Retirees Vow to 'Fight This Attempt to Gut Social Security' as Trump Announces Executive Order to Suspend Payroll Tax | Common Dreams News
President Trump just betrayed seniors, ordering cuts in Social Security funding because Congress wouldn't go along with his payroll tax cut scheme.
The group's 4.4 million members, he vowed, "will fight this attempt to gut Social Security."
BREAKING -- President Trump just betrayed seniors, ordering cuts in Social Security funding because Congress wouldn't go along with his payroll tax cut scheme. Learn more here:
— Alliance Retirees (@ActiveRetirees) August 6, 2020
Progressive advocacy group Social Security Works tweeted Thursday that suspending collection of the payroll tax is "defunding of Social Security, as a first step to cutting our earned benefits."
"And doing so by executive order is unconstitutional," the group said.
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Nope, we are not going to take it. Dump Trump 2020!
Did Obama gut social security for current retirees when he had a payroll tax holiday in 2009-10?
No, but I do remember you saying so and endlessly bitching about it.
This time the damn gop is defunding Social l Security to justify cutting benefits to seniors.
Social Security is NOT being defunded...your check amounts won't change.
You appear to not understand how this all works.
You appear to not understand how the bigger picture works. If dipshit gets branded as the guy who wants to take money away from old people, then that is it for dip shit's reelection chances.
You just won't acknowledge what Trump is doing.
Don't just talk, fulfill that vow. Vote for Biden. Dump Trump.
Not happening.
Choking on it this one is.
To save your Social Security vote for Biden...
Orange conman once again shits on the constitution