tell President Xi that, in fact, he is culpable," he said.

"And then, we have a number of different tools [at our disposal]: removing them from the   World Trade Organization ,   tariffs , [and]   sanctions ," he pointed out. "We have a way to hit them back where they don't want to be hit the most which is, of course, their economy."

Wright said China will "push back" and have already started to push their own narrative using "useful idiots in the Democratic Party" to blame Trump.

Although Wright has a record of voting Democrat, he told Doocy he plans to vote for Trump in November to ensure America "continue to be exceptional" and that the U.S. holds China accountable for their actions.

" 2013, [Biden] and his son flew over to Beijing , sucked up that   $1.5 billion . Plus, you have to remember Biden was vice president under, of course, under   Mr. Obama   when we all know what the Chinese did in terms of   taking our intellectual property , stealing those   jobs , facilitating the   nuclear program   with   North Korea , [and] the ballistic missile program of   Iran ," he explained. "The horrific record goes on and on."

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Jasper2529    5 years ago
"So, we are going to have to be able to respond as a country to say 'enough,' grab our alliances or all these allies, and demand that they make it right," Wright said, arguing that voters will have a stark contrast between Trump's stance toward China and the much friendlier posture of former VP Joe Biden.
Professor Expert
1.1  CB  replied to  Jasper2529 @1    5 years ago
Wright said, arguing that voters will have a stark contrast between Trump's stance toward China and the much friendlier posture of former VP Joe Biden.

Damn. Damn. Damn. Trot out the detractors. All 'n defense of President Donald J.Trump, a leader who wipes his feet (and hands) on anybody stupid enough to get too close to him to save his own skin.

I could say I am surprised at FOX News, but no I won't allow myself to be. Everything is mildly tested and so-what 'proved' as a soundbite before going "LIVE" on the network!

Professor Quiet
2  seeder  Jasper2529    5 years ago
"There is a profound impact then on the   November election   and who we choose for our president, right?" he asked. "We have to say no to Joe because   Joe Biden   has been in the tank for the Chinese for so long."
Senior Guide
2.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Jasper2529 @2    5 years ago

Excellent article.  It is right on. Too many democrats have been willingly parroting Chinese Communist Party propaganda talking points.  

Professor Quiet
2.1.1  seeder  Jasper2529  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.1    5 years ago

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Professor Expert
2.2  CB  replied to  Jasper2529 @2    5 years ago

Yeah, mind 'manipulation' is still a do-able thing in some people. I guess. 

Either we can pick the nice stable-mind "Joe we know" or hold on to our superfluous A-hole, who won't apologize to his hometown of New York for missing the chance to save some-many New York City lives in the early days of this virus, and who is actually is using a 'red scare' tactic and strategy against China to hide his own lack of awareness and word toxicity about Coronavirus-19  up until March 1 when it was undeniable that its first virus loaded victim death had succumbed in Washington State.

America! Citizens! I am counting on you to see through the "red communist scare" tactic, this lousy, child-like president is. If you think these fours years were a hullabaloo, take a brief moment and speed through four more years of Trump UNBRIDLED AND ALL SAFEGUARDS REMOVED!

. . . .

What did you see? Are you and yours better in four years are just more aged?


As I have been saying all along: President Trump gives with one hand and takes back with the other! Ah-ha! Trump has cheated his biggest surrogates and fanbase yet again. They won't leave. They can't leave. There is literally nowhere for a Trump supporter to go to find an 'open door' for this kind of nonsense. Enjoy/eating those MAGA hats, eh?

Am I mocking Trump supporters no - I am not really. Because you all have been telling us, others, and the world to believe this "One-Man Show" for three years and beyond. And now he is strutting his naked and exposed ASS out before the world and you can't cover him up! What's left for you all to dress Trump with is either undersized or oversized. It is ill-suited to what you need for him either way!

Professor Expert
2.2.2  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.1    5 years ago

I like honest, even-handed people. Even when they get it wrong, they're better than the alternative: the snake 'oil' seller. How about you? You like even-handed people?

CAUTION!  ODS trigger is enabled and potentially could fire.

Professor Expert
2.2.4  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.3    5 years ago
Generally speaking, I do.

Perhaps, then, you can explain you guys president's thinking. Here goes:



Texan1211, what say you? I am stumped. I'd like your take on this one. The exact phrase, "useful idiots" is passing through my thoughts right now.

Professor Expert
2.2.6  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.5    5 years ago
What would you have done to prevent the spread of the virus and when would you have done it, basing your decisions on the available information at the time any of your preventative measures took place?

