Newstalkers Poll -What Re-Opening America Option Would You Choose?
I have opened a poll on this topic
What Re-Opening America Option Would You Choose?
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I have opened a poll on this topic
What Re-Opening America Option Would You Choose?
You have to click on the link to go to the poll page
What Re-Opening America Option Would You Choose?
You have to click on the link to go to the poll page
Still not a settled issue.
Should have been more option choices. Only the middle one is realistic.
But re-opening itself is not an option. It needs to start immediately in careful steps and stages.
Most businesses will have to figure out what works for them, employing common sense rules and restrictions.
Bullseye! Of course the middle one is between the two unacceptable extremes. The media always leaves out the middle option.
Here is my option: Seniors are quarantined. All others wear masks, practice social distancing, wash hands and go to work!
I wonder how many senior citizens live with younger people?
Well, my wife and daughter are younger than me - does that count?
When your'e quarantined it doesn't matter. Arthur Spooner did ok in the basement.
The poll is a good start, but it isn't based upon science or realism so I didn't vote. I posted my comment on the poll's page. If the poll is modified to include factors that are more important than entertainment and sports, I'll be glad to cast a vote.
Entertainment and professional sports are big business.
But contrary to what the football, baseball and basketball players think ,they aren't essential at all.
I think millions of people would probably disagree with that. It is not life or death, but people do need entertainment.
“football, baseball and basketball players think ,they aren't essential at all.”
i agree. In fact ALL entertainers are non-essential to a functioning society.
They are certainly "big business", but neither is essential to the developmental growth of our youth in order to maturely function in society. Many school districts have removed recess, PE, music, and art from their curricula due to budget issues. Should they be included in order to create well-rounded individuals? I think so, but not everyone agrees.
If they were so essential we'd be watching it on TV.
Remember we are talking about many people who think horrid shows like the Kardashians are "must see" programming.
I wouldn't choose any of the 3 offered , but then again , where I live its a moot point . phased reopening is already in progress, and since my state has had no mandated stay at home orders , most of the essential places have remained open through out . I have even been driving semi since jan roughly 500 miles a day until the recent contract was filled . what I do think needs to happen is that those that test positive currently , do need to be quarantined at home , by law , irregardless of age .
people know their own risk factors and should use common sense in evaluating them , I did when working , I interacted with no one during work , drove ,loaded and unloaded myself in a remote area away from people and didn't stop along the way. ,
as for the need to get food or other things , I used common sense and limited my trips into town , to one a day did everything I needed done during that one trip IF I made the trip at all , when I did I used a mask before it was said to be a wise choice , moreso because of my springtime allergies and the sneezing and coughing I go through , the looks if I did either of those without a mask made one feel like a leper.
things here are scheduled to reopen this fri (5-15-20)with restrictions, i also doubt i will be in any rush to go anyplace that reopens such as the cafes , bars and other things because i am keeping track of the daily numbers of infection , recovery and such, and i doubt people will serious take the needed precautions , to stop the spread .Sure the businesses will , but patrons , not so much.
So i dont have to choose any of the 3 offered , the choice is being made already, but , just because someone else has made the choice , doesnt mean i have to blindly follow them in their chosen course of action .
me getting a free beer on my birthday the 21st just isnt that important to me as the risk presented in getting it..
so i guess what i am saying is its up to a person to use their own common sense after evaluationg the risks they both face and pose to others as well as what is going on around them locally when making such a choice this important.
Although option one is the closest to what i’d pick it was too lacking in safety measures, so i didn’t vote.