
Right Wing Media Nut Job Celebrates Deaths Of Two People


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  30 comments

Right Wing Media Nut Job Celebrates Deaths Of Two People



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Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    5 years ago

Jesse Kelly has 250,000 followers on twitter, so he is by no means a major star, but he is by no means a nobody either. He has a website and a podcast, and is probably making at least some money off being a professional asshole. Money is what its all about to these guys. 

I see he has been banned from twitter on an occasion or two, and in fact the tweet I pasted in the article seems to be gone from his twitter, probably taken down by Twitter. 

I copied it from Charlie Sykes column on The Bulwark never Trumper website. 

Professor Principal
2  author  JohnRussell    5 years ago

it feels like our dystopian nightmares are on fast-forward. Frum predicted that the right-wing media would attempt to turn Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old vigilante who killed two people in Kenosha, into a folk hero.

He may have understated the case.

unnamed.pnghttps://thebulwark.com/app/uploads/2020/08/unnamed-300x215.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 487px) 100vw, 487px" > unnamed-1.pnghttps://thebulwark.com/app/uploads/2020/08/unnamed-1-300x245.png 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px" >

Fox News is also all-in. I know I’ll get dragged for linking to a left-wing site like Media Matters, but they’ve done their homework here,  documenting  how Fox News figures have sided with the shooter.

It’s not just Tucker Carlson. As they note:  “Fox News is now mainstreaming a proposition that ought to be morally beyond the pale: that an armed 17-year old who traveled from his home in Illinois to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and killed two people during ongoing Black Lives Matter protests, was justified and somehow acting in ‘defense’ of either himself and/or local property.”

Professor Principal
2.1  author  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @2    5 years ago

Others in the right-wing media sphere have been avidly   promoting vigilante violence in Kenosha . Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who reportedly   promoted militia   activity in Kenosha prior to the vigilante shooting, subsequently defended the alleged shooter,   claiming that   the crowd of people he shot into were “rioters” who were trying to “murder him.” Others such as The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft   mocked protesters   for calling for the police after someone was shot. And many seized on the violence to attack or fearmonger about activists or the left.

On Fox, Carlson was not the only figure to elevate pro-vigilante rhetoric to the major cable network:

  • The Five  co-host Jesse Watters   referred   to the killings as “vigilante justice” and incorrectly grouped the shooter among “business owners [who] send in people or go in themselves to protect their small business that they've worked their lives to make work.” Co-host Juan Williams then sought to correct the record by pointing out that the alleged killer had in fact traveled in from out of town, “so he was there as a provocative act.” Watters interrupted: “And I totally condemn that. And sadly, Juan, because of the situation, you're going to have people come into communities and try to protect communities when the government doesn't.”

  • On the same edition of  The Five , co-host Greg Gutfeld   declared   that people who had opposed police crackdowns on the protests, such as his co-host Williams, had “abdicated the responsibility” over the matter to “militias” and “defenders of property.” He continued: “Because once the police are not allowed to act, the rioting can proceed without consequence. People come in and fill the void.”

  • Martha MacCallum, the “straight news” anchor of Fox’s   The Story with Martha MacCallum , also   suggested   that the shooter was simply part of a group defending “their businesses” even though the shooter was from out of state. MacCallum argued, “Here you have a 17-year-old out in the street with a gun, and it's understandable that people want to protect their businesses, but this just looks like total chaos and anarchy.”

  • The next morning,   Fox & Friends   displayed a friendly   image   of the shooter cleaning graffiti off of a wall above a chyron noting that he had been charged with homicide.
  • On   Outnumbered , co-host Katie Pavlich justified vigilante actions and   suggested   local leaders were partly to blame for the shootings, arguing, “When you have no police around to defend businesses and people who are being attacked, and their livelihoods burned to the ground, then there is a void that is filled.” Fellow co-host Melissa Francis agreed: “That's a great point, the vigilantes are just as much the fault of those local leaders who have failed so miserably.”

