CNN Reporter Complains About Trump Taking Mask Off; Trump Campaign Shows Her Taking Her Mask Off Inside WH
Category: News & Politics
Via: sparty-on • 5 years ago • 58 commentsBy: The Daily Wire

By Daily Wire News • Oct 6, 2020 •FacebookTwitterMailMANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins bemoaned President Donald Trump taking off his mask when he returned to the White House from Walter Reed Medical Center late on Monday only to have her past actions with masks called into question by the Trump campaign.
"Yeah and let us remind viewers now that the president is on steroids and a drug that fewer than 10 people outside of clinical trials have gotten inside the United States to deal with coronavirus," Collins said. "He had a level of treatment and a level of care that most Americans would not get. That's understandable, he is the president of the United States, obviously everyone expects that."
"But what the president is portraying by taking his mask off when he gets back to the Truman balcony to give this grand return to the White House, is that everything is fine and, as he said, don't let coronavirus control your life," Collins continued.
"But that is very much still a president who has coronavirus," Collins claimed. "Despite the lights and the flags and the staged entrance that the president wants to create, he still has coronavirus and he is only a few days into the diagnosis. And Erin today his doctor didn't reveal a lot of information as he hasn't for the past two days, but he did still say that he will not breathe a sigh of relief until Monday. That's a full week from today."
Collins then tweeted out the video clip with the following caption: "Only days into his diagnosis, the first thing President Trump does when he gets back to the White House is take his mask off."
Only days into his diagnosis, the first thing President Trump does when he gets back to the White House is take his mask off. — Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 5, 2020
The Trump campaign quickly hit back at Collins, highlighting a video clip from earlier this year where she immediately took her mask off inside the White House press briefing room — an enclosed indoor space where other people were present — after she apparently thought the cameras had been turned off following the end of a news conference.
The campaign tweeted: "CNN reporters like Kaitlin Collins obsess over masks when the cameras are on, but when they think they're off, off comes their masks!"
CNN reporters like Kaitlin Collins obsess over masks when the cameras are on, but when they think they're off, off comes their masks! — Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 5, 2020
Here is some of the other responses that Collins' tweet received:
Which is fine. No one is near him. — jon gabriel (@exjon) October 5, 2020
You can dislike how Trump has handled the covid messaging and still acknowledge that he isn't endangering anyone by standing 100 ft. from everyone else outside. — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 5, 2020
What would you like him to do? Start crying like a little bitch so you can report that he's …crying like a little bitch? He could have a hazmat suit on and you would report … he's a fucking lunatic in a hazmat suit. You hate him. Just report that. — Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) October 6, 2020
Is Kaitlyn literally shaking?? She trails only Acosta in the Desperation Olympics. #Thirsty — Dan Bongino (@dbongino) October 6, 2020
Are you truly this stupid? Do you see anyone else anywhere near him? Are you sleeping with your mask on? Wearing it alone in the bathroom? Are you showering with it? — Chris Barron (@ChrisRBarron) October 6, 2020
The closest human being to him is about 100 feet away.
Can you please stop pandering?
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) October 6, 2020
What are you? Like a mask nanny? Seriously. Stop. — Ned Ryun (@nedryun) October 6, 2020
Upon returning to the White House, Trump released a short video statement on his Twitter account where he encouraged people to be positive and optimistic about the future.
"I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it's really something very special — the doctors, the nurses, the first responders — and I learned so much about coronavirus" Trump said. "And one thing that's for certain, don't let it dominate you. Don't be afraid of it. You're gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines — all developed recently — and you're gonna beat it."
"We're the greatest country in the world," Trump continued. "We're going back, we're going back to work, we're gonna be out front. As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there's danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front; I led. Nobody that's a leader would not do what I did, and I know there's a risk, there's a danger, but that's okay. And now I'm better and maybe I'm immune, I don't know."
"But don't let it dominate your lives," Trump concluded. "Get out there, be careful. We have the best medicines in the world, and it all happened very shortly, and they're all getting approved, and the vaccines are coming momentarily. Thank you very much — and Walter Reed, what a group of people. Thank you very much."
This story has been updated to include additional information.

Another liberal telling you ..... do as i say, not as i do .....
She's another fucking liberal virtue signaling retarded bitch.
No Greg, tell us how you really feel ....
Which you can't afford, especially when Trump takes away your insurance.
Says Trump and absolutely nobody else.
President Donald Trump says COVID-19 vaccines are coming 'momentarily.' Scientists say they're not.
