From harboring hitchhiking bacteria to tracking in toxins, heres why you may want to leave your kicks at the door.
Shoes are great. Weve been wearing them for 40,000 years and needless to say, theyve served us well. The first forms of protective footwear evolved from simple efforts to keep our trotters insulated from snow and cold and given that we dont live on a planet lined with smooth, silky grass and other assorted soothing surfaces, shoes are a basic comfort for many of us.
But do we need to wear them inside? Many cultures think not, yet in the United States and other countries, oftentimes the shoes come inside attached to the feet of their wearer. Some households have a no-shoes policy, which can be met with scorn from the unshod-shy. But there are plenty of reasons why it might be a good idea to leave the loafers off when you come indoors. Consider the following:
1. Bacteria
Well just go straight for the blech factor here: Your shoes pick up sneaky bacteria which are then spread about your home when you wear shoes inside. A study from the University of Arizona collected germs and microbes on footwear. The researchers found 421,000 units of bacteria on the outside of the shoe, including E. coli, meningitis and diarrheal disease; Klebsiella pneumonia, a common source for wound and bloodstream infections as well as pneumonia; and Serratia ficaria, a rare cause of infections in the respiratory tract and wounds, reports Reuters . Granted the study was co-sponsored by The Rockport Company, but even so, it definitely brings the point home.
2. Toxins
An EPA study , reported in Environmental Science & Technology provided the first proof that unhealthy herbicides can be tracked into residences on shoes. The researchers found that the herbicide 2,4-D could be easily imported inside via shoes for up to a week after application. And not only that, but the track-in exposures of these chemicals may exceed those from residues on non-organic fresh fruits and vegetables. The study didnt expound on the health threat of the specific herbicide, however the studys lead author, Dr. Robert G. Lewis, said the potential exists. Exposure to 2,4-D can cause immediate and relatively minor problems like skin rashes and gastrointestinal upsets; long-term health effects of the herbicide are unknown, the EPA said.
Another study showed that 98 percent of lead dust found in homes is tracked in from outside as well. Lead, bad.
3. Dirt
Bacteria and toxins aside, shoes also just bring in a lot of plain old dirt and grime. This means more cleaning, which means: A) more cleaning! and B) more cleaning products. Why would you want to spend more time cleaning and using cleaning products when simply not wearing shoes inside can alleviate much of the need?
4. Wear and tear
More dirt and grit on hard floors means more wear on their surface; more dirt and muck on carpets means more cleaning and scrubbing. All of this mechanical action on your flooring means more wear and tear, meaning the sooner youll need to replace said floor coverings. Kicking off your shoes means spending less money on your floor and ultimately, less flooring in the landfill. Also, although the wear and tear on shoes themselves is relatively minimal when inside, it's still wear and tear.
5. Neighbors
For urban dwellers stacked upon each other in apartment buildings, why must you torture the downstairs tenants with the clop-clop-clop of your shoes? Not wearing shoes inside makes for happy neighbors.
6. Comfort and health
Unless you have a health issue in which the support of shoes alleviates pain, no matter how comfortable your shoes are, your feet are likely happier outside of them. Liberating your paws from the shoes that bind allows you to wiggle your toes and get some life back into your feet. And emotionally, removing your shoes can signal the transition from the big outside to the relaxing haven of your home.
Plus, the opportunity to be barefoot is just good for your feet. Studies have shown that children who habitually go without shoes have fewer cases of flat feet, as well as having stronger feet with better flexibility and fewer podiatric deformities. Allowing your foot muscles to do their thing helps them stay strong and flexible.
We know there will always be people who dont want to see others feet as well as those who will forever shun the shoeless way. Where do you stand when it comes to wearing shoes inside?
I always take my shoes off when I'minside.
I didn't see "Because My Wife Said So!" which is the most important reason in our house
ROFLOL That's said a lot in my house, but I will never ask guests to remove their shoes.
We don't ask that of guests either, but we have a combination hall tree/bench in the entranceway off the kitchen where most everyone enters and that is where we keep our "outside" shoes and we have found that most folks see it and remove their shoes.
Either way, visitors are always welcome
I have been into houses where there are signsrequesting that shoes be removed ,I always do anyway, It's their home, and they have the right to ask that of guests, that's fine, I just choose not to ask that of my guests.
Maybe that is why I have never had smelly feet.
