Police: Remains of 2 found on Idaho property; Chad Daybell charged with concealing evidence
Category: News & Politics
Via: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom • 5 years ago • 33 commentsBy: MSN

Police: Remains of 2 found on Idaho property; Chad Daybell charged with concealing evidence
REXBURG, Idaho — Police say they found two sets of human remains Tuesday at the rural Idaho home of a man married to the mother of two missing children — a case that has captured attention nationwide.
© John Wilson, Deseret News Investigators in Idaho said Tuesday June 9, 2020, they recovered human remains in the backyard of Chad Daybell's home in Salem. It's not known yet, if the remains are those of missing children, Joshua "JJ" Vallow, 7, and his sister, Tylee Ryan, 17, who haven't been seen since last September.
Rexburg police said Wednesday the remains have not yet been identified and they have notified those whom they believe to be family members of the deceased.
"Autopsy results are pending," Assistant Rexburg Police Chief Gary Hagen said.
Daybell's wife, Lori Vallow Daybell, is jailed in Rexburg and charged with felony child abandonment. Police say her son Joshua "JJ" Vallow, 7, and his big sister, Tylee Ryan, 17, were last seen in September.
Chad Daybell, 51, was booked into the Fremont County Jail a short time after several police agencies served a search warrant and made the discovery at his Salem property just north of Rexburg on Tuesday.
He is scheduled to appear in court In Rexburg Wednesday to answer two charges of destroying or concealing evidence, a felony offense. A conviction carries up to five years in jail and a $1,000 fine.
A criminal complaint filed Wednesday alleges that Daybell carried out the crimes sometime from Sept. 8 to Tuesday, when the FBI and the Fremont County Sheriff's Office helped Rexburg police in serving a sealed search warrant at Daybell's home. Aerial photos showed large mounds, tarps and tents in an expansive yard there Tuesday.
This story will be updated throughout the day.

So much for hoping the kids were alive someplace.
Very disheartening.....
Nothing worse than someone that would murder a child.
Sadly, kinda expected this outcome.
If these are the kids I hope for life without parole in a supermax. 23 hours a day in your cell and 1 hour outside the cell until the day the SOB's die.
Yeah, I like that better than the death penalty
I'm sure it's those kids. Wasn't an ex-wife and ex-husband murdered, also?
Just in: The grandmother of JJ Vallow just confirmed that one set of remains is her grandson.
I have not found anything reporting the identification of the children - they have been missing since September - how can the grandmother identify what is most likely bones?
This whole thing is so disturbing on soooo many levels!
Not to be morbid but depending on what Idaho winters are like the bodies may well be in a better state of preservation. I'm from a little further north but at a lower elevation and the ground was still frozen solid just a month ago
If you hit the 'just in' link in my post, it will take you to the article. It has now been updated to include a joint statements from both families.
"We are filled with unfathomable sadness that these two bright stars were stolen from us, and only hope that they died without pain or suffering. Official statements from The Rexburg Police, The Medical Examiner and the FBI will be released soon."
Meanwhile, Daybell's brother, Matt Daybell, released a statement that reads:
"Some in our extended family are still struggling to accept the reality that Chad could have been involved in something so terribly wrong. On behalf of myself, my wife Heather, and our 4 children, we express our most sincere sympathies to Larry and Kay and to JJ and Tylee’s entire extended families. We are devastated by today’s news and the apparent role that Chad has played in what has transpired."
If the remains found included a skull , partial skull or lower jawbone , the obvious means of ID would be dental records. that's the usual means of ID from what I understand.
I use to live in that area , the winters are long and harsh , the frost line when the ground freezes can go down 3 feet, that could preserve some tissues , below the frost line then all the creepy crawlies would do their job on body tissues.
Bodies don't last long on the surface due to insect , scavenger or weather conditions quickly breaking down everything and scattering them .
Forensically speaking that's very true, but probably not how the grandmother identified them
So there could have been a degree a of decomposition, a little different than here, our frost line goes down 10-11 feet and then it's permafrost
I hope the why they did this comes out during their trial
I doubt we will ever get a why that will make any kind of sense, the whole thing doesn't make sense to begin with .
that area can be between 3000 and 6000 ft above sea level and up if closer to a mnt range , its basically both a flood plain AND on track with the Yellowstone hot spots travel direction , the area also is geothermally active , with any number of hot springs related to the Yellowstone eco system .
generally the top layers of soil are good farmland , after that you have any combination of glacial and volcanic moraine and its resulting conglomerations its hit or miss if any specific place will have easy or hard digging , just as its hit or miss if it is productive for whatever is taking place .
The grandma likely IDed an article that she knew to belong to the grandson, and not knowing the condition of the remains that would be a good guess, because I doubt authorities would just show her bones or a body in decomp.
Thanks for the rest of the info, very informative