Pavlich and Francis   later attempted   to walk back their comments when questioned by co-host Chris Wallace.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
2.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @2    5 years ago

He won't have any of that money left once the wrongful death lawsuits against him are settled.  As far as any women he could attract, losers just like him.

Professor Principal
2.2.1  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @2.2    5 years ago

When you look at people* like this Jesse Kelly, it's not hard to see why there is so much hate in the world. He peddles hate as a business model.  And it works. 

Although none of us want it, most likely things will get a lot worse in this country before they get better. How can we know that? Tens of millions of people think Trump is a good guy. Such a screwed up world has to go through more pain. 

Professor Guide
3  Dulay    5 years ago

Que Chris Wallace saying something to placate the sane and they'll insist that they're 'Fair and Balanced'. 

Oh wait, he already did. No worries...

Professor Expert
5  CB    5 years ago

Some conservatives have been waiting for many decades for a through to the bone 'dick' like Donald Trump to lead them. Each "contender" failed them: Then arrived Donald. Such people want this that is happening more than _____ itself!

Professor Guide
6  Tacos!    5 years ago

There's nothing good about any part of this story. Too many people with guns fantasize about heroically solving a problem with that gun, and then go looking for the problem (which they inevitably find). Responsible, empathetic gun owners pray they never have to use the thing. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
7  Bob Nelson    5 years ago

At a very basic level, the message is, "Uppity niggers should be shot."

... and many millions of Americans agree... 

... and many, many NTers agree... 

Professor Expert
7.1  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @7    5 years ago

That is the message, and its cloaked in dehumanizing "the other" all over again. This country, the world even, was moving in a progressive 'oneness' stream of consciousness. The 60's lyrics were coming into reality. Then, just like it has always been- some conservatives rebelled and went "MAGA." That is, conservatives found the champion they have longed pined after who would be brutal and compassion-less for the cause of conservatism.

Donald J. Trump is embodiment of the lying, cheating, and talk others out of, if not outright take, their rights and privileges-conservatives. In all their morphing forms.

It is no accident that Trump supporters can not be largely affected by truth; truth is not what they are after. The intent and the long-term plan is to tear down the country and re-construct it as a conservative dream-land. Albeit, it has not been explained to anyone where all the liberals and progressives will end up!

For the time being, the plan is to simply ignore 'em. Talk to them only in passing; and, in harsh tones.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
7.1.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @7.1    5 years ago

We agree. 

Your remarks about what language to use are correct. It is past time to call a fascist a fascist. A racist.

Our President is a racist and a fascist. Anyone who supports him is either an active supporter of racism and fascism... or a foolish fellow-traveler who gives support to racism and fascism without understanding it. 

Professor Expert
7.1.2  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @7.1.1    5 years ago

Recently, Donald stood at a microphone and boomed: "I want football back! These are young strong guys. They are not gonna be affected by the virus. If you look at it,. . .it's GENERALLY older people, that have heart conditions, that have diabetes, that have problems,. . .these are big strong they're be just fine, but I want football back!"

Buried in the folds of that self-glorifying me-me-me spill: Older people can just go ahead (hurry up) and die!

Football players and their innumerable fans, young and old, can take back home to seniors the coronavirus and finish them off as far as Donald is concerned. Compassion-less.

Donald Trump in a single rally delivery indirectly told many of US seniors (here) he completely understands our plight; our predicament, our medical comorbidities, and we can just go to hell. Donald wants football instead.

Any seniors fool enough to let Donald, who put his pants on every day like us, tell them to surrender life (through a painful, isolated, stark death) is ridiculous and has earned the privileged to be shunned. Shunned.

Oh and by the way, young, strong, football players develop heart conditions "for life" from the coronavirus! Doctors have told the nation. . .and Donald this! He simply does not care about that!

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
7.1.3  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @7.1.2    5 years ago

Lots of elderly are Fox-watchers. 

