Sasse is probably right. I appreciate the desire to help people, but it's really Congress who should be taking these steps. Too bad they suck so much.
The president probably doesn't have the authority to do everything he wants to do. However, as he pointed out, opposing his orders will look like opposition to helping people, and that might not be popular.
So since we live in a world where my Glock 17 is a far superior weapon to your xdm why do you use it as your screen name? I own many firearms and wouldn't think of using any of them as a persona.
It's not a coincidence. America's slomo fascist coup d'état has been going on for a decade already. Controlling online debate - places like NT - is an important part of the operation.
You'll notice that particular lines of argument appear almost simultaneously, all across the Internet. Part of this is simply the speed of propagation in social media... but part is also a carefully calculated campaign, intended to foster people's doubts. Fascism thrives in doubt.
Eh, mods let them get away with all their shit because they aren't "technically" breaking the rules, but like facebook they are letting the technicalities taking over.
I suspect that there's a list of vetted articles / sites, for distribution to sites like NT. There have been so many cases where the seeder clearly didn't know what was in his seed... It seems obvious that our member goes to the list, grabs an article at random, and copy/pastes it to NT.
The objective isn't so much to convince anyone (The American Thinker???) as to flood the forum, preventing others from seeding.
Sasse is probably right. I appreciate the desire to help people, but it's really Congress who should be taking these steps. Too bad they suck so much.
The president probably doesn't have the authority to do everything he wants to do. However, as he pointed out, opposing his orders will look like opposition to helping people, and that might not be popular.
It is an upside down Orwellian world wherein Ben Sasse and Mitt Romney are the rogue republicans!
No, not orwellian. It's just two guys who know what they believe in. That means sometimes they will disagree with people they typically side with.
Anybody to the left of Genghis Kahn is a "rogue republican" in the eyes of the far right.
So since we live in a world where my Glock 17 is a far superior weapon to your xdm why do you use it as your screen name? I own many firearms and wouldn't think of using any of them as a persona.
This moderate has always tried to find a middle road where folk can agree.
That's because your Glock is a tool whereas xdm's is not only a tool it's an extension of himself
Hey, don't knock the XD. My wife, who is quite petite, loves her XD compact. The Glock just didn't fit her hand well.
I have yet to see one of them who has a cogent understanding of the concepts in 1984.
This is kinda fun.
Ben Sasse has been a pure Trumpist... but suddenly he has an independent idea. Rat leaving a sinking ship?
Trump's reaction is to accuse Sasse of "going rogue". Trump is saying very clearly that Sasse should naturally toe the President's line.
“Pure Trumpist”? Sasse has been and is a never trumper.
Sasse is also a christian dominionist.
Welcome back Bob. You're coming back as I'm trying to go away.
Sasse going 'rogue'? Nah, he's protecting himself from Trump. As the days pass expect to see more of this 'self protection' from the weak kneed GOP.
Funny how every site I go to it is being taken over by far right wing fascists.
It's not a coincidence. America's slomo fascist coup d'état has been going on for a decade already. Controlling online debate - places like NT - is an important part of the operation.
You'll notice that particular lines of argument appear almost simultaneously, all across the Internet. Part of this is simply the speed of propagation in social media... but part is also a carefully calculated campaign, intended to foster people's doubts. Fascism thrives in doubt.
To the tune of billions of dollars. Follow the money.
Eh, mods let them get away with all their shit because they aren't "technically" breaking the rules, but like facebook they are letting the technicalities taking over.
Funny how so many know how to avoid CoC violations.
The Heartland Institute teaches classes in far right wing propaganda.
I suspect that there's a list of vetted articles / sites, for distribution to sites like NT. There have been so many cases where the seeder clearly didn't know what was in his seed... It seems obvious that our member goes to the list, grabs an article at random, and copy/pastes it to NT.
The objective isn't so much to convince anyone (The American Thinker???) as to flood the forum, preventing others from seeding.
This thread and it's theories about NT and moderation belongs in the Metafied group where you can discuss it freely.