Gunny, Maybe we are the original barefoot kids. I hate shoes, always have. Shoes are left on a rack outside the house and we run around in our socks. Socks are good. The bottom of my feet have been cut up and bleeding since I was a kid - mom was always digging splinters or glass out of my little kid feet. I'd rather bleed than wear shoes.
Nona, Those shoes in the photo are exactly like my shoes - I think those are "Vans" brand shoes. You been in my house? You could have at least said "hello" and given me a hug. Or, three or four.
If I lived in a climate that permitted, I would never own a pair of shoes for the rest of my life. I grew up wearing shoes to school and church. I don't think I wore a pair of shoes except Sunday from the last school bell until I started back in the fall. I've even run across and actually stepped on snakes while running barefoot. It felt like an electric fence without the shock of course and thankfully I was never bitten. We have a lot of water moccasins down here and rattlesnakes.
Unfortunately I'm forced to wear shoes these days most of the time and the bottom of my feet have become as soft as a baby's butt.
Nona, Those shoes in the photo are exactly like my shoes - I think those are "Vans" brand shoes. You been in my house? You could have at least said "hello" and given me a hug. Or, three or four. lol...Next time!
Six.....I've even run across and actually stepped on snakes while running barefoot.
A snake??? EEEKKK!!
Living in the 'burbs all of my life may have something to do with me notliking to go barefoot.
I don't wears shoes in my house because right by the door I keep the softest, most comfy, fuzzy on the inside house slippers I could find. And yes I would remove my shoes if I came to your house.
dd...Around the house I just wear socks..warm and comfy!
It's customary in China to provide slippers of various sizes at the door so visitors, and residents of course, can remove their shoes and put on slippers. When I come into my apartment, I always put on my moccasins. They're very comfortable, and also keep my feet warm.
While I certainly find this to be true, and good advice, please allow me to make a case for not only wearing your shoes inside, but keeping them on, except when in bed or in the bathtub. Of course, if you don't have pets, you don't really worry about all of these. However, these are all things I've stepped in or on, in the dark, without my glasses:
#1 The occasional accident:
#2 The hair ball
#3 The upset stomach
#4 The dead mouse
#5 The invasion from outside
#6 Household breakage
#7 Miscellaneous
Dowser....after seeing the possible things that one could step on, I'm considering investing in some Combat Boots!!
speaking of shoes/boots, ...Its been said that back in the day, the old western days of yester years. The cowboy's would be out on the trail months at a time, all dirty and dusty when they came to a town.
So when the cowboy would come to a town they would go to the neaest creek or river to get cleaned up. Upon approching the water they would get into their birthday suits (get nekkid for you young kids) and they would yell out Booty, Booty, to let anyone know that all they had on were their boots. and thats how they say the phrase Booty Call came about. and now you know, ...and on a side note, they kept their boots on to protect their feet from rattlesnakes,....
No joke-- I get out of bed and put shoes on... Right before I get back in, I take them off. House slippers, as a rule, but also real shoes...
We have 3 dogs. That's 12 feet to be cleaned, at least 4 times a day. Plus, we have 3 cats, who go and scratch in the pooh box. There's not much I can do about a lot of it.
But, I do think this is good advice!
It is definitely good advice, under these unavoidablecircumstances.
"Cold desert nights?? How cold does it get in the evening?
I would say it could really be beneficial in the high jump. It's the next best thing to flying. It's touch and go.
Nona, you definitely want Dowser to take her shoes off if she visits you.
No offense Dowser only kidding.
Years ago I moved into a house to rent. It was clean and nice, but it had mice. I was catching 2 mice a day for a week or more. One day I looked down while standing beside the refrigerator and there was a little fellow looking up at me. I grabbed a napkin and took him outside and away from the house. In about an hour I looked over by the door and it looked like the same little fellow was standing by the door I had carried him out. At first I thought, "How in the hell did you get back in here"? I did the same for him, but I carried him a lot farther away from the house. Later I realized I had removed their mother a day or two before. It wasn't quite so civil with her though.... I don't think I ever caught another mouse in that house after I carried the last little fellow out.
Now what I wouldn't want to see and never have is a rat. I think I would move out if I saw a rat. I saw a big spider one time and I moved every piece of furniture until I found that critter and put me out of my misery.
I've seen rats out in the country that were as big as a small cat.
It has been so long since I've actually been out in the woods like I use to do when I played in them all the time, the last time I saw a snake crossing my path, which was a very long black snake, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Yup...that's pretty chilly!
I saw a snake crossing my path, which was a very long black snake, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I can relate to that! I can't stand snakes or worms!! EEKK!!