
Much Of The White House Corona Task Force Is Under Quarantine


Category:  News & Politics

By:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  13 comments

Much Of The White House Corona Task Force Is Under Quarantine

Vice President Pence is self isolating, and  Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield, and FDA head Dr. Stephen Hahn are all under self-quarantine after being exposed to the coronavirus at the White House. 

Although they have all tested negative for the virus, presumably they are self-quarantining to preclude a false negative. 

They are the latest White House figures to be effected by the finding of the virus in various personnel associated with the presidents circle, including Stephen Miller's wife, one of Ivanka's personal assistants, and one of President Trump's personal valets. 

No word on what this means for further briefings. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    5 years ago

www.upi.com   /Top_News/US/2020/05/10/Pence-distances-self-3-other-coronavirus-task-force-members-to-self-quarantine/7731589116269/

Pence distances self; 3 other coronavirus task force members to self-quarantine

3-4 minutes

May 10 (UPI) --   Vice President   Mike Pence   stayed away from the White House this weekend as three other members of the coronavirus task force remained in self-quarantine because of possible exposure to an aide who tested positive for   COVID-19 , officials said.

Pence, who heads the coronovirus task force, has self-isolated himself since Friday when his press secretary, Katie Miller, confirmed that she tested positive for COVID-19 and did not attend a meeting with President   Donald Trump   and top military officials Saturday.

"Vice President Pence will continue to follow the advice of the White House Medical Unit and is not in quarantine," Pence spokesman Devin O'Malley said. "Additionally, Vice President Pence has tested negative every single day."

Miller is married to top Trump adviser   Stephen Miller , who has tested negative, an administration official said.

On Saturday, Dr.   Anthony Fauci , director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,   said they will quarantine   for 14 days.

The day before,   Food and Drug Administration   commissioner   Stephen Hahn , said he already had gone into quarantine.

All three of them have tested negative, along with Trump and Pence, but two people with access to the White House tested positive for coronavirus last week. Trump and Pence are being tested daily, officials said.

Beside Miller, one of Trump's personal valets tested positive for the coronavirus. The White House said the unnamed aide, who is in the Navy, developed symptoms Tuesday and then was tested. The aide works in the West Wing, and duties involve serving meals to Trump.

Fauci, who is a public health expert on the task force, was "considered to be at relatively low risk based on the degree of his exposure" and will follow a "modified" quarantine for the next two weeks.

Though he is expected to work mostly from home, Fauci has planned to testify in person this week before the Senate, as well as Hahn and Redfield via videoconference.

"Dr. Fauci has tested negative for CoVID-19, and he will continue to be tested regularly," a NIAID spokeswoman said. "He is actively monitoring his temperature and other health indicators."

Extra precautions are in place in the White House.

"The president's physician and White House operations continue to work closely to ensure every precaution is taken to keep the president, first family and the entire White House complex safe and healthy at all times," White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a report by   The Washington Post .

"In addition to social distancing, daily temperature checks and symptom histories, hand sanitizer, and regular deep cleaning of all work spaces, every staff member in proximity to the president and vice president is being tested daily for COVID-19, as well as any guests."

Secret Service agents who are part of the president's protective detail were wearing masks in the Cabinet Room on Saturday night,   CNN reported .

At least 11 U.S. Secret Service employees were reported to be infected with the coronavirus,   Yahoo News   and   USA Today   reported. The Secret Service has 7,600 employees.

Professor Expert
2  Krishna    5 years ago

I wonder if Trump and Pence still refuse to wear masks?

Remember Macho-Man Pence's visit to the Mayo Clinic...when everyone was required to wear a mask but he didn't? 


Vice President Mike Pence was conspicuously maskless at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in late April, contributing to the red-blue war over covering your face during the pandemic. 
(Pool Report )

Mask-rejecters are  flouting public-health guidelines  the way chain-smokers used to, grounding their individuality in their defiance of nanny-state edicts and in their outlaw freedom to trash their own health and endanger others.

Mask-wearers, by contrast, announce themselves as duty-bound citizens, proud to be up on the latest COVID-19 news, which means some are patronizing scolds. In New York City, mask devotees have taken to shouting at unmasked joggers, although there is scant evidence that joggers transmit the virus. (cont'd)

Professor Guide
2.1  Gordy327  replied to  Krishna @2    5 years ago
to trash their own health and endanger others.

There's the difference. People might be dumb enough to unnecessarily risk their own health by not wearing a mask. But willfully endangering others as a result is irresponsible at best and reprehensible at worst.

although there is scant evidence that joggers transmit the virus.

All it takes is one.

Remember Macho-Man Pence's visit to the Mayo Clinic...when everyone was required to wear a mask but he didn't? 

Oh, you mean the guy who's the head of the Covid Task Force? >sarc<

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
3  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    5 years ago

I read that Mike Pence planned to 'self-quarantine' for one day.  He'll be back at work tomorrow...without a mask.  

Also, 11 members of White House Secret Service detail (a mix of agents and staff) have tested positive.

Who else?  Oh yeah, Ivanka Trump's personal assistant has tested positive.

Professor Expert
3.1  Krishna  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3    5 years ago

I read that Mike Pence planned to 'self-quarantine' for one day.  He'll be back at work tomorrow...without a mask.  

Also,  11 members of White House Secret Service detail  (a mix of agents and staff) have tested positive.

Who else?  Oh yeah,  Ivanka Trump's personal assistant  has tested positive.

And yet, the last I heard, Trump is still refusing to wear a mask.(Maybe he thinks the Virus isn't contagious???)

Professor Guide
3.2  Gordy327  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3    5 years ago
I read that Mike Pence planned to 'self-quarantine' for one day.  He'll be back at work tomorrow...without a mask.  

Why do we elect and/or appoint imbeciles into government positions?jrSmiley_78_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
3.2.1  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @3.2    5 years ago
Why do we elect and/or appoint imbeciles into government positions?

A good question!

I think one reason is that many people want to elect folks who they feel represents their values, though patterns, etc. And based on much of the political commentary we read on social media sites..its obvious that a good portion of the population are imbeciles ("Imbeciles"...AKA "Trump's Base")

Professor Guide
3.2.2  Gordy327  replied to  Krishna @3.2.1    5 years ago
its obvious that a good portion of the population are imbeciles

I think that sums it up nicely. 

Professor Principal
5  Kavika     5 years ago

Trump declared himself a ''War Time'' President so now that the barbarians are at the gate lets see that leadership.

Professor Participates
6  FLYNAVY1    5 years ago

Pretty ironic..... supposedly the most secure place in the world, and given all of the testing advantages they have over every other American, this virus has managed to penetrate the White House.

I need to find a viable source to confirm, but I believe it has been released that Trump said...."Not enough is being done to protect me!"

If it isn't true, it sure sounds like him.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7  Trout Giggles    5 years ago

I wouldn't go near the WH without a SCBA


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