In recent days, HHS made important announcements about the fund’s use. After choosing not to create a COVID-19 special enrollment period (SEP) in the platform that serves 38 states, the Trump administration decided that a portion of the PHE Fund will “cover providers’ costs of delivering COVID-19 care for the uninsured .” The fund will pay such costs at Medicare rates, and providers may not bill uninsured patients for the balance.
The bolding above is mine to highlight
Oooo, a system announced in April, not set up until MAY and yet people are STILL getting bills for tens of thousands. The INSURER has to apply for that funding, NOT the patient. They may choose NOT to do so and bill the patient for the full cost. Great system Trump set up right?
So Ozz, any comment on the topic?
Kaitlan Collins?
Already did. You noticed that I included quotes from the article....right?
No you didn't.
Show me where you mention the reporter who is the topic of the seed.
Kirstie Alley is referenced in the article as well but she's not the topic either.
I think that depends on who the seeder is. I've seen some where almost anything goes so long as it can be somehow tied back to the article. And I've seen others that delete anything they don't want included in the conversation regardless of if it is in the article or even if they have mentioned it. So it goes both ways I guess.
What's Latin for "commenter beware" ?
I hear ya, i'm just trying to keep it on topic that's all.
And the topic IS Kaitlan Collins and what she did or didn't do.
I should know better by now though .....
The article is the topic of the seed, not cherry picked sentences within the article. If you just wanted comments on cherry picked sentences, you should not have included the entire article in your seed. Now you're stuck with having to defend the whole thing.
Nah, see post #2.2.5 .... apply, rinse and repeat as necessary but by all means, feel free to turn it into an unrelated, partisan shit show like is the norm here now.
That's what management wants, thats what management will get.
Like exactly what you are trying to do by disregarding most of the article?
Ozz, from this point forward you'll be arguing with yourself.
One last time, this article is about the reporter and what she did or didn't do. You have yet to even mention her name. So like i said, rock on with your wild self. I'm done caring what happens to my seeds. This place is now reaping what it has sown and i have enough cats to herd at work and at home to really care anymore what happens to this place.
Knock yourself out ......
The "article" is correct.
Don't have to, the "article" covers other items as well.
Hey you're the one seeding an article then admonishing people for pointing out some of the crap in the article.
"The Trump campaign quickly hit back at Collins, highlighting a video clip from earlier this year where she immediately took her mask off inside the White House press briefing room"
So dumb fucks can't see the difference between a reporter who has no symptoms and has not been diagnosed with Covid removing her mask months ago and the President who has been confirmed to have Covid along with half his staff defiantly taking off his mask to make a statement? Are they also not able to see the difference between the President who is supposed to be setting the example for the nation and lone reporter months ago perhaps being careless? These idiots should truly be ashamed of such a weak and lame attack on this reporter, but I'm not all that surprised since it's apparent Trump supporters simply have no shame left.
Wearing a mask while far away from others is something only insane liberals are likely to do.
CNN might not be happy with Trumps remarkable recovery.
How did plain jane Kaitlan say it: "Yeah and let us remind viewers now that the president is on steroids ..
That must really scare the shit out of liberals - Trump on steroids!
You are not most people.
You would have thought that at least Trump would have kept the mask on in public while he is contagious.
Only a moron would assume that the people needed to see him without a mask WHILE HE IS FUCKING CONTAGIOUS !
Bye Donny, your clown show is coming to an end.
So John, any comment on the topic?
Kaitlan Collins?
She should not have taken her mask off inside the press room at the White House.
It is not however comparable to a contagious president of the United States taking his mask off in public.
Lol ..... well .... at least you got halfway there.
Nice job!
He wasn't in one was anywhere near him
I'm pretty sure he was making a public appearance Greg.
Can you prove that Greg? Who was he talking to? Who was he posing for?
How far away were they? Who was filming the clips we saw of him posing and giving the thumbs up?
Who turned the lights up?
The networks and the cable news shows were showing it live, with presumably millions of people watching.
I posted the dictionary definition of "in public" in response to you, and it was deleted.
Good job Sparty, you have recreated the Soviet Union.
Lol .... dasvidaniya tovarich
CNN...the most unhappy people in the world.
A CNN reporter being a hypocrite? Say it ain't so
She always tries to ask the gotcha questions and then Trump makes her look like the idiot she is.
Then Kayleigh puts her in her place
All day, every day. She beats those dimwit reporters like rented mules.
Problem is, the reporters getting spanked are just too stupid to realize they are getting their asses handed to them. It's damn good entertainment watching biased reporters get bitch slapped regularly. Damn good entertainment.