Trumpism Is , At It's Most Basic Level, An Endless Attempt To Bamboozle
Interesting? By Congress not wanting the special 5 minute testing apparatus, they are saying that they are not “essential”. In any event, we have great testing capacity, and have performed 6.5 million tests, which is more than every country in the world, combined!
President* Trump tweeted this within the past hour. Not surprisingly, at all, the part I colored dark red is a LIE. Not only is it a lie, it took me less than 30 seconds to find statistics showing it is a lie.
Trump lies like this constantly because there is some potential political upside in it for him. His hard core deplorables dont care that he lies, it even likely amuses them, and other parts of his base may not like it but they accept his lying as a trade off for him appointing rightwing judges. Also, Trump can count on his supporters repeating his lies on his behalf on social media, so there may be a residual effect of some easily led fence sitters deciding that maybe Trump did do good on the corona thing because after all we have taken more tests for the virus than the rest of the world combined !
What the country needs , repeatedly, is for reporters to confront him at his briefings and press gaggles, and ask him directly, "why are you misstating the facts about the number of coronavirus tests the US has done?" Just keep asking him until we get a straight answer. Almost without exception though, white house beat reporters are too afraid of repercussions to ask that question.
Trumpism is almost entirely based on bamboozling, both by Trump and by his most vocal supporters. We regularly see people on social media who repeat Trump's obvious lies, and do so with a straight face and no pangs of conscience. Or they themselves are so weak minded that they idolize Trump, and feel honored to mislead, obfuscate , and dissemble on his behalf and on the behalf of their "movement".
Trump's not going to change, and , sadly, his fans are not going to change, and so they have to be utterly defeated at the ballot box. Otherwise, who knows where the bottom to all this might be.
we have great testing capacity, and have performed 6.5 million tests, which is more than every country in the world, combined!
no, it's not

Even if we throw out the figure from Russia, on the basis that they are communists or some other nasty thing, the totals from the rest of the countries is far more (well more than double) than the US total.
If you add the populations of Germany, Italy and Spain together you get approximately 190 million people, which is 58% the size of the population of the United States.
That population less than 60% the size of the US has done just as many coronavirus tests as we have. /en-gb/news/world/from-obama-conspiracy-theories-to-boxing-all-of-the-things-trump-tweeted-about-during-his-strangest-twitter-meltdown-yet/ar-BB13zq8j
From Obama conspiracy theories to boxing: All of the things Trump tweeted about during his strangest Twitter meltdown yet
By now we're pretty sure that you are aware of coronavirus and the seriousness of the pandemic, which has infected more than 3 million people around the world.
However, if you have even paid the smallest amount of attention to what Donald Trump has been up to in the past few months you could be forgiven in thinking that the US president was on a different planet, at a completely different time in history and possibly in a different dimension.
His daily coronavirus task force press briefings have become a platform for spreading harmful misinformation about curing coronavirus , but Twitter remains the space when the president's most unhinged thoughts come to life.
Trump's meltdowns on Twitter are not an irregular occurrence but he might just have had his weirdest 24 hours on the site in recent history and all in the middle of a global crisis.
It all started at 6:42am...
Trump started his day with an early morning tweet quoting Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends criticising George W Bush who was calling for non-partisan politics during the pandemic. The president also managed to include a typo in this tweet, mispelling the relatively easy word of 'by' as 'bye.'
Trump retweets a quote retweet from himself of a video featuring a man in a Trump emblazoned boat flipping off others after a complaint was made about him. Trump said: "Very cool, please thank him!"
Trump again retweeets himself, this time in a video of the border wall, which he assures us is "going up FAST".
A very regular and quite frankly boring tweet about 'fake news' and 'lamestream media' where he once again quote retweeted himself.
Trump retweets the DeAnna Lorraine, the congressional candidate who is running against Nancy Pelosi, who criticises the likes of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Greta Thunberg and, err, Bill Nye while also pushing a conspiracy theory about the death of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, a former associate of Trump. The original tweet was posted on 24 April, 10 days before Trump shared it.
Trump claims that he has been receiving complaints from the state of Maine about lockdown measures and reiterates the phrase "don’t make the cure worse than the problem itself"/
Trump retweets his deputy chief of staff for communications, Dan Scavino, and promotes his "wonderful" campaign rallies and hopes that the country "will soon mend".
Trump again retweets Scavino and is seemingly astonished that someone has managed to place one of his speeches over the top of images with some mildly rousing music.
Trump retweets support from the GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who claims that the president has the highest Gallup approval rating ever.
Inexplicably retweets a video of 54-year-old boxing icon Mike Tyson, who can clearly still throw a punch
Retweets a video that Donald Trump Jr shared on April 14, claiming that the media is attempting the hurt the president. This video is more than 4 minutes long but there were less than 2 minutes between these last two tweets. You can make your own conclusion from that.
Retweets Kellyanne Conway and claims that 'progress is being made' in the battle against coronavirus in the state of New Jersey.
Retweets an old video compilation of people claiming that Trump will not be elected president, adding 'some things never get old.'
After a short break, Trump retweets himself from the day before and shares information about the aforementioned Gallup poll, adding 'Trump beating Sleepy Joe Biden.'
Two self-retweets in a minute here as he moans about 'rigged elections.' Once again, this is in the middle of a pandemic...
