Trump Called Evangelical Christianity 'Bullshit,' Privately Mocked Evangelicals As Gullible: Michael Cohen
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 63 commentsBy: The Washington Post (The Gaily Grind)

President Trump's longtime lawyer and personal fixer, Michael Cohen, alleges in a new book that Trump privately mocked Evangelicals and called Christianity "bullshit."
In the book, "Disloyal: A Memoir," which was obtained by The Washington Post ahead of its Tuesday publication date, Cohen writes that before winning the presidency, Trump held a meeting at Trump Tower with prominent evangelical leaders, where they laid their hands on him in prayer.
Afterward, Trump allegedly said: "Can you believe that bulls-t? Can you believe people believe that bulls-t?"
"The cosmic joke was that Trump convinced a vast swathe of working-class white folks in the Midwest that he cared about their well-being," Cohen writes. "The truth was that he couldn't care less."
Cohen also depicts Trump as being crude toward women, including inadvertently commenting on Cohen's then-15-year-old daughter as she finished up a tennis lesson: "Look at that piece of a-," Trump said, according to Cohen. "I would love some of that."
He also describes a tawdry 2013 visit to a Las Vegas club, the Act, with Trump and Aras and Emin Agalarov — a Russian father-and-son oligarch duo. Cohen asserts that the group watched a debauched strip show that included one performer who simulated urinating on another performer, who pretended to drink it.
Trump's reaction to the show, Cohen writes, was "disbelief and delight."
Read the rest of the report by The Washington Post, here.

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Trump doesn't give a hoot about Christ or his teaching. He just wants Christian votes!
Ya think?
Trump's spiritual advisor is a con woman pastor named Paula White. (She is the one in red in the picture you posted.)
LOL, Trump actually has a spiritual advisor?! The only thing more absurd would be if I had a spiritual advisor.
She dupes people into sending her something like 200 dollars so they can receive from her a prayer cloth worth about 20 cents.
Wish I had come up with the con first...
You would have had to been born 200K years BCE and born with a lack of moral fiber.
Were I a time traveler, I'd have nipped that shit in the bud.
Neither do I. I quit having imaginary friends when I was 3 or 4.
Then why does the Trump abuse God's Name?
We grew up, but a large chunk of his base haven't, and they may not take too kindly to him shit talking Gandalf. Er Hogwarts, sorry Peter Pan. Eh, whatever in the fuck it is evengelicals believe.
It took me to when I was about 10 before I started questioning religion.
took a few close deaths that made me start wondering if there was a god.
Then I started wondering that if there was a god, would I worship it?
After awhile I was a non believer.
Studied some oriental disciplines for a few years trying to find meaning.
Ended up as a fighter rather than an enlightened philosopher.
It took me a cursory look through the bible. The contradictions, death, destruction and punishments really made me see that this is not something to be worshiped. Then I realized that many of the followers want others to fear their god and that it's "all forgiving". Yeah, no.
Michael Cohen? That's the source? Am I supposed to take him seriously?
The witnesses to Trump's degeneracy are Legion...
Who do we believe? Trump or everyone else there?
I still think it is funny that Trump supporters have a hard time believing that Trump is a total piece of shit despite quite literally EVERYTHING telling them otherwise.
Many of them do seem to believe in fairy tales. So that should come as no surprise, as they'll believe anything which suits their own narrative or emotional comfort.
That's rich coming from a group of people who have supported failed hoax after failed hoax.
I've heard many hoax claims and conspiracy theories. You'll have to be more specific.
Trump will be charged with many felonies both state and federal the second he is no longer president.
Trump would have been much better off not running for office. He is totally screwed.
His crimes will be studied in political science classes for years to come.
Lets start with "obstruction".
I've heard the left make that claim for 4 years now. But not a single one can provide irrefutable proof. At best they've provided a link to some blogger like CNN and MSNBC.
So what's YOUR irrefutable proof.
What about it?
Do you take Trump seriously? If that answer is yes then you really have to believe everything you ever hear.
More seriously than I take Cohen.
Or Biden
So everybody who has ever worked for Trump tells the same truth of Trump being an insane, idiotic, childish, foul mouthed, juvenile dictator.
