Lincoln Project ad calls Trump "A Whiny Bitch"
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 24 commentsBy: Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian
Trump still hasn't totally figured out how to drink water. (Photo credit: Daily Mail)

Lincoln Project ad calls Trump "A Whiny Bitch"
Trump still hasn't totally figured out how to drink water.
I saw this live on TV. He starts to life a glass of water to drink (in the usual way, using one hand) but doesn't seem to have the strength to lift it to his lips-- so he then needs to use a second hand!
(I don't think its a question of not figuring it out-- rather he's physically weak-- in addition to his obvious mental problems, there's something else wrong with his health
And then he goes on and on whining about his problems . . and attempting to distort the obvious reality . . and always attempting to blame someone else for his problems?
He also leans forward all the time. This is evident when he is photographed from the side. I don't know if this is true or not but a person commented that his inability to drink water without using two hands is linked to his leaning forward. They said both are indications of a disease, but they did not say which disease. I wish I knew so I could research it.
Good to see you again Loretta.
Well, he has a disease called "Trump's Derangement Syndrome" (aka "TDS")
If he has a problem lifting a glass of water to his lips, how the hell does he swing a golf club? Kinds weird, don't ya think?
Trump did not address criticism that he drank his water 'sippy cup style' as he delivered the address at the nation's premiere military academy.
It is not the first time that Trump has used two hands to sip from a cup of water, an odd tic that has led some to question whether he has a medical issue.
'This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan,' Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist, wrote on Twitter in response to the West Point footage.
'Recent videos make it clear that there is something medically wrong with Trump. The way he walks, how he holds a glass of water, his slurred words, his lapses in thought. What is the White House hiding?' tweeted Jon Cooper. ( cont'd )
we don't need NO fckn videos to know there is too much wrong mentally, to even give a flyin fck about his physicality issues, but, we know they intersect, as he is an insect, that needs to intersect with the bottom of a shoe, but not worth having to wipe ones foot, stockin full of soot , tiny tiny glass balls, as he is a junkie ornament on a needle filled X mass murdering US ever green, with envy of Obama, cuz he's shown US All, who's his Baby ass Momma, for such an insecure laddy, we see Y Obama's also his Daddy !
Thank you for your comment
BTW, when referring to Trump's specific form of mental illness, from now on we should all remember to refer to it by it's proper name, i.e. "TDS" or "Trump's Derangement Syndrome"!
T ruth
D enial
S yndrom
All he does is whine and bitch . . . can you imagine attending that rally and listening to that whiny, moping bitch and thinking to yourself "Yeah, yeah . . .that's the person I want to lead this country"?
Kind of reminds me of Captain Queeg from the Cain Mutiny.....
Furthermore, Trump is getting worse by the day.
I never though of that-- but its really an excellent analogy.
In addition, both have a bizarre form of mental illness (often referred to as "Trump's Derangement Syndrome") that keeps increasing over time . . .
Ah yes, the Lincoln project. A clearly biased operation created by a group of never Trumpers.
Nirvana for your garden variety butt-hurt liberal .....
Trump's Derangement Syndrome is a very real thing!
Perhaps but unlike our badly Trump vexed brethren on the left i do aim to please .....
What some of our liberal friends fail miserably at is critical thinking it seems. Could be nerves as he is about to speak or, worse yet and not something to laugh about, is Parkinson's onset.
I wonder if they get a kick out of watching Michael J. Fox......................pretty sad the TDS has stricken them so badly.
Michael J Fox is not up for arguably one of the most important jobs on the planet and isn't compulsively lying telling everyone he's the healthiest President in the history of Presidents even though anyone who hasn't had their eyes burned out can see that is laughable. After what Trump has done to shit all over our great nation and piss his white supremacy dog whistles in everyone's ears trying to make his bigoted base happy, if he is exposed to have some horrible disease or affliction I will not feel any empathy as it will still be less than he truly deserves. I've no doubt he'll end up like Al Capone some day, rotting in some jail for a while then under guard as he lives out the rest of his miserable life as a half witted mental patient with a syphilitic brain.
The Lincoln Project is being far too kind...
Orange conman bunker donnie is a whiny bitch
We've known for some time he has mental problems... and little by little the symptoms are getting worse
Actually those symptoms are all part of a condition he has which should be referred to by its correct name: " Trump's Derangement Syndrome " (AKA "TDS").
So please refer to it often as " Trump's Derangement Syndrome" when speaking about him on NT.
It will result in more accurate communication, and I'm sure that sort of clarity will make both progressives as well Trump supporters quite happy!