Religion--accept it or ignore it!
The topic of religion and/or God comes up here frequently.
Passions seem to run high on both sides of the issue.
I know of no other topic that gets people quite so worked up.
Here is a solution to all the fighting:
1. Keep your religion to yourself, and don't try to convert anyone here. It will not work, if anyone hasn't figured that out yet. People don't come here to be converted.
2. If you aren't religious yourself, don't put down people who are. Even if they say something you personally don't like. People don't come here to be insulted.

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Partisan politics is worse.
I agree.
Now, that established, do you preclude people from making critical analysis comments about religion itself or of a particular religion or a religious idea or claim? A strict focus on ideas and claims rather than personal derogatory comments?
There is also a 3rd option"
3. Don't try to pass off religious belief as fact or truth, lest it invites a direct challenge.
George Carlin couldn't have said it better.
I would also suggest that if someone seeks to make a claim of certainty (most religious claims are claims of certainty referencing some religious authority) then at least think one step ahead and imagine the most likely rebuttal. Once imagined, figure out how you would defend your claim against that rebuttal.
To just broadcast claims of certainty and then get miffed when someone dares to rebut the claim —especially with the rebuttal is cogent— is a great way make oneself frustrated and then be motivated to lash out emotionally.
I think that's what most people over the age of 17 do.
The amount of pointless energy spent on this topic is something else
Then don't waste yours.
I don't. That's why I almost always ignore these seeds.
Carry on with your whining.
I don't whine. But you knew that.
I generally agree with the premise of this article. The worth of religion cannot be proven or disproven because it pertains to topics that are by definition not subject to "proof". Hence religious belief is often described as "faith".
Or just use it for moral and ethics guidance....and when needed, for comfort.
(There is no need to limit concepts like religion to "EITHER OR" - because there are many shades of gray in between black and white.)
If you have a group specifically devoted to the debate and discussion of religion, let them set their own rules,I don't have to join the group. I would like to know that a discussion in that group is happening but I would prefer not to see their comments on the home page. (Not sure if that is possible.)
As far as general seeds, excluding religion as a topic would pretty much also require excluding politics since over the years both have become increasingly mixed with religious leaders and politicians eager to ignore Roger Williams' plea for separation of church and state. It's frequently a news item so hard to avoid.
But they do come here to be entertained. If we can't take a "you're full of it" from time to time we should probably all stick to "Zoom" meetings for one.
Rather than prohibiting insults, perhaps a better approach would be for us to voluntarily limit exchanges to a couple of shots across the bow then sail on.
(Let's face it Texan - you're going to stick it to me from time to time and I'm going to pee on your leg. But I don't think either of us is interested in generating 5 screens full of crap.)
At the root of the problem is probably the intention and quality of the seeds.