Rank-And-File Republicans Reel Off Very Long List Of Reasons They Can't Vote For Trump | HuffPost

Conservatives have 113 reasons for dumping Trump in Republican Voters Against Trump's new video. By Lee Moran09/11/2020 08:37 AM ET
These rank-and-file Republicans are well and truly done with President Donald Trump.
The group of conservatives list 113 damning reasons for not backing Trump over Democratic nominee Joe Biden this November in an 11-minute video that the Republican Voters Against Trump group released Thursday.
Their rationales range from the president's racist, sexist, Islamaphobic and divisive rhetoric to his alienation of U.S. allies, attacks on the military and cozy relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump's catastrophic mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic is also a key explanation.
Given its length, the entire video is unlikely to appear on TV. It's unclear whether such political ads, which sometimes go viral on social media and receive millions of views, actually influence swing voters.
Republican Voters Against Trump is part of conservative commentator Bill Kristol's anti-Trump Defending Democracy Together advocacy organization and just one of a slew of groups on the right seeking to oust Trump from office.

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Republicans are lining up to vote Democratic Nov 3...
Is their goal to influence swing voters or other Republicans?
I would think that their goal is to influence every persuadable voter.
in order to actually to be of any influence , the opinions expressed would have to actually matter to those being influenced .
I find it hard to believe that you couldn't find at least one opinion express in that video that mattered to you.
you can believe whatever you want .
their opinions dont matter to me because they dont matter to me . i am not a follower of their political ideology.
much like your opinion , it doesnt matter to me either. so you have no influence.
see how that works ?
Wow. That's a hell of a lot of Americans that don't matter to you Mark. I hope that you expect the same level of consideration from them in return.
Yes, I see how that works, do you?
In other words facts dont matter to you. Many of the 113 reasons to not vote for Trump are entirely fact based. Trump supporters dont care that there are over 100 good reasons to vote him out. Normally that would be a daunting number to overcome, but Trumpsters only care that this fool stay in office, they dont care about facts.
It is really quite a damnation of a large part of this country that they have no standards of honor or decency which they require their candidate to live up to.
John i pretty much already had all my picks for who i was voting for already made before labor day , from the local races , to the state legislature , to who i will be voting to send to DC as a house and senate representative ( hint , they are both women), , as for the presidential race , this will be the 11th one i have participated in , of the 10 past races , 5 people i voted for won , 5 did not .
As for the current 2 candidates , i definitely have already decided whom i can and will not vote for using as we discussed 4 years ago, my own personal set of criteria , no one elses , nor whatever they wish to try to use as influence .
4 years ago i didnt vote for hillary , nor did i vote for trump.
guess we will all have to wait and see wont we? hell i might vote for pedro this time round. in any event its no one business but my own how or whom i choose to vote for .
and if you dont like it , guess what? i dont care because your opinion after 10+ years now of knowing you , doesnt matter to me
you are of course welcome to believe what you want.
Opinions which don't matter to you because the individual person that holds it doesn't matter to you. Ya, I got that from you original reply.
I chose neither. I chose to highlight the animus it illustrates.
because you cannot deny my right to disregard that which i choose to , so you have no power over my choices , thats the animus illustrated, me making my own choices on whats important to ... ( wait for it)... ME ,
Actually I agree with you.
At this point in time the donald supporters are not going to change their mind and the ones looking at any opposition to him are not going to change their minds.
So that only leaves me with just SMH at some, locked in choices...
Imo no political bend should give someone cart blanche to bend and twist every norm.
I havent locked IN any choice on the presidential ballot , I HAVE locked out the dem candidates as untenable thus not being able to vote for that ticket for my own reasons .
I have voted 3rd party for the last 3 presidential ballots ,possability is still there i will do it this time as well even knowing they wont win..
I can only say, anyone that thinks Biden is untenable, then can even contemplate donald as being so...
Night and day.
Actually no Mark. You have every right to make choices based on inherent animus and I have no desire to deny you that or any right.
Calling out your motivation denies you NOTHING.
I can see how one could see it as that , especially if it were strictly only 2 people running for the same office , and i do see there are a lot of people that think that certainly is the case . it isnt, not to me.
such as the 16 race , both candidates offered were as i used the word untenable to me for different reasons, both different as night and day, just because one became unvotable to me did not automatically make the other one the beneficiary and guarenteed to get my vote
one could say because i didnt vote for one of the 2 actual runners in the race(one of the ones that would actually win) the other gained an advantage , my question would have to be so who won the advantage if i didnt vote for either of the?
I have made no secret that i have for a long time thought when it has come to candidates for office , most particularly the office of president , this country has pretty much been scraping the bottom of the barrel in every direction. and i feel that the way i vote reflects to others those thoughts others can disagree, it is only after all just an opinion..
i dont think i show any more animus , than can be seen from any other member of the site on an hourly basis. thing is only one person has ever in my entire time here ever stopped and asked how i have ever come to conclusions on different subjects , most just as is common just assume they have it all figured out.