Obviously, I would have convened government forces to combat a highly contagious virus with all hands on deck: General Quarters!  General Quarters! This is not a drill!

But, I am no matter. No one is paying to hold me accountable for this American president's failure to negotiate a pandemic outbreak! Although blaming me might feel good to you - it is not 'filling,'

Texan1211, what say you?

Un-gobblygook this please for us, Can you?

Donald Trump says he would prefer Grand Princess cruise ship
passengers stay on ship

18vma9.jpg   Texan, help me make sense of that. I'm registering "useless idiot" across the board, here.
This bird-brain seems to think Trump should have kept that version of discussion and let it marinate a little more before speaking.
Where am I wrong?

Professor Expert
2.2.8  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.5    5 years ago
. . . I say Trump could have picked someone else. Don't know if it would have made any real difference, but we'll never know for sure, will we?

Okay. There you go again! 

You really don't know (not even a tinniest little) if a pandemic task force would be better headed by a scientist or pandemic  professional versus granting the job and continuing to have it held by a canine breeder?


Did you actually expect me not to call that big fat UNTRUTH out? I smell something obnoxious: Reprobate partisanship.

Professor Expert
2.2.10  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.9    5 years ago

Pay me. I work for pay. And I want a presidential level check deposit.  Other than that. . . .  A canine breeder?  Pandemic Chief?

Trump put a breeder in charge of a highly contagious virus that is killing humans, and you write foolish dribble to me?! Don't continue.

Professor Participates
2.2.11  bugsy  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.5    5 years ago
Same thing I have said to you at least 3 times now: What would you have done to prevent the spread of the virus and when would you have done it

The problem with liberals is they would have done the exact same things at the exact same times, but because it is Trump, it is now Armageddon and they now have no choice but to go against everything that is right in this country because......Truuuuuuump.

Professor Expert
2.2.16  CB  replied to  bugsy @2.2.11    5 years ago

All your boss had to do was come to the microphone and say, "Sorry."  To the people of New York City and this nation for his naivete on full display at the beginning of this outbreak. He will not. His pride won't permit him to be anything except combative.

In Trump's stead maybe you care to apologize to the citizenry for the boss' COVID-19 shortcomings in the beginning?

Don't leave out that asymptomatic people may have been passing the virus around in January 2020 (remember Time Square Ball drop?) and the Trump Administration knew about asymptomatic contagion, but did'nt warn the public until March 1, 2020. Apologize to New York City and the citizenry for the February rallies where your boss made jokes about coronavirus and democrats combined in one. To date. US 884,208 confirmed cases. 50,549 (good citizens) dead.

President Trump apology to the nation: 0.

You can 'Just do it' for Trump!

Professor Participates
2.2.17  bugsy  replied to  CB @2.2.16    5 years ago
All your boss had to do was come to the microphone and say, "Sorry."  To the people of New York City and this nation for his naivete on full display at the beginning of this outbreak.

Sorry for what? Sorry that New York was not prepared? Sorry the NJ was not prepared. Sorry for what?

Here is a better question for you. When is DeBlasio going to say "sorry" for telling New Yorkers to ride the subway, come out and enjoy the city on March 3rd?

When is Pelosi going to come out and say "sorry" for telling San Francisco to come out and enjoy the Chinese New Year at the end of February?

When are you going to answer the question posed to you by Tex? What would you have done better than what Trump did? He has asked that to several libs on here, and not one of them have answered, mainly because TDS does not allow for truth telling.

Maybe you can be the first...but I doubt it.

Professor Silent
2.2.19  lib50  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.9    5 years ago
What specifically would you have done had you been President, and when would you have done it, and based on what information?That's a legitimate question.

First, make sure all the experts are in place in their departments, including the ones in China. 

Then, listen to your intel reports. The lights were blinking long before it penetrated Trump's brain. Because he doesn't like experts and can't be bothered reading and being informed of his daily briefings.

If all the experts are in and leading their departments, get someone to lead them all to coordinate. Prepare for the upcoming issues, like PPE, ventilators, hospital beds, medicines, personnel and everybody else needed.

Make sure upcoming problems are anticipated, like the food chain interruption and shutting down the economy. 

Let the experts explain and make sure the public understands everything.  No false happy talk or wishful thinking.  The truth. 

TESTING TESTING TESTING TESTING  and not lying about it. We still aren't testing enough on a per capita basis.

Empathy.  The fucker doesn't even know the meaning of the word.

Can the narcissism.  Its not about him.  But in his head, every single thing is about him. 

Stop talking out of both sides of his mouth, confusing the public.  He can't help talking about things he wished instead of the unvarnished truth. 

