Video retweeted by Trump shows supporter yelling "white power" - Axios

"Thank you to the great people of The Villages," Trump tweeted.

President Trump tweeted, "Thank you to the great people of The Villages" on Sunday morning in response to a video of protesters verbally clashing with Trump supporters — including one man who yelled "white power" while passing in a golf cart.
Why it matters: Trump has already been accused of inflaming racial tensions in the U.S. at a time of nationwide backlash over the killing of George Floyd. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Details: The first clip in the montage shows protesters chanting "racist" at a white couple driving by in a golf cart bearing a "Trump 2020" and an "America First" sign. The man driving gives a thumbs up and yells back, "White power!"
- Other clips in the video show protesters yelling "Nazi" and other accusations at the Trump supporters driving by.
- Trump quote-tweeted the video and wrote: "Thank you to the great people of The Villages. The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall. Corrupt Joe is shot. See you soon!!!"

All we need to do is watch the first 10 or 15 seconds of this video and you will see the shouts of "white power" in a video that was retweeted by the president of the United States.
Got to wonder if they send their sheets and hoods out to the laundry, or they do them at home..... Might be a financial opportunity to capitalize on. One might also be able to get them on a break on lumber for cross burnings too given the volume the right looks to be needing.
I'm sure that someone will "argue" that the anti-Trump protesters were just as nasty as the pro Trump celebrants, and frankly none of the people in this video appear to be Mensa candidates, but the fact is that the man shouting "white power" can be heard very clearly. It's not a case of maybe he said this or maybe he said that.
Trump WANTS racial turmoil because he knows that much of his voting base is made up of people, like the senior citizens in this video, who are not only not offended by cries of "white power", they enjoy the overall sentiment. If you got to the bottom line of it with all the people in that golf cart parade, we would find a lot of agreement with what the first guy said.
A couple that I have known for decades moved from a Chicago suburb to The Villages last year. They take the Covid 19 threat very seriously and have been heckled almost daily for wearing masks on their daily walks.
They should weigh the good and the bad. It still sounds like a big step up from what's going on where they fled.
It may behoove you to recognize the word suburb in my comment Dean.
Oh and they didn't 'flee' anything, the WENT as close as possible to their favorite place in the world, Disney World.
meh, they should go on their walks packing and drop the first trumpster that heckles them. it's florida, so it's been pretty much legal.
Since one was a Criminal Psychiatrist and the other was a lawyer [both retired] they'd be much more likely to talk them into submission.
sounds like they've both had lots of experience with that type of mentality in the past...
I thought you were from Texas?
It doesn't matter.
None of the president's supporters here will say a word against their Grand Pooh-Bah despite the slow Drip Drip Drip of increasingly worsening information about his personal preferences, gutting of oversight mechanisms designed for clarity to the public, and just in general showing disregard for the office and anyone who dares to try and control his wanton destruction of democracy.
They will all bow and praise their king....
If any of his supporters have a member in the armed forces and that member is one who who Putin paid to have killed, I wonder if they would still support this ass clown realizing he is kissing the ass of the guy who took the life of that soldier.
Dang it....eliminate one of the two "who's".
And the ones that tell them their emperor has no clothes get labeled as traitors.
The disgrace in the WH will defend confederate monuments, but refuses to defend American soldiers.
maybe if they were wearing gray instead of green...
maybe if they were wearing gray instead of green...
Then they would resemble the German SS that so many of Trump's supporters have wet dreams about.
confederates, nazis, not much of a difference in this country...
Language barrier, but other than that..... not much.
Right. The Nazis and the Confederates enslaved different groups of people.
Painfully obvious that some Americans can't see that Nazis and Confederates they are opposite sides of the same coin.
Very sad.....
That fact is made obvious by simply watching which political party the current Nazi's and confederate appeasers in America drift towards. There's a reason Nazi's were marching side by side with confederates even flying their flags together in Charlottesville, and it isn't that they both love barbecue.
Looks like they may be heading to meet their brethren in Texas for a good old fashioned BBQ and cross burning.
And they are free to fly their flags per our constitution.
No, I don't agree. I think there are a lot of similarities. You missed the sarcasm in my "Right" comment.
I don't understand why you think the comparison is "stupid". Because they enslaved different groups of people? You don't find there to be any similarities? Both groups deemed themselves to be the master race and caused massive suffering to millions. The contemporary Nazis and "Confederates" seem to consider themselves closely akin.
100% positive they will say they are patriots.
Oh man..... I just ate. That thought make me ill.
By what possible metric Tex.....
I think those are the biggies....
You care to take a swing to educate us as to why the comparison of Confederates that started the Civil War, and the Nazis is a stupid comparison? (sorry, you don't get country location and language) Do tell as to what we're missing from the history books Tex.
There is a house about a mile away from mine that has three 20' flagpoles. One has the Stars and Strips, one the Stars and Bars and one the Gadsden flag. At least it's set up so that the Stars and Strips is slightly higher than the others...
Glad they are following proper flag etiquette......