Equally important is the article's website. The Gaily Grind is a left-wing anti-Trump publication, and its home page articles provide plenty of proof.
That makes it even more laughable.
This is hilarious. Someone flagged your comment. I guess criticism of a far left outlet triggers the hell out of some folks. Of course, the one that flagged it won't fess up to why they thought is was so offensive.
So are you saying that the current POTUS doesn't lie many times a day and doesn't do and say any idiotic/stupid/fascist/ things every day?
Pretty sure Americans would be much, much better off with the covid pandemic if Trump hadn't been in charge.
Really? I never see a flag next to my comments so I never know if my comments are flagged or who does it. Oh well.
Cohen, wrote a book to sooth TDS suffers nerves. He needs the money to pay for past and future legal bills.
Of course TDS sufferers are willing to spend money on a book by a confirmed liar and criminal that confirms every last one of their fears about Trump.
A fool and their money, as the saying goes.
Oh and they are eating it up.
There have now been many tell-all Trump books written by folk who were close to him.
Are you saying that all of these close advisers are lying about the Donald's insanity?
Like Cohens? LMAO.
I am shocked, absolutely shocked. For once Donald Trump said something I completely agree with. I mean, I know nothing is impossible and weird shit does happen, but this is on a different level.
It was Nancy Reagan who irst coined the term, "Rightwing Nut Jobs" to describe the evangelical fundamentalists in the gop who she and Ronald Reagan privately and personally could not stand.
That's only according to Opposition Report which, according to MBFC, has an extreme left bias.
Reference here and here .
For real though, who actually can stand evangelicals?
Everyone in the USA - citizens, legal immigrants, and even illegal aliens - have a constitutional right to (peaceful) religious freedom in the USA, whether we agree or disagree with their beliefs.
For real.
Not what I asked.
It should have been very obvious that I cannot answer the broad generalization you asked in comment 3.1.2 .
Fine, simplified, do YOU take evangelicals seriously?
Why would anyone take evangelicals seriously? The BS they sometimes spew is beyond stupid! It's downright irrational too!
We can ignore Evangelicals.
The left\'s Brown Shirts rioting, looting, killing, and committing arson in major Democratic bastion of stupidity cities, not so much.
I do. Simply because they are Americans.
I take most liberals serious too, but for a different reason...the damage they have inflicted and will inflict on this country if they take the White House.
Yeah... you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
It's not sweeping if its true and it is.
Guess what? The evangelicals will vote for atheist Trump no matter how much he insults them.
Lol Trump is such an atheist that atheists don't even want him. He is such a piece of shit that even the godless say "nah". And yet those who claim to be the most diehard adherents of Christ (a loser in Trump's book) suck the most godless cock in human history with enthusiasm
Trump is such a germaphobe, he probably had that suit burned because people touched it.
Trump's proclivity to make off-the-cuff derogatory quips is, yet again, his worst enemy when it comes to defending against allegations like these. Here we have another allegation that, if true, would likely not surprise anyone (who is being honest).
What's perhaps worse is that many people probably would not care if true. Or if any derogatory statements are made at all. There used to be a time where such statements would land one in political hot water. Nowadays, many people seem to ignore it or give it a pass.
I wonder though what goes through the mind of a Christian who intends to vote for someone (Trump) who is (if this is true) pretending to be devout but is in reality mocking his religious supporters.
On the assumption 'the mind' is a functioning organ.
You left an opening for me. But I'll take the high road on this one, Lol
I think that's more a matter of intelligence, or lack thereof.
Trump has made hundreds of untrue statements that no other president could have survived.
Time for dems to grow a pair!
Wait just a cotton picking minute here. IF this article is true---then this is irrefutable proof that the Trump does not lie?
The problem being that Trump can't open his mouth without lying. This is documented.
Calling them bs is one thing, but still kissing up to them to get their support is another. It reeks of hypocrisy.
All the grifting evangelicals went all in for the King of Grifters. They deserve each other.
Well, if some old man said my 15 year old daughter was a nice piece of ass, he would be wearing dentures for the rest of his life if he already wasn't. And if he was...he would need to have his jaw wired.