I could go on all day.   But chew on that.

Junior Quiet
4  KDMichigan    5 years ago
Wright said China will "push back" and have already started to push their own narrative using "useful idiots in the Democratic Party" to blame Trump.

And there sure is a awful lot of them to use. All you have to do is throw President Trumps name in the mix and they go full retard.


Professor Quiet
5  bbl-1    5 years ago

Speaking of useful idiots.  Well, there it is.  There you have it.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
7  Thrawn 31    5 years ago

Lol seriously? Show me one time where Trump has said a bad thing about Xi.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
8  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

The Manipulator-in-Chief in desperation to win re-election has pulled out all stops to start a combination "Yellow Peril" and "Evil Commies" narrative in order to deflect from his incompetent performance failing to  protect Americans from the covid-19.  I have faith in the intelligence of the American people that enables them to see through his frantic deception.

Point fingers and blame - HEADLINES, create xenophobia and endanger Chinese-Americans' safety - HEADLINES, put name on stimulous cheques - ME ME ME, end the funding of the WHO when poor nations are desperate for help - HEADLINES, and with Republican leaders supporting Trump, start a lawsuit against China - HEADLINES.

What happens in November will indicate whether Trump has succeeded with his subterfuge to achieve success.  

Senior Guide
8.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @8    5 years ago

Trump has done everything right on in dealing with the Wuhan China virus that they exported to the world. We are used to seeing communist China’s propaganda talking points.  The anti China attitude is not unique at all to the USA 🇺🇸 but is wide spread throughout the European Union and the English speaking world in Europe, North America, and the Pacific.  Add South Korea, Japan, Republic of China, and India to that list.  American liberals may be the only friends China has left.  

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
8.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.1    5 years ago

LOL.  You can try your best, but there is no way you can rescue Trump from making a massive fool of himself because the most recent approval numbers show that the people of America are smart enough to realize what he is and what he is doing and why.  November will be the "Goodbye Trump" month. I'm beginning to think the Senate just might change as well.  You think China has no friends? There are a lot more countries in the world than there are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
8.1.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @8.1.1    5 years ago
the most recent approval numbers show that the people of America are smart enough to realize what he is and what he is doing and why.  November will be the "Goodbye Trump" month.

wanna bet on that?

 america is not going back to how things where by electing the same people who have been selling us out for generations.

. biden is a known sell out. on jobs and borders . there is no way biden can win / he is too well known.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
8.1.3  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @8.1.1    5 years ago

The approval rating looks very close to the same as it was when he was elected. 

Professor Expert
8.1.4  CB  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.1    5 years ago

Bigotry persists in the 'Bible belt' of California.

Professor Quiet
8.1.5  seeder  Jasper2529  replied to  CB @8.1.4    5 years ago

You've come close to crossing the "personal" line several times on this seed, and I've let those comments slide. Do your best to comment on the article's content and refrain from Skirting the CoC. Careful, CB. Thank you in advance.

Freshman Silent
9  JumpDrive    5 years ago

Another Trump apologist shooting blanks. The following piece of satire nails the problem with Trump's handling of the Coronavirus:

AMERICA (The Borowitz Report)—In order to better coördinate their efforts to combat the coronavirus, the nation’s governors are considering the extraordinary step of forming a country.

The radical proposal is an unusual bipartisan effort, spearheaded by the Democratic governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, and the Republican governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine.

“Mike and I were bidding against each other for masks and ventilators, and I was, like, ‘Mike, this is crazy,’ ” Whitmer said. “ ‘It would be so much better if we just worked together and formed a country.’ ”

DeWine said that Whitmer’s proposal of creating a country out of the fifty states “made a lot of sense.”

“It was one of those moments where someone throws out a nutty idea and you think, ‘Hold on, let’s think on that for a second,’ ” he said.

While the idea of the fifty states coming together to form a country is still in the embryonic stage, DeWine said that the states would ideally create a “federal government” led by a “President.”

“We’re all in agreement that it would be amazing to have a President right now,” DeWine said.

A straw poll of the governors indicates that the front-runner for President of this yet-to-be-named country is one of their own: Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York.

“Andrew keeps saying that he doesn’t want to be President,” Whitmer said. “And I’m, like, ‘Dude, you already are.’ ”
Junior Silent
10  squiggy    5 years ago


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
11  Larry Hampton    5 years ago




.... Trump owes China TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ...


...and it's due soon!

Dang you guys crack me up!

The only thing in the "tank" is rump's (PBUH) loan-default avoidance maneuvers (aka political shenanigans). 



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