Motivation . again , unless one asks , and no one has really , is usually based on assumption and their own preconceived notions.
but whatever floats ones boat , so they feel better .
That is one of the most hypocritical comments that I have ever read on this forum.
You herald your right to disregard that which YOU choose to, while decrying that other members have disregarded that which THEY choose to.
I hope it doesn't surprise you that I really have no interest in what motivated you to decide that the vast majority of people don't matter to you.
You're not coming to a conclusion about 'different subjects', you're coming to conclusions about PEOPLE based on whether they agree with you or not. It's also hypocritical that you decry making conclusions based on assumption and preconceived notions after doing so yourself.
you have a mirror handy? if so look in it and say hello to the guilty party of the accusation. your doing the same thing
you just came to the same conclusion , for the same reasons , making a personal judgement
i can at least admit it . you fail to recognize it in yourself because i think ( my opinion), it would not fit how you view , yourself .
I CAN seperate , a subject from the person its discussed with my conclusion of the subject be it agreeable or not is not dependent on getting people to agree with me , my treatment of the person the subject is discussed with is entirely dependent on them and the attitude they present , with that i bid you adue.
You've expressed and defended your baseless animus Mark. That is plenty of personal information for me to come to an informed conclusion.
That's false Mark.
Your animus [conclusion] is NOT based on anyone's actual expressed OPINION but on your preconceived notions of whether they agree your ideology.
My conclusion is based on your actual expressed OPINION [animus] of those that do not agree with you.
Your inherent animus is the issue and I find it quite simple to make a personal judgement about that.
Nope. Save your projection.
People matter to me whether I agree with them or not and I disregard NO ONE.
then it should please you to know i turned down a moderating position yesterday .
... from which alt-right forum?
here on NT
Then in which alt right group?
I have just as many reasons why I could never vote for Biden.
There are more Democrats for Trump than there are republicans for biden.
That comment is undoubtedly false.
thats pretty sketchy
so one is to believe this seed by reps , but not believe and also consider that there is likely also some non partisan dems in the fold that are not as far left as the rest of the party , that cant vote for the party candidate , and for trump?
so whats this walk away thing ive been reading about ?
what would be debatable is the numbers I would think , and we wont find those out until the exit polls on election eve.
Any Dem that would vote for donald, might as well hand in their card now...
you mean like joe lieberman had to when he went against the party majority opinion ?
thing is i dont think it bothers people that do that , going against the party majority opinion, very much.
There are more former Democrats for Trump than there are republicans for biden. The south is chock full of former Democrats. They've never changed their ideology, they're still stubborn conservative white Christians who revere and celebrate their confederate heritage, they just don't consider themselves conservative Democrats anymore. Now they consider themselves conservative Republicans and support the candidate that appeals to their xenophobia, homophobia and Islamophobia.
they keep forgetting 7 million obama voters voted for trump.
perhaps that is too painful for them to think about.... LOL
but actually there are no democrats for trump.... they simply walk away from the dnc daily
they have abandoned the democrat party for good
It's fine and I even agree with some of it. But every election is a binary choice and it's not enough to say things that are wrong with one candidate declare that the ultimate decision is obvious. You also have to acknowledge the things that are right and wrong with both candidates and weigh them against each other.
Uh huh. How bad is one when one says they have to weigh all the bad...
I think they're probably just human. People seem to imagine that candidates should be some storybook version of George Washington. "Father, I cannot tell a lie!" That's just not going to happen.
And we're never going to have a candidate we agree with on all issues or who talks or behaves the way we would 100% of the time. Every candidate is just chock full of negatives. We have to figure out which set of negatives we're willing to live with.
Biden is a centrist Democrat and always has been. The idea that he has "faults" equal to Trump , the human version of the Mt Everest of faults, is absurd.
Keep going john, credit card companies appreciate your unbridled support of their legislative champion. but they are worried because as obama said, don’t underestimate hiden biden’s ability to fuck things up.
that spent 47yrs selling our country out supporting china and shit trade deals like nafta.
but now ol joe has it all figured out huh? too funny
Would you acknowledge that he has faults at all? Have you looked at his earlier attempts to be president? I'm not talking about 2008. I mean 1988. He was exposed way back then as a pathological liar. I see no reason to think he's a different person.
In those days, the media was actually bothered by it. Now, it's like it never happened.
John, Biden has been in some sort of elected government office for close to 50 years. What has he done to make this country a better place? What is it he could do in the future that he could very well had done somewhere in the last 50 years, and why did he not do any of it?
Why dont you write an article about Biden if he bothers you. This article is about 113 reasons Republicans gave for not voting for trump.
Where did I say he bothered me. In contrary, he is the best thing that has happened to Republicans this election season. No other democratic candidate has given the republican the most African American and Hispanic vote like Biden has given Trump.
"rank and file conservatives" don't give a rats ass about what RHINO's ( neoconservatives ) think, say or do.
huffington post... LOL