A hat-trick of self-retweets here as he shares his thoughts from 1 May on NBC and CNN who are supposedly saying 'great things about China.'
More moaning about 'fake news' but at least he is winning this Gallup poll which is he so delighted about.
Retweets his own golf course in Scotland which has just been named the best course in the UK and Ireland. Too bad that it's a pandemic and no one is allowed out of their houses to play golf. Once again, 1 million people have been infected by coronavirus in this man's country and he's tweeting about golf.
This right here but be the single craziest tweet that Trump has ever posted. The plague? American rising from death and destruction? Lost souls all over the world? You OK, Donald?
Trump seemingly puts his phone down for a few hours but is brought back to Twitter to share another video of his supporters in boats, claiming he 'will never let them down.' This is like an even worse version of Waterworld .
Trump posts a rare two-tweet thread ranting about 'fake news,' intelligence on coronavirus and his China ban adding that the US citizens that were allowed back into the country were welcomed with "open arms".
Retweets Reuters story about the FDA approving a Covid-19 antibody test.
Retweets David J Harris Jr who claims that he has unfounded information that Barack Obama was the one behind the so-called "Russian hoax".
Again retweets Harris Jr who claims that Rep. Adam Schiff has withheld 'important transcripts" into Trump's alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 election.
Another retweet for Harris Jr...
The fourth and final retweet for Harris Jr and the third within the space of a minute. Don't be shocked if this guy lands a job in the administration soon.
Quote retweets Ryan Fournier, the co-chairman of Trump Students who he thanks for calling him "the greatest president of our lifetime".
Shares an advert for his Fox News town hall which took place later that day.
Shares a propaganda campaign video painting himself as a true hero of the pandemic, while teetering dangerously close to making it look like the US is in a full-blown military war against Covid-19. At the time of writing, this is Trump's pinned tweet.
Trump's final tweet of the day was one in support of truck drivers who had held a protest in Washington DC against freight rates that have been imposed during lockdown.
In conclusion, the president posted 18 original tweets on Sunday 3 May, 2020 and nine retweets with only a handful of these actually being about coronavirus or the pandemic itself. The rest was either self-promotion, approval ratings, truckers, boaters, Mike Tyson and Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theories.
All this during a crisis that has claimed more than 68,000 lives in the United States alone, more than any other country in the world.
No such thing as Trumpism.
Its a complete fabrication by the TDS ridden.
Jeff Flake on Trumpism: 'I don't know anyone who thinks that this is the future of the party'
Well Jeff’s last name sez it all. Very description in this case ......
" there may be a residual effect of some easily led fence sitters deciding that maybe Trump did do good on the corona thing..."
Well, holy shit - we can't have people forming their own opinions. Maybe they're considering that, after all the numbers, testing doesn't provide any protection or remediation. It's only a tool that benefits the health industry.
This article is about Trump's casual lying about a serious subject, it is not about whether or not his supporters have the right to not care that he is a pathological liar.
Her lies are a flea, and Trump's lies are the elephant the flea is sitting on.
No no .... opinions are okay as long as they agree completely with “their” preferred narrative So there you go ....
I have to note that none of the Trump supporters responding to this thread have been on topic.
If an average Joe like me can find proof in 30 seconds that Trump is a liar , what is holding back the brilliant Trump followers? Are they covering up for him?
Wrong .... again.
Just because you simply don’t agree with comments, doesn’t necessarily make them off topic comments.
Bla bla bla
Yep, I’m sure that’s always the sound in your head when you hear a differing opinion.
Not a surprise at all.
You can have whatever opinion you want. You can even have the opinion that Trump doesnt lie about the tests.
And the rest of us will laugh.
Good to know.....
That’s fine, most of us are way ahead of you and started laughing immediately after reading the premise of this article.
There is no premise to the article. It is a statement of fact.
Can’t be because as I have already established, there is no such thing as Trumpism. A concept 100% fabricated in the deluded minds of the butt hurt.
Bamboozled is putting it mildly. The interview with 60 Minutes (not long after he was elected) with Lesley Stahl, asked him why he attacked the press so frequently and at his rallies. His response was the only truth the man ever told, he deliberately did it and did so constantly because eventually no one would ever believe the press, even when the press tells the truth. Lying about the press just so he can claim "fake news" about anything he doesn't like. Knowing his easily bamboozled followers will eat it up like a carnival show.
Judging by the stats provided, Trump not only can't master the English language, but he sucks at math also.
The press has been self medicating with hydroxymoronasinine again.
Here's the real news: the United States has performed 6.5 million tests and identified 1.2 million infections. That means 4.3 million of those tests need to be repeated until the test subjects have been infected.
81.5 pct of testing capacity has been wasted because those negative tests will need to be repeated. The political press is only demanding that the United States waste even more resources that contributes nothing of significance toward addressing the pandemic.
The testing method of nasal swab sampling and genetic sequencing was never intended to be a diagnostic tool. Someone could be infected between the time the sample was collected and the time the test results are reported. The test only indicates if the subject was infected when the sample was collected. The test method really is putting people at risk; a negative result doesn't provide useful information.
Politicians and the press are demanding a 'do nothing' effort that wastes resources simply to achieve a political objective.
Not really the topic here.
lol. Technically.
The article is obviously about Trump lying, but I can see where you would want to avoid that topic. Nerm too.
locked due to trolling