So they are unaware of their greater danger. They are unaware that Trump doesn't care if they die. 

Professor Expert
7.1.4  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @7.1.3    5 years ago

What is almost laughable is this: Donald was at a Fox televised conservative rally speaking to conservative seniors. Did the message in the rant simply go over their heads or will many of them process it properly later (by now)? It's unreal. He is explaining to them who he is everyday and one is left to wander if they believe him when he does!

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
7.1.5  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @7.1.4    5 years ago

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and not lose a single voter!" 

Professor Quiet
7.1.6  bbl-1  replied to  Bob Nelson @7.1.3    5 years ago

Or if the conservatives 'kill' the payroll taxes their Social Security is in dire peril.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
7.1.7  Raven Wing   replied to  CB @7.1.4    5 years ago
He is explaining to them who he is everyday and one is left to wander if they believe him when he does!

Their confusion may be due to who they see is Donald Trump. But, his real name is Satan. As Trump has sold his soul to the Devil long ago. Now that he is President, he will do his best to destroy the human race. As Satan does not care about human lives. 

Professor Expert
7.1.8  CB  replied to  Raven Wing @7.1.7    5 years ago

Donald Trump hurts people. And Donald teaches others to hurt people. Moreover, when those he teaches to hurt people can't do it anymore, Donald gets rid of them. We can't hurt people for four more years.

Professor Principal
8  author  JohnRussell    5 years ago

I guess we should take the fact that no one on NT decided to defend Jesse Kelly's tweet as a positive sign. 

Professor Expert
8.1  CB  replied to  JohnRussell @8    5 years ago

The lack of renunciation speaks volumes. (It that thing they do when they dare not say: They hold their 'cannon fire!'

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @8.1    5 years ago

Their silence is often eloquent... 

Professor Quiet
9  bbl-1    5 years ago

The 'right wing' is NOT celebrating the death of two people.  Rather, the 'right wing' is celebrating the opportunities the event presented. 

Professor Expert
10  CB    5 years ago

There is an overnight death in Portland, Oregon. The city council and mayor and Governor need to get a handle on this city now! Cut this crap out before it explodes in everybody's faces! The mayor is addressing it now on MSNBC.

Professor Principal
11  Gsquared    5 years ago

Dude is gonna have to fight off hot conservative chicks with a bat.

1.  We know he is into punching girls: 

2.  Good luck to him fighting off the other inmates when he's their prison .....

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
12  Citizen Kane-473667    5 years ago

He was chased by a guy that was already threatening violence. That guy got shot.

he was chased by a crowd and attacked by a guy with a skateboard who struck him with it in the head/neck. That guy got shot.

He was kicked in the head by another attacker. He was NOT shot.

A third person was pointing a handgun at him. He got shot.

In EVERY incident he was attempting to flee, not engage anyone.

Everything is on video.

Clearest case of self defense I've ever seen.

Professor Guide
12.1  Dulay  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @12    5 years ago

Which is why he ran right up to the police and turned himself in. 

Oh wait...

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
12.1.1  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  Dulay @12.1    5 years ago
Which is why he ran right up to the police and turned himself in. 

He did run up to the police; also on video. Even Huffpo acknowledges this:

As bystanders cry out to police that people have been shot, Rittenhouse is seen walking toward officers with his hands raised in surrender. Police ignore him.
Professor Guide
12.1.2  Dulay  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @12.1.1    5 years ago

CK, why did you say 'He did run up to police' and then block quote that he 'walked toward police'? 

I can't tell if you're trying to insult my intelligence or your own.

Seriously, just stop. 

Professor Principal
12.2  Gsquared  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @12    5 years ago

Not a clear case of self-defense at all.  The circumstances of the first shooting remain unclear as of now.  He was then chased by a crowd that was trying to disarm him to prevent him from shooting someone else or commit a mass shooting.  Instead, he killed one of the Good Samaritans and shot another.

The right wing talking points don't hold up.


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