Donald Trump Jr. "wants to stage an intervention" because he thinks his dad's "acting crazy": report
Brad Reed October 5, 2020, 12:39 PM
Donald Trump Jr. speaks during the first day of the Republican convention at the Mellon auditorium on August 24, 2020 in Washington, DC. OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images
President Donald Trump's hospital joyride and his manic Monday-morning tweets aren't just being panned by political pundits — they're also reportedly freaking out some in the president's own family.
According to Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman, the president's eldest son has been alarmed by his behavior over the past couple of days, in which he's been desperate to project strength while being hospitalized at Walter Reed Memorial Hostpital.
"Don Jr. has said he wants to stage an intervention, but Jared and Ivanka keep telling Trump how great he's doing," one source tells Sherman. "Don said, 'I'm not going to be the only one to tell him he's acting crazy.'"
However, even Jared and Ivanka reportedly agreed with Donald Jr. that the president's Monday morning all-caps tweet storms — which included messages such as "SPACE FORCE. VOTE!" — went way over the edge.
"They're all worried," said one source. "They've tried to get him to stop tweeting."
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I hear things are getting Ratched at the White House!
They need to have him committed.
The JCOS are quarantined, two more aides to Trump's spokesperson, two military aides, and the breaking news is that Stephen Miller has tested positive.
The last one to leave the White House please turn out the lights.
Steven Miller tested positive? Hard to believe the COVID would desire to dwell there.
I thought reptiles were immune.
But toads aren't (sorry toads).
... maybe an assistant undersecretary of something is still standing...
If Junior is just now seeing that his father is acting crazy he must have had blinders on for the past couple of years.
Any word on how his use of hydroxychloroquine is going?
Probably just another stage act.
Staging things are the only things the Trump Klan knows.
Wonder how Eric ( the toothy one ) did in his under oath testimony yesterday? He stage anything there?
I figured it was about time for a complete meltdown. It's been a long time coming.
My money is on the steroids. He'll calm down soon and be back to his regular level of wacky.
I'd bet on the steroids. The Roid Rage is winning!
The ever famous mysterious source. There seem to be millions of them, if not billions. Never named, never accountable, and always with damaging information to feed the ever rabid TDS sufferers.
These "sources" must come from the same place all of those ghost/specter far alt right agitators do that always turn BLM and Antifa protests violent.
The left must be living in an alternate reality at this point.
The left's reality is insurmountably ahead of Trump!
That is exactly what they should do and they should do it very soon because his health problems are the only way they can delay the obvious tax evasion suit coming. They can use his health as a way to delay the process. If he keeps going out there lying that he is the "perfect specimen", when he clearly is not, it will be harder to deal with the business tax issues they have.