In these times of craft brews what’s your fav old school beer
This one is from my homeland. Czechvar
Nothing fancy, no fruit, chocolate or other nonsense. Just a great Lager. Budvar is another one. The original Budweiser and MUCH better than our American made Bud swill.

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Do you have a favorite?
Microbrews accepted but they might get scoffed ..... j/k
Yuengling ! I first drank it at a Grateful Dead Concert in Philly about thirty years ago and when I found out it was cheaper than even Pabst blue ribbon I bought ten cases and filled my trunk since they didn't sell it in my home state. Now they sell it in my home state but it's not as cheap as it used to be.
Have that in the house right now. Nice beer.
If you like a nice crisp lager, pick up a six of Czechvar or Budvar. You won’t be disappointed.
I'll give it a go! I like them in the summer so perfect timing!
Just finished one which gave me the idea for the article
more fun than all the nonsense going on in the world today.
Agree, it’s great on draft. Still can’t get it in Michigan though ....
By the way .... PBR on draft? Great cheap beer imo.
I also like Murphy's Irish Stout. I like Guinness but Murphy's is better, it's Guinness without the slight bitter so it's like the chocolate milk of beers.
Ever had a Dragons Milk? It’s a high ABV Bourbon barrel aged stout. Just go easy on them, they are 11%.
I have some of that in the house. Philly Dead recordings on digital audio tape that is.
Yuengling started in 1829 in Pottsville PA as the Eagle Brewery.
A Pottsville fire caused the father to relocate the brewery in Pottsville in 1831.
One son took the opportunity to start another brewery outside of Richmond VA in 1831.
The James River Steam Brewing Company was destroyed during the Civil War and never rebuilt.
Much farther north, Pottsville surrvived the Civil War but in 1873 changed it's name to Yuengling & Son
while keeping the label from the Eagle Brewery.
During Prohibition, Yuengling made near beers and turned their dairy farm into an ice cream giant.
The dairies and ice cream plants were sold in 2019 but production continues.
Yuengling is Americas oldest continuous brewery and oldest physical brewery.
OK I am going with a Long Island Beer:
Greenport Harbor's Harbor Ale. I really don't like light beers.
Yeah craft brews are crazy plentiful now. Pretty rich in Michigan, Bells, Founders and Shorts to name some of the nicer bigs.
I like supporting the local breweries and I have found that there are many really good beers out there that are local.
I have to say my favorite one larger beer I like is Fat Tire Ale. Really full-bodied.
Where it was not my favorite, Billy Beer was actually pretty good.
Lol Billy beer ... I remember that swill .... as we date ourselves.
Seems like Dem presidents all had a screw up brother back then. Remember Roger Clinton?
I just wish I had held onto the six pack that I had. Collectors still pay big bucks for it. Didn't Roger have a band at one time?
Yeah, don’t think he was as big a screw up as Billy Carter was though.
corona , hold the virus
John, somehow that doesn’t surprise me.
That said, I’ve enjoyed many a frosty Corona in my day. With the requisite lime appliance of course.
To be honest, when I do have a few beers it is usually Miller Lite. But I do like Corona.
When deployed to Christchurch, New Zealand about 5 of us went out to dinner to a upscale Italian restaurant. Before getting to the restaurant we found a import liquor store and bought two six packs of Corona beer. We finished our meal and drank some beer. Seems the maitre di thought that inappropriate and asked us to leave. Some locals dining complained about the loud and boorish yanks. We laughed and left. Good times.
My favorite beers are actually San Miguel from the Philippines and Steinlager from New Zealand when I can find them. Also Guiness on draft, a acquired taste.
Lol, I remember San Miguel as well. Rumor was it had formaldehyde in it to help preserve it. Therefore we drank it copiously figuring we were getting a head start on the inevitable.
The beauty of it was back in the day the PI breweries had little concept of quality control so you never knew what the alcohol content was from one batch to the next. You could drink one bottle that may have 4% by volume and the next bottle may have had 6% or greater alcohol by volume or more. Loved it!
Becks, Peroni, Asahi and Tsingtao. Sam Adams "Sam '76" when available !
Peroni, another fantastic draft beer. Notice a trend?
Yes, Peroni is very good. I also like Stella Artois and Longboard blond.
If you like those you might like a Pick Axe Blonde Ale from Keweenaw Brewing Co.
My old stomping grounds
Yippers !
I should move over seas. LOL !
I remember when Sam Adams was a Microbrew and was only available in Mass.
Never acquired a taste. Tried it when it came out, never finished the first one. People were drinking the shit out of it when it first came out that’s for sure. I think I was into the Canadian “Ice” beers around that time. Molies and Labatt
Oh Yeah !
I can't stand any of the Sam A beers.