Gsquared, do you know that slavery exist today? Do you know nearly every race has had slavery at some time in their history for thousands of years? Do you know how many whites died during the Civil War fighting against slavery?
Makes me remember something I read from someone I've admired for years.
It is pretty arrogant of you to assume what you think I know or don't know. Who the fuck are you to question me? But if that's the game you want to play, I bet you didn't know this either, there are a whole lot of things you don't know. So keep your arrogant B.S. to yourself.
That's so rich Tex..... Lest go to the replay shall we?
I jumped in with exacting bullets outlining the similarities
By what possible metric Tex.....
And in that same post I challenged you to support your position that "It is stupid to compare the two:
You care to take a swing to educate us as to why the comparison of Confederates that started the Civil War, and the Nazis is a stupid comparison? (sorry, you don't get country location and language) Do tell as to what we're missing from the history books Tex.
And rather than supporting with your statement with any manner of detail, you respond with:
What appears to be missing from all of the comments is any sense of fucking reality.
Comparing Nazis and Confederates IS stupid,
And now your very telling response:
I don't give a damn what anybody says about it.
So.... You call others stupid, they respond with points and challenge you offer the same, and because you can't, you sit and pout because you've got no game. You're really not very good at this Tex. Just to remind you, what passes for argument at Breitbart and Stormfront doesn't fly here at Newstalkers because people on both side of the argument bring facts and data to that argument.
white supremacists + tea party fools + evangelicals = 99% of trumpski's base.
I guess that would apply to someone that is asked to explain their position on why a comparison of Confederates and Nazis is stupid, but can't or won't back up their statement.....
Hell Tex.... If your going to go around calling people stupid, you might as well tell them why so they can take their first steps to solving the problem. Come on... be a bro!
Apparently, Tex thinks the only reason there is no comparison is because they enslaved different groups of people. At least, that's what his initial comments to me, and the fact that he failed to respond to my follow-up questions, seems to indicate.
You can tell Tex has cornered himself once he calls you names and starts ranting without answering simple questions. At this point, if you do see an answer, I doubt that it will be one that doesn't include Obama, Hillary, or Benghazi
The reality that you've missed is that the Nazi/Confederate analogy is a perfectly legitimate argument. Your inability to make a cogent argument to refute that fact is on you.
Mostly because Nazism is a political ideology, NOT a ethnicity or civilization.
He was polite, so far... Just unresponsive...
When he calls you stupid, you can wear it as a badge of honor....., that or just consider the source... Your choice of course.
I say ignore it...and him
Thanks, Dulay because in my head I was doing the ""
Interesting..facts presented to you and you are still in denial. I see you've not changed at all.
Re: Comparing Nazis and Confederates is stupid
They spoke different languages? Is that your point?
How very astute of you...
How nauseatingly condescending of you.
And if I even have to explain it to you, then you wouldn't be able to understand said point.
Ha. Hahaha. Hahahaha!!! That is just so funny. Hilarious actually. Thanks for proving you have nothing. Wow. Isn't that what you guys call all hat and no cattle? What a total riot. Man, nice try though.
Is this where you start saying Obama or Hillary or Benghazi? Come on. Don't disappoint me...
Try to color between the lines. Your teacher will appreciate it and you will probably get a better grade. You didn't do so well on the Nazi/Confederacy thing and you really do need to keep your GPA up if you ever hope to graduate...
When one has to guess about what a point is, it becomes painfully obvious that there is no point!
In order to really understand you, I will try channeling your brain and see what I come up with: ______________________
There. That's what I found.
To be fair, I thought I should try again and I did find something: Obama, Hillary, Benghazi... Obama, Hillary, Benghazi
If Reagan is your source for anything, you're even worse off than I thought.
Good talk.
Two choices here. He either knew what was on the vid or didn't.
So he is either completely non nonchalant about racism (giving his base a thrill) or a complete moron.
I say add the two together.
Pretty much. He is either a racist or a complete idiot. No other options.
Why can't he be both? Racists, in my opinion, aren't exactly high on the IQ chart
Choose "C"... All the above.
It does take a special kind of stupid to be racist. Which is amusing since they do not realize that based upon their intellect they are acutally the inferior members of the species.
And many of them are not smart enough to think up how to be racist on their own, they are merely following behind someone else they think is super smart, and they want to be smart like that too.
A stupid racist will give themselves away without much effort, and will normally back away when confronted, where a real racist will normally have the confidence to stand their ground even if they are proven wrong. Which is also stupid.
At least all of the other villages in the country now know where their idiots went.
Thats funny.
Priceless Paula.....
Aside from the true stupidity of retweeting the racist video, the thing that really concerns me are the reports that:
" the video remained on the president's Twitter feed for more than three hours because he could not be reached. Trump was reportedly at his Virginia golf club and put his phone down."
Shouldn't the president be able to be gotten ahold of within minutes? Was Trump out of communication? Was there nobody on the staff in his golf cart caravan that could have taken a call? Am I over-reading this...?
Shouldn't he have at least a lower level aid to carry his purse for him?
That's not a purse - that's a "man bag".
It's a pretty small "man bag".