Conservative Rick Wilson: Trump Is "Sweaty and Terrified" After Story Claiming He Mocked Dead Troops
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 116 commentsBy: Darragh Roche (POLITICUSUSA)
Conservative Rick Wilson suggested on Friday that the Trump White House is in a panic following a story claiming the President mocked dead U.S. soldiers and refused to visit a military cemetery.
Wilson, a former Republican political strategist opposed to Trump, shared a tweet from the President defending himself against a charge that he didn't want to grant the late Senator John McCain a state funeral.
"This, in Trump-speak, is a full confession of guilt. He's sweaty and terrified right now," Wilson wrote.
This, in Trump-speak, is a full confession of guilt. He's sweaty and terrified right now.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 4, 2020
According to a blockbuster report in The Atlantic, Trump didn't want to honor McCain, a veteran and Republican grandee, saying "We're not going to support that loser's funeral."
When Trump saw flags flying at half-mast for McCain, he reportedly said: "What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser."
Wilson also seemed to address the overnight scramble from pro-Trump figures and media to deny the report, though it has been partly corroborated by other outlets.
"Gosh, it's almost like the White House and Trump campaign spent late last night losing their shit and getting all his media bootlicks engaged in a furious pushback this morning," Wilson said.
"Because they MAD."
"This shit is all hands on deck for the WH/Trump campaign right now. Blood is in the water," he said.
Darragh Roche is a journalist covering U.S. politics and media
Trump showed his real self and people are repulsed!
According to a blockbuster report in The Atlantic, Trump didn't want to honor McCain, a veteran and Republican grandee, saying "We're not going to support that loser's funeral."
When Trump saw flags flying at half-mast for McCain, he reportedly said: "What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser."
This work of fiction sounds a lot like the other fake news. I'm sure there will be more faux "blockbluster" bullshit offered in the next few weeks.
I can't help that Trump is imploding over this!
The mountain of evidence is too big to deny...
Trump blew up when he saw flags at half-staff for John McCain’s funeral — and called him a ‘loser’: report
Published 21 hours ago on September 3, 2020 By Matthew Chapman
On Thursday, The Atlantic reported that President Donald Trump lost his temper when he noticed that flags had been lowered to half-mast out of respect for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as he was being laid to rest — and demanded to know why the government was honoring a “f*cking loser. ”
Oops, there it is! Some Trump enablers need to stop lying for this lying, cheating, stealing president!
JBB , my friend, we need to see pieces of significance you post in order for it to be impactful. Some simply won't click on links in a timely manner. Good hand off!
No one believed Nixon was a "potty mouth" until the tapes were released...
One of the trumpturd supporters called it 'jumping out of his skin'.
Another example of this Presidents contempt for the Military, a free press, the Consultation, Oh hell, even a properly functioning Democracy.
The Pentagon has ordered Stars and Stripes to shut down for no good reason
What the hell?
Saluting can be fun. When I was MOS training at Ft Sam there was also training for new officers. If you are a group, one soldier can be designated to salute for that group. One day we saw a raw 2 Lt head for us on a 10 speed carrying a briefcase. We spread out so that we all had to salute. The LT didn't know that he could have just maintained his salute until he passed us. He tried to return every salute and ended up falling in the bushes.
Part of my pre-Nam training was at the language school at Monterey. (Yeah... war is hell.)
I was a newbie LT; most of the students were enlisted. (Interesting word, that... when almost all of them were drafted.)
They systematically spread out on the sidewalk, to make me return a zillion salutes. I learned the "single salute" rule pretty quickly.
Seeing that my training and the new officer's training were in the same complex, one day my instructor decided to have a little fun with the permission of the other instructor. Ten of us stormed the classroom feigning anger and we got quite vocal. I have never seen so many deer in the headlights looks in my life. Another saluting rule most new officers don't know that is if the officer's arms are full, they don't have to return the salute. I am glad you said Monterey because I would feel really bad if you were the officer who fell into the bushes.
We did that at my tech school training at Brooks AFB. There were a bunch of newby LTs getting training in something and all my classmates did the same thing you did.
Gosh that was fun!
NOT for the LT....
It was the most fun I had since attending classes there.
You got over it....and I'm sure he did, too. LOL!
I thought Fort Sam was a pretty nice place. Mr Giggles went there for an operation and we stayed in some really nice quarters
Actually... going to the Army Language School at Monterey was not the toughest assignment I had in my short military career. Apartment just above Fisherman's Wharf...
I had a friend who went to the same school because she went from Military Public Health to being a translator.
Typical Army... I learned some Vietnamese, and then when I arrived on my hilltop west of Tam Ky... I was immediately assigned a translator.
Tuan spoke English way better than I spoke Vietnamese, so...
Trump has many reasons to be afraid and sweaty.
1. He wears a girdle.
2. His financials will reveal he is 'broke arse' and has been on the float for over two decades---mainly propped by foreign money whose sources are questionable.
3. When losing the 'protections' of his office and position, himself personally and his businesses will be greeted by an avalanche of lawsuits, subpoenas and external threats.
4. The man will truly be naked. His life will become the most transparent in history.
I personally wish him luck in these adverse conditions although he deserves nothing and will receive even less. The friends he believes he has will vanish as they seek their own legal and personal protections.
I don't wish him luck. I'm not that magnanimous, especially for someone who has caused as much damage as he has. My wish is that he faces justice as appropriate and that history accurately records his many transgressions.
Me either. He does not deserve it.
Luck has many angles. Many of them not angelic.
I so do not need that visual. Pass the eye bleach please.
"Don't need the visual?" Why? Afraid to see the MAGA Man in his 'perfect glory'?
Wonder how Melania and Ivanka handles it?
She sleeps with Prince Valium. (Beetlejuice).
A fat sweaty fat man with moobs is not my idea of perfection. But that's me.
I doubt it's Melania's either, but, she loves the money and supreme fame she has being married to him. But, that may all go away one he leaves the WH, and so will she.
One can totally question anything The Atlantic says now.
what a bunch of sore losers they are.
Are you lost Xx?
Your post has NOTHING to do with this seed so why are you posting your off topic crap here?