Trump insults seniors 1 week after calling them 'my favorite people'
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 16 commentsBy: The American Independent

Trump insults my intelligence!

By Emily Singer - October 14, 2020 9:16 AM6753
Polls show Trump is losing seniors, and yet he still tweeted an offensive meme making fun of elderly nursing home residents.
Donald Trump on Tuesday night tweeted an offensive meme suggesting Democratic nominee Joe Biden should be in a nursing home — a continued effort to smear Biden as an old man in cognitive decline.
The meme amends Biden's campaign logo and changed it to "Biden for resident," with Biden's head photoshopped onto an elderly person in a wheelchair surrounded by other elderly people in wheelchairs.
Trump tweeted a meme making fun of Biden's age. Twitter screenshot
The Trump campaign's effort to baselessly accuse Biden of having dementia, which has gone on for months, has so far not helped him, with Trump losing to Biden by 10.5% nationally, according to the FiveThirtyEight average. That's a margin that would amount to a landslide defeat if it holds.
What's more, polls show Trump is losing senior voters — the most reliable voting bloc in the country.
Trump won the group according to 2016 exit polls, yet seniors have now turned away from him in the final days of the 2020 election, threatening to sink his bid in critical swing states like Arizona and Florida, where the voting bloc represent a large and critical chunk of the electorate. Trump is currently losing both of those states, according to polling averages, even though he needs them in his column if he has any path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to clinch a victory.
Trump has been trying in recent days to convince senior voters to change their mind and vote for him, promising senior voters free stuff — like coronavirus treatments and prescription drugs — even though he likely does not have the authority to do so unilaterally.
"We're taking care of our seniors. You're not vulnerable but they like to say you're vulnerable. You're the least vulnerable but for this one thing, you are vulnerable. So am I," Trump said in a groveling video posted to Twitter following his release from the hospital after catching the coronavirus. "So we're going to take care of our seniors — all free!"
But just days later, Trump is trampling on that message by posting the offensive meme making fun of seniors in nursing homes.
Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.
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If it wasn't for bad news Trump wouldn't be gettin any!
It is all self-inflicted.
And that is a fact that he will never, ever admit.
I am confident that he lives in his own reality where he is always the smartest person in the room (with the best words). In his perfect mental reality, he is never wrong.
Four years of incompetence is catching up...
If this is "Great" I do not want to see Act Two!
My friends and family who are educated life long rock solid fiscally conservative Big R Republicans are voting for Biden this time...
That is pretty amazing but understandable. What is more intriguing to me is why select individuals here are so solidly pro-Trump.
How can anyone top ''Covfefe''
I've been saying that for a while. If they have the mental capability to post comments on a social news site, one would think they have the common sense and intelligence to drop their undying love for that fool in the White House.
What is most interesting are the few who consider Trump to be one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) presidents of the US. The partisan blinders and utter sycophancy required for that is staggering.
Maybe there are certain aspects of their minds that are ultra-receptive of hypnosis, and they've been hypnotized. Actually I would compare the syndrome with teeny-boppers who are totally in love with some rock star.
Didn't Trump once say he loves the "poorly educated?"
That's because they are so easily misled, not having learned to think critically - IMO ALL Trump supporters fall into that category today - Pied Piper followers. If they just believed in conservative principles but were not Trump supporters, I could respect them, but I have lost respect for anyone who supports that animal.
Define 'gettin any'.
It has a whole different meaning followed by ?...