Their Summer Ale is pretty tasty and their Octoberfest. That about it for me though.
The "Sam '76' is the only one I like. The others are really "Heavy" on the Gut.
I really can't stand "Beers" that have what I call "Yuppie Floaties" in them. I can't stand Orange Juice with "Pulp" either. Blah !
We can make bets on who is the first to put Naty light up for consideration. A whole other side game to real beers if you will.
Kilkenny (Irish Cream Ale) would be my beer of choice normally, however when visiting down south ya can't get it so then Yuengling is a good choice.
Yuengling and Coors Light, a case of each in the refrigerator
I'm not a beer drinker but many of my friends who are really like brews from the Mad River Brewery in Blue Lake CA. They have an outstanding restaurant on-site and that I can vouch for. It's really good.
Sam Adams. Guinness. There's some cold Guinness in my fridge to go with a cheeseburger after I walk the dog. Just took the kid out for a driving lesson, so I need a drink.
Yeah, I drink Sam Adams most of the time because it's good, clean and easy to find. In my youth the favorite was Walters. That was a small brewery in Chippewa Falls, WI that unfortunately went out of business when they sold it to an idiot who ran it into the ground while searching for the newest micro-brew... What a shame.

I also see someone up above commented on PBR... all I can say is OMG!!!! What horrible stuff that was , can't believe it's making a comeback thanks to the young and tasteless... Destroying my faith in the future, they are...
Listen junior, it never left.
The beer that built America IS PBR. Long before people started putting peanut butter or worse in beer. Not everyone likes to taste tin foil in their beer or has to pay ten dollars a pint for some fruity tootie beer ..... PBR is fine on draft imo .....
When I see PBR I think of this scene from the movie Blue Velvet with Dennis Hopper.
Well ya old fart... it may never have left but it was never even close to good...
But I'm terribly sorry you suffered that accident, the one that removed all your taste buds... Must be hell going thru life thinking that PBR tastes just fine... geeze.. I mean, what's next? Banana's and wasabi ? Caramelized onions and Caramel? Sauerkraut and ice cream?
This is the song I think of about PBR "Rednecks, White Socks and Blue Ribbon Beer: My Uncle liked Pabst and had that song played at his wake and had PBR served. Real cold it is OK (once in a while)
Opinions do vary.
Hey, don't forget Hamms. I used to love that stuff. Sad they don't make it any more.
Been awhile since i've been but our AML used to carry all the old beers. Hamms, Black Label, Schlitz, etc ......but watch out, we might offend some of the younguns highly refined fruity beer taste sensibilities.
Thats okay though, most of them don't know what a church key is either.
Yep. Had to explain that to my 23 year old grandson.
good news, you can get a 30 pack for 13 bucks at Walmart...
Lol .... three dollars of which is deposit that no one will take anymore.
My dad always needed one before he gave me driving lessons.
I feel his pain.
And fear.
He actually tried to scare me out of learning once. He was the GM of the Pontiac dealership and offered to bring me a car to learn with. He brought the shop manager's souped up GTO used in local races. That thing was a monster power machine. I got one block away and told him "Nice try, but I will learn to drive and get my license." Then I walked home. He finally gave up and brought me a nice little VW to practice with.
Currently hefting a New Belgium Voodoo Ranger IIPA. I would rather have a Deschutes Hophenge, but I think they quit making it.
Shiner isn't too bad. They used to make a Shiner Black, but they don't brew that one any more.
Eskes in Taos NM and Second Street Brewery in Santa Fe NM make good IPAs.
So, I like IPAs.
I was never an avid beer drinker, although an ice cold one after 18 holes on a hot day was like heaven. I guess Heinekens was my usual when I did want one, but these days....well, the last beer I had was at a Pizza Hut 3 years ago.
I like lagers. Harp and Smithwicks (ale) when I can find them. Or Newcastle. Drinking Corona these days. Washington has a very high booze tax. Going for the sales.
Then try Czechvar or Budvar ..... you owe it to yourself.
Thanks for the tip, I'll look for them.
Killians was always a favorite of mine, on draft with wingies is the best. now I'm more IPA's
Yeah most IPA's don't do it for me. I'm more of a Pilsner or Lager guy.
I like an ABA like Serria Nevada every once in awhile but IPA's are usually too hoppy for me.
St.Georgenbräu Hefe Weisen or Heinekin (from Holland, not the swill served in the US).
I like a nice wheat beer from time to time.
A Paulander Hefeweizen is nice when you want chunks in you beer
I tried that a few times. Just wasn't for me.
Cold Beer and plenty of it!
Cold beer .... hot lights .... my sweet romantic teenage nights.
- Billy Joel, Scenes from an Italian restaurant
You're singing my song!
He’s been my boy since the Piano man album. Have em all.
Love me